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Everything posted by Tripppy

  1. I've mastered the skill of chess. I've played chess for 7 years now. Time for easy cash.
  2. I don't think you will unfortunately, however if there's ever a ban wipe, which I don't think this community even does, maybe you'll be unbanned.
  3. Tripppy


    I understand it could get annoying, it would be great if you could have a building sign and a kos sign.
  4. Okay, so why is this on guides and toturials?
  5. Sad I can't use the new event feature because half the time I have like 200k worth of meth on me at all times x-x
  6. Tripppy


    Cool, welcome back to GarnetGaming, I hope you enjoy your stay! Also this should probably be under the "Introductions and departures" topic section. Just saying!
  7. Send this to those players that are shit at their jobs! Laws of GarnetGaming At the top left of your screen, you will see your stats (health, armour, cash etc.) Underneath, however, is the laws of GarnetGaming. There are 3 that remain the same and can not be changed, with a Mayor or without - they will stay. They are: If there is a mayor on - these laws stay the same, but there could be added laws too! To add laws do /addlaw (law), to remove a law (which are not the first three) do /removelaw Example: When the Mayor dies, the newly added laws would cease to exist. These are the rules that citizens of Garnet Gaming have to follow, so if you see it being broken - respond in the respected manner. Having Weapons/Sweps out This isn't a default law, so please make sure to look at the laws of GarnetGaming at the top left of your screen. If it says something along the following lines of: "Weapons and sweps are AOS (Arrest on sight)" Then that means that anyone seen with a weapon, whether that be a knife, a shotgun a sniper, etc. and any swep, whether that means the angry hobo swep, the climbing swep or facepalm swep are to be arrested on sight. Example: Now, grabbing your baton out and hitting him is the wrong thing to do. You will get an error message saying, Now in order to want them you will have to use a specific command called /wanted, in the picture below you'll see how it works! If you properly executed this command, on the wanted persons head it will show, This is to make other police men aware of the criminal and the person it's self will get a message at the top of their hud saying "wanted". It is now that you can take out your arrest baton and chase down the criminal scum! When they get arrested, they respawn at the PD jail cells, where law enforcement can come to talk, free or kill the prisoners inside their jail cell (make sure you had a good reason to kill them or you'll get warned for rdm, no need to kill them at all - nothing they can really do) Jail cells: Warranting You can not just go to a base, take out your battering ram and get entrance into the building because then you'll get an error message at the bottom right of your screen saying that you need to make a warrant using /warrant. However, before using the command. We need to know, the reasons to use a warrant. You should only warrant when you see raidables, if you hear them - that's not enough to warrant a search. Also if you see a bank that stores printers and you can actually SEE printers, you can not raid the bank because they are legally allowed operate printers for other people and themselves. Raidables include: Printers Meth Weed So how do you use the warrant command? To use the warrant command do /warrant (name) (reason). A false warrant would result in a warn for "false warrant", so just make sure you warrant for the specific reason I wrote. Remember, only if you see raidables and no raiding banks unless they have any of the other 2 raidables (weed and meth). In the picture below you'll see the warrant command and how it works. Once you have finished the warrant, if there are is a mayor on - that mayor will have to accept the warrant. If there is not, then it'll be accepted by itself. Now proceed to go to the door/prop you're looking to break into, take out your battering ram and hold right click and then click left click. If it's a fading door it will become faded/invisible and you can walk through it for how ever long the hold time is on the prop. If it's a normal prop it will simply tumble over! If it's a normal door, it will become unlocked and automatically open! Part II You storm inside with guns draw and someone fires and you - you get shot, but return fire. Unfortunately mid-way through the gun fight, you have to reload and as you take shelter, he kills you with his lead penetrating your head. You lay there lifeless. You respawn, with regret and annoyance. However remember to not come back to raid to complete the raid. That is NLR, which mean New life rule. So that means you shouldn't come back for 3 minutes and shall not raid the base for a period of time. Lets say fortunately, one of your mates come along and shotguns the person getting raided, he now lays lifelessly and can not come back to base until after the raid has been finished. You walk up the stairs and find printers. Taking the money out and stealing it for yourself is the wrong thing to do and could lead you with a failrp warn because that is not what the role of your character is supposed to do. Take out your weapon and destroy the raidable you see. That is your job, nothing else - don't start helping the dude grow weed!
  8. Tripppy

    Raidable Bank

    Discussed on a previous suggestion. Also in the new map Garnet is making, he introduced a new part of the map, where there's a bank, which he might use as a raidable vault area. Can find in the updates tab.
  9. There's been many threads like this, however I think they are asking for too much so here's how I think Mayors should get cold hard cash. Bails - I think that whenever someone bails another person out, the mayor should be able to get 10% of the bail. So it's not that much and balanced. Docter NPC - Similar to the previous point, the doctor NPC is basically an NPC you feed money into where it disappears into nothing. I think the Mayor should be able to get 10% or more for every purchase. Arrests - There should be a system, where every arrest an officer makes the Mayor gets 250 dollars, which is half of what the officers get for each arrest. That's all the reasonable ways I think Mayors should earn money. I don't think we necessarily need all 3 of them, but some would be nice. Please reply with your thoughts and opinions on the matter!
  10. That's good to know ? OOOO can you make it like a tiny parking lot so hobos can build there? ?
  11. Not sure how I feel about this Garnet. Like I don't always want to say, "GoOd jUB gArNEt." and want to be honest about this. It doesn't look that pleasant and seems out of place. It just looks so grimy and odd from the rest of the map. I can not put my finger on it and I know I'm going to get hate for this. However, I feel like it could be a little more vibrant and more spacious as the sidewalk is really small. It would be good if you can expand the width of the sidewalk and roads.
  12. I was about to flythen, I remember..I have no wings Hope you enjoyed, I thought this through a lot and say to people that have depression. They get so happy and laugh saying, "you're killing me!" before catapulting themselves.
  13. No it's Gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang your mum lives in a tent.
  14. Why do you need to make an entire thread about it, just put it on your status.
  15. I genuinely agree with this and it's something that ticks me off so much. The community I played on was allowed to give BOTDs out to people, which mean the benefit of the doubt. Most DarkRP servers have rules/laws in place to keep the server in one-piece, but I fucking hate the zero tolerance feeling on GG. When someone breaks the rules, but no one is negatively impacted - people go out and report them, insult them just because of the FACT they broke a rule. It doesn't even need to be justice! Like let's say you're on the server and you spawn in an unfrozen baby doll as a thief, you're having fun - mucking around and other people have fun sometimes even roleplaying, but there's that one person to report you for simply breaking a rule and you get a warn plastered on your name.
  16. Please specify, like in general? Do you want to post a signature, but don't know how? Are you trying to actually create a signature from scratch? Gif or static?
  17. Passively copying @Frosty's thread lmao.
  18. 1 day later *Posts a ban appeal saying that they've changed*
  19. Oh I've seen you then! Edited my previous post! E: Use /warnmenu to see your warns BTW ?
  20. +1 -Well formated, well written format -Met all minimum formats -Fixed app -Listens to constructive critism
  21. -1 Are you actually serious? He was AFK, he had no clue what was going on. Hell some people leave their computers on and sleep to farm credit! That's ridiculous, not even bothered to use the correct format.
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