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Kazdra | Beast

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Everything posted by Kazdra | Beast

  1. -1, while it's a good idea and nice to have. Humans can't be trusted entirely, it's been abused a lot when it was allowed back then. Especially since you can make them invisible with a Material. Yes you can just change a plugin to prevent it from being materialized, however it still doesn't help that it was abused as a spy camera. Yes there are some plugins/addons/mods/assets that are different and can be used better than the Camera tool, however at the end of the day. Someone is going to find some way to abuse it.
  2. After about 6 hours of consideration and thinking it over, I don't entirely want to become staff, as shortly in the future I'll be very busy to the point I won't be able to dedicate time to the server. Entirely sorry about making a post like this then changing my mind within less than half a day.
  3. Description: Since the removal of Unbox a lot of weapons have currently been, unobtainable with current Players having them due to Inventory Pickup. I was thinking of changing around his arsenal a bit and add some variety. I was thinking you can/may keep the inventory the same if needed but to add the M9K Arsenal to the server through him, maybe even raise the level requirement to 16 to compensate for this matter. Lockpick & Keypad cracker are perfect when Hitmen/Assassins come asking for them, M9 Bayonet is good if anyone actually buys those anymore. Unarrest Stick & Frag Grenades (HL2 Grenade) are almost always bought by the Black Market Dealer so it's a win. But the guns are just not needed, like yes it's helpful that there's a 3rd person that sells guns, but if a Black Market Dealer does it, it should either be A) Cheaper making him more profitable or B) Have some more ordnance. I was thinking about adding the following to the Black Market Dealer with their cost(s) (Cost is subject to change per the owner/coders request as well as their damage buffs/nerfs; additionally any "Shipments" of these will just be the base cost x10): *Disclaimer: Prices are subject to change and these are just opinion based costs* RPG-7: $1,000,000 Rockets Ammo: $50,000 M79 GL (Single Fire Grenade Launcher): $500,000 40MM Grenades (For the Grenade Launcher): $25,000 Sticky Grenade: $30,000 (Double the cost of a Normal HL2 Grenade) Frag Grenade: : $7,500 (Half the cost of a Normal HL2 Grenade considering their damage is Inconsistent and tends to not kill a player who has 100 HP 24/7) Recommendations that don't have to be added but would add variety: Matador (Basically a reskin of the RPG-7): $1,000,000 EX-41 (Single Fire Grenade Launcher with a 3 Round clip that's reloaded one at a time): $750,000 Milkor (Semi-Automatic Grenade Launcher with a 6 Round clip that's reloaded one at a time): $3,000,000 M202 (Buff version of the Matador/RPG-7 considering it holds 4 shots before reload): $5,000,000 Nitro Glycerine (Contact based Explosive in a ceramic housing): $250,000 Nerve Gas (Lingering based canister in a glass housing): $500,000 Prox Mine (Prox short for Proximity, can be used for entry denial on a base giving it a couple different purposes): $250,000 Timed C4 (Time based explosive where the user can blow themselves up if set to 0 seconds; to change timer just right click): $500,000 IED Detonator (Small phone that throws out remote explosives that look like a small box, can be mistaken for a prop): $1,250,000 For shit's and giggles as a teaser: Davy Crockett: $1 Centillion (Nobody will ever get to this amount in GMod forever) Reasoning: I believe it's time for Black Market Dealer to get an Overhaul or Change considering barely anyone uses it as everyone hops over to Export or Import gun dealer for guns. Black market dealer sells weapons sure, but there all sold by Import/Export gun dealer as well. Especially considering their Inventory compared to Black Market Dealer's Inventory it's kind of Pathetic. Maybe up the level requirement and as well give it some more weapons. I'm planning on M9K Specialties since those are where all the big bangs will happen. Yes the Black Market Dealer is unique in how it does things however it doesn't go against say that things will change. Additional Information [Photos/Videos] [/Code]: Black Market Dealers Inventory Currently: (Current Level to become Black Market Dealers: Level 12 ) Export Gun Dealers Inventory Currently: (Current Level to become Export Gun Dealers: Level 8 ) Import Gun Dealers Inventory Currently: (Current Level to become Import Gun Dealers: Level 8 ) Current M9K Accessable on the server: Current M9K Ammunition on the server: Edit 1: Damn emojis made it so some text was appearing incorrectly shortly after posting.
  4. In-Game Name: Kazdra / Zver' (I go by both but usually Kazdra, Zver' is russian for Beast/Animal as remarks to my old Nickname from MRP) Age: 21 Warns: 0 Timezone: EST Playtime?: | Kazdra has played for 542:04:42. Do you have access to Team Speak and a microphone?: Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod Videos?: Yes Referral(s): N/A Past Experiences as Staff: Was a staff member with Garnet as a MRP Administrator and DarkRP Moderator. Why should we choose you over other applicants?: I'm mostly a ghost right now so if this doesn't get accepted I'll be fine with that. I mostly come on and linger around with nothing much to do. Right now I'm spending about 2-3 times a week on the server, however I can dedicate more time if I become staff as it would give me means of coming onto the server more often. I also additionally tend to come on around noon or night. I'll be able to help with whatever problems are currently being generated/proceeded and help with these as I tend to fight arguments with cool headed logic. I will also be recording and can handle even more things for Garry's Mod now that I have 32 GB of memory (Previously when I was staff on Both servers I would have 8 GB (4 GB back on MRP until near the end of my term). However regardless this is a topic to show how I can be more accepted, yes I don't have many people that know me and I might not be familiar with the community due to my lack of interaction. However I am very familiar with how staffing works and D3A considering if I had made a 3rd application I would be familiar with the rules. I don't entirely like Team Speak though as most of the time I get dragged and dropped places randomly when I either A) Want to be left alone and just play on the server or B) When I get spammed on Team Speak consistently by others for 0 reason. However that's likely to change due to previous & current interactions. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, include details: I have never been banned nor warned on Garnet & any other server. Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: This would be my 3rd application to staff on Garnet Gaming, 2nd time on DarkRP specifically. MRP was kind of old so I don't remember entirely when exactly as the forums no longer exists for me to bring that up, my previous staff application can no longer be found sadly (I tried searching for it, no luck). How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I can spend my free time hopping on and off the server, I will get my sits done and you can trust me as I will always have OBS recording up and running whenever I join the server. If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: Currently a part of a Basketball & Soccer team as well as hosting my own D&D group on Saturdays with going to a D&D group on Thursdays (Thursdays are currently Not Applicable currently due to ongoing pandemic in the USA) Did you read the staff rules?: {GG} Kazdra (Technically my Steam Profile right now is Zver' so {GG} Zver')
  5. +1, hitman/assassin should have a command to cancel the hit like !hitcancel or something along the lines of that. I've just been typing "kill" in console whenever I get a hit that's not achievable.
  6. +1, I think Black Market dealer kind of needs an overhaul ngl now that I'm thinking about it.
  7. M3 Benelli Super 90, fires 12 or 20 gauge shotgun shells. Hoping to get either 000 Buckshot or Flechette rounds for it. I prefer shotguns over Assault Rifles because in real life, I can shoot you from 164 feet away. (Almost 55 yards! And I can shoot even farther if I use slugs.) Or if I can't get this I'd rather get the M1014 (M4 Benelli Super 90) Note: They do look like the same gun which kind of aggravates me but there are key differences.
  8. Isn't it fun when you record for 30 hours straight all for it to end up corrupted?  That's what just happened to me with SWRP...

  9. -1, removing the Stun Stick does help remove Stun Stick Abuse but RP wise there's nothing else atm we have to replace it. It's useful for the cops to use when pushing prisoners who won't listen or when giving a warning to someone to stop and they don't do something. Note: The stun stick had 3 options, "Threaten" "Lethal" "Non-Lethal", don't know what update made the Stun Stick PURELY Lethal because the other 2 options have been disabled...
  10. Indifferent & Learning towards a -1, I've seen you in game and you have your ups & downs. I recommend familiarizing yourself with others before you become staff and have two different aspects, one as a player (Fun Side) and one as staff (Professional Side). If you change your act a bit on the forums and what's appropriate to post you can make it to staff for sure. Just right now? It appears that not everyone is on your good side currently. Recording is definitely important, if I may suggest I recommend OBS. It's free and gets the job done once it's all set up. If need be I can even help you set it up, the more staff we have recording shit the better & quicker shit will get done. (I do recommend having a YouTube Channel to upload the Videos/Proof to as well as having a lot of space. If it's uploaded on YouTube you can just remove/delete the file on your PC)
  11. TTT over here gettin a big fuckin update and lookin baller. Can't wait to join once there's open server slots.
  12. Anyone else having issues of editing their signatures with a YouTube link inside of it?

  13. The similarities between these 2 posts is that said 10 year olds he wants to protect may be banned for the first time for just saying a dumb fake website name which might actually exist. Keep in mind what I've mentioned before making a post about this shit: (Take a step back and read instead of typing like no tomorrow) Additionally I'd like to add on to your whole: Saying Discord in general? Fine, servers however? No. Youtube? Fine as long as it's appropriate. Snapchat is dying so who the fuck uses that? and ANY other social media account you could use has some vulgar shit in it. Not everyone deserves to be protected if their own curiosities spark themselves into a downward spiral. If they get there it's there fault if they found it on there own. You can "discourage" that shit all you want, but it still doesn't mean it's going to happen one way or another. Additionally there is FACTUAL evidence that if something is targeted FOR kids, it will most likely have Adults liking it as well and fucking it up (I.E. MLP, Disney Movies, Kids TV Shows, etc.) You can only keep someone safe for so long before they get blasted with the real world. Lastly, no. No Advertising is a marketing ploy to prevent users from being persuaded to leave and go somewhere else. IRL Example is Walmart & Sam's Club having a ban on talk about telling Customers to go shop at Target & BJ's. (I had received a strike when working at Sam's Club for suggesting BJ's for a service we did not have at the time.) All servers have banning of advertising except for their own services for a good reason. Sometimes it's better because it categorizes into more categories instead of "Don't post links of other servers/competitions as well as their name". Edit: This is going to be my last post because I'm not going to fight someone who's Signature matches their thinking.
  14. -1, even though other servers that have cars just made the cars no-collide, it still doesn't help the fact that it can lag the server further than it already is and those servers are usually filled with people who don't have potato computers.
  15. +1, I have taken a look at the context of what you have written in your ban appeals, going from avoiding it and being rude to owing up to it as your fault. You have definitely changed. Considering the fact that Steam is a free source where one can make purchases of a game and the servers aren't moderated too much? I believe it's fully justifiable that open servers should be considered rated M+. ESPECIALLY private servers. The purpose of making a ban appeal is an attempt to be unbanned if others agree with it or not. Additionally it's not up to you to decide how a player may comment due to the fact it's an open source for players to input their comment and ideas. MRP & DarkRP has nothing to do with forums, it's just the relativistic terms in which it's categorized for easier finding and categorizing for later if archived.
  16. Advertisement: A notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, event, or publicizing a job vacancy. Considering other servers is a "Product/Service" your ban is 100% justifiable. -1, as @Capalot has provided proof. Edit: The only "Advertisements" allowed on the service is most likely that of Garnet Gaming's Services. I.E. In game "events" or other based objects.
  17. I've known you for a while Buddha (Before you were Manager) and you were a great guy. Yes you have changed but I think it was for the better. Shit happens yes (To put it harshly, I don't have any words of kindness/comfort to give to you at this time.) but, we need to look past it all and work forward. Is it annoying that people do shit like this? Yes, it's very difficult to attain what mistakes we have made and atone for them. At the time of my leave I did yes, drop all connection to GG but that's because I had some friends to go play with. Sometimes it's just nice to step back and relax and take time to reflect on things. Gonna say a couple things about old events even though I might be a nobody now or it seems dumb that I'm replying now instead of before. Never once have I believed this to be true, I was going to have my input but had already saw it become locked so I couldn't defend you sadly. I've always played and enjoyed playing with you and never once suspected of you cheating. Harassment is definitely an issue, if they wanted to harass you for "proof" of cheating don't see it as a negative but as a positive. I.E. I was so good because x, y, z. or My ping was on fire that day. etc. Never let one thing drag you down, it tends to be hell. Trust me I've been there and it's not fun to trudge through. Was this a bit immature? Yes. Could it have been handled/written better? Yes. We all make mistakes, as I have stated earlier sometimes we need to take a step back and relax before we respond to things. Hasty decisions tend not to be the best ones. Ngl, this seemed like a joke to me as a post entirely, because MRP is full of "serious" role players sometimes albeit more serious/annoying than DarkRP. But the fact that he made a report to you about "Death Threats" was just entirely fucking stupid. The amount of people who gave me death threats (Especially in MRP) and I'm still fucking alive enjoying what I do, people vent from time to time and it's understandable. If someone wants to take it the wrong way that's their issue. Not everyone can convey a message the same way, that's where miscommunication happens most. This I believe was handled very well by Garnet. This should NOT have been made a post and should have been locked quickly after creation for "damage control". This post was a deliberate attempt to target you and harass you further about anything and almost everything that you do with the community. These are just people who have a vendetta or some other personal agenda. Is the world full of assholes? Yes, figuratively; it's only how you decide who's more of an asshole than others. Will it rub off on you? Yes, put you need to push back sometimes or strive to do better. Issues do happen consistently and meticulously, it's just up to everyone to figure out there own problems on there own, not to fucking find issues with others. In my personal opinion, take a break. Everyone works hard as staff and because you have a higher position, people expect you to do better or to strive farther (Granted as staff you are also expected to be professional and expected to do better. Especially as a Manager+). People sometimes fail to realize that there are other living breathing beings sometimes behind the screen being communicated to. It sucks the fact that issues like this occur and that there is sometimes little to stop it, but like I've said before. The only thing you can mostly do now is take a step back, relax, and continue on. If you were to go on an LOA right now, I believe it would be fully reasonable due to recent/past events. Everyone deserves a break sometimes from their favorite community. Could this have been typed better? Probably, I work best when I'm tired and I practically typed up this fucking paragraphs of hurtful truth with inspiration when I just woke up. Stay you and keep doing what you like, you have changed for the better and I can see you making great changes. Yes you hit a brick wall recently but you need to surpass it so that it doesn't drag you down. You'll get your moment of clarity to this situation and you'll reflect back to it kindly. If you ever need someone to chat to, come talk to me through PM's or when you see me on TS. It would be nice to talk to an old friend. I may not respond instantly or quickly but I've been kind of getting into the mood of coming back to the community, maybe even staff.
  18. The server used to have lower/higher unboxes, don't know entirely the reason on which they were removed. +1 for now until I learn of the reason they were removed.
  19. Why not Towny, it has a little bit of everything and players can start their own little communities to start something or make something of themselves. Plots would be chunks based (Like creative plots) for when players want to purchase spots to build per town they want to live. Starting in a town would probably be best as it could slowly rise the economy and have a significant input over time. Additionally a dedicated mine (Like on prison servers) would probably stop hindrance over time with issues of ores consistently running out. But would probably not be needed until after some time the server has already started. Edit: All in all though Garnet whatever you decide in will probably rock with the ever growing community.
  20. As someone who's recently been learning to code and how much of a bitch it is to code I know what the struggle could be, but as a suggestion why not implement an already existing code but modify it to have the AFK issue work? +1, just have an integer with the AFK time set (I.E. When a player despawns due to being AFK due to no input from the game controls) and use that, except replace it to be shorter and set it to like 3-5 minutes of non keyboard input to say something like "This player can't be mugged due to them being AFK for longer than "x" minutes." Actually now that I think about it just give the SWEP to Thieves additionally with this command. If a Hobo can pickpocket then so should a Thief imo. Edit: Removed some shit and fixed up some grammar; if you spot any mistakes let me know because I wrote/typed this when I was very tired...
  21. Can't wait for SCP RP, if Garnet can make that, then it'll be a blast, I just hope that it won't end up like a lot of other servers SCP RP's where RP is involved but there's barely any interaction with D-Class and D-Class are just murdered consistently.


    Don't want to @ Garnet but if he does see this.  I have been practicing with map making but I know for a fact I'll never be able to reach the map making skills of you & your previous map makers for a long time.  I would love to see Garnet do some more Live Stream map making to learn about map making more.


    Still having issues with 3D Skybox though being an issue and not wanting to work...

  22. +1, I can see where your coming from with the fake printers and all. However you can also clearly see their not the texture for printers which is something people don't pay attention to. Granted most players don't know but still, this can be avoided if you familiarize yourself with decals/materials with how their made. I do have to agree though that if the scumbag makes a report about the fake printers on the cop for false warrant should be warned for false report as they're deliberately baiting warrants. The person doing the bait shouldn't be warned however as your allowed to bait as already stated by eli_:
  23. SCP RP huh? That'll be interesting to take a look into. But what looks like is you've set yourself up with a decent schedule. Keep up the great work and work the magic like you always do!
  24. How about a Towny Server, I've seen a couple do great without too much arguing between players. If it was a Towny Server, I'd be 100% down with helping and even moderating a MC server like this. However due to how MC is directed towards a younger audience, (Yes adults play childish games, so what) there would still need to be some authority to make sure it doesn't get turned into an Anarchy Server that makes up it's own rules and regulations. Edit: P.S. Amazing build, I wouldn't mind if me & you teamed up to do some building. I'm pretty decent with redstone and just recently started dabbling into Command Blocks.
  25. I may be returning back, however so not to MRP.

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      Kazdra | Beast

      I might try out SWRP and shoot for the 104th Battalion 🐺

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