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  1. Lex_

    Ban appeal

    SteamID is STEAM_0:0:159150595, this is @Camo's ban
  2. The mystery is the worst part of combat. This has not actually been measured and is just a guess based on experience, but a high percentage of shots fired on the server don't actually hit their target. This is caused by a number of things, but mostly has to do with the lower tickrate and higher average ping (most, if not all, are in the 150-200 range with average pop). I can already imagine how to implement hitmarkers that are accurate without sacrificing server and client performance. The "realistic military" argument is not a fair argument to use when referring to the combat portion of the server. The Source engine is old; combat is nowhere near realistic (jumping around on a class with two primary weapons and grenades, which somehow is faster than everybody) and being able to carry literally any and every weapon you want becoming a one-man army. I would much rather know if a shot hit (and where it hit, if possible) than it be a "realistic shooter" and having to guess constantly, especially with the inaccuracy from the Source engine when it goes to calculate whether a shot hit or not - we get tons of blood splatters already that our client ASSUMES we hit but somehow didn't. +1. Here's an actual example that isn't really necessary for me to share. I started playing STALKER Anomaly recently and its gunplay is phenomenal. There are no hitmarkers in the game, no obvious audio cues that I hit or killed my target (aside from their faint death cries depending on the range and weapon). And I'd have to agree that it is very satisfying to watch somebody I'm shooting at die without knowing how much health they have, or if my shots are actually hitting or not. The difference in this being that the calculations are much more accurate compared to MRP, as the game has to worry about one player, NPCs, and physics in a small portion of the game's entire map and not 80-100 players. It works for that game because there is NO chance you'd get a false positive when you shoot people and it turns out that it did no damage. Enemies have a chance to flinch or be stunned whenever they get shot at; some of them move differently depending on how much health they have left; etc.
  3. In the case of permanent toxicity bans, the "ban appeals are not for apologies" should be thrown out the window. Not out of fairness as people have been unbanned in the past but because each of these scenarios is partially unique and should be handled case-by-case. In my opinion, you shouldn't be welcomed back onto the server. Your attitude seems to be the same, seen in your responses. Some read with a semi-aggressive tone while others have wording pointing you as the victim of a false ban (even though you had already admitted that the ban was deserved). Considering the community (based on the current replies) are not in support of you, I suggest you drop this thread and move on - there may still be a chance in the future that you can change their minds.
  4. This shouldn't be too difficult to partially implement. Whenever you select a specific model in the F4 menu, the gamemode saves that locally in a database to your client - so any time you become that class (through F4 or command) it will always use your selected model. And because there is no possible way to select a preferred model for your custom class already, it should already be selecting a random model for your class if you have more than one available. Now, I'd have to do some testing of my own to get it working properly without potentially breaking other things - but I can already tell you that it won't be exactly as this suggestion is written. It wouldn't be possible to force it to select a random model if you don't provide a number without some messy and unnecessary code. Better explanation, in order: 1. You swap to your job using the command without a number: "/myjob" -> no model is saved in the local database for this class. if you have more than one model available, it'll select a random one. doesn't save the result. 2. You swap to your job using the command and want model #2: "/myjob 2" -> it will select the second model for your class, saving it to your local database. 3. You swap to your job again using the command without a number: "/myjob" -> from your local database, it will select your preferred model for the class (which is model #2).
  5. Agreed. However this still isn't appropriate behavior for an SLT and sets a negative example for lower enlisted. Since Fetn isn't a staff member, this makes it purely a faction issue. The best solution is to bring it up to a higher ranking officer in 2GA.
  6. That sounds like a problem with the community, not something easily solvable by code or design. This isn't really related to the original thread, but it is worth it to note that there are other questions you should be asking to help figure that out. Why do some people choose RU over US? Why is there a massive skill gap between some RU players and US? What makes good players migrate to RU? Providing advantage to one side out of pity is unfair and condescending, even if it's completely justifiable (which is generally the case). Unless you have more comments, questions, or concerns about the prestige perk stuff I suggested in my response, I'll likely not be responding further.
  7. I don't see the first part of this as making my point invalid. Medkits don't break gunfights but depending on their use can provide an advantage to veteran players. Allowing them to be purchased nulls one of the points in having different loadouts for each faction. Specialty roles should definitely exist, but being able to make yourself a one-man army by having tons of different weapons, a speed boost, and two different types of equipment is a problem. My point wasn't to specifically target medkits, but the in-game credit store as a whole. And to also be a counter to Ozzy's suggestion of potentially providing reduced cooldowns and more credits to prestiged players, which could provide an unfair advantage against new players. At least we agree on the passive experience thing. I don't see how it could be a negative unless implemented improperly. My idea isn't to incentivize killing other players and getting the most kills during a war, but to play that war's objective (be it TDM, Objectives, or SND). The reward for completing an objective should be far greater than that of getting kills. I would also suggest rewarding an entire nation for winning a war but that could potentially be abused accidentally (or intentionally) by AFK players and would require fixing the broken war results (RU always wins TDM regardless of score, obj wars always end in a tie). I've seen players bypassing the AFK timer. I remember that not being allowed, a precedent put in place by Garnet. Your alternative suggestion would make this problem even worse. Would be better off removing the passive experience reward entirely instead.
  8. I'm gonna preface this with saying that PVP combat is only a major focus for me because the PVE content is absolute aids, no offense to GM team but it has to do with the NPCs themselves. You can implement weapon and equipment "masteries" without creating that massive skill gap, while still being rewarding to the player. Anyways, lets not forget about the extreme examples of Garnet himself attempting to design systems like this one. Like the one that is already in-game; receiving damage reduction for your first prestige, extra damage for your second, and so on. Or the skill tree he showed off that was insanely broken (player speed, jump height, flaming bullets?) but people had still wanted. Cosmetic rewards are the easy way out. I like the idea of multiple level systems but the rewards need to be meaningful otherwise they're worthless. The goal isn't to be the main piece of progression on the server but a side system to accompany player-driven roleplay in downtime, right? Cosmetics are not long-lasting and provide too little for the player. And they require the player to download even more content (skins, emblems, materials, etc). I know that this was not in response to me but proves my point in the effectiveness of cosmetics as rewards. With the prestige perk idea I had given, there is plenty of rewarding gameplay content the player can chase that could be unique to them. You can then provide lower-scale cosmetic rewards like titles (if implemented together) or achievements for reaching those specific milestones, or higher-scale cosmetic rewards for reaching the absolute top (like a rebirth). Could even go further and do some "seasonal" shit allowing you rotate out the perk pool and reset everyone if you wanna go down that route, but that's a touchy subject for many so I'll leave it at that. Oh, and this next thing has to be a definite no. While the example you shared doesn't make it too overpowered for combat, it's still providing potential for veteran/AFK players to have superiority in PVP combat. This could be unfair to newer players. Imagine someone playing on Prestige and being able to buy a medkit essentially almost every war. Not only have they likely extended their arsenal through the store, but they can now heal themselves and other players, and still use a secondary equipment like grenades. And let's assume the current prestige effects are still in place: they still take reduced damage from anyone prestige 1 and under, and deal 5 more damage to non-prestige players. Then there's the part about money currently being useless. I don't like the idea of somebody being able to break the (non-existent) economy simply by AFKing - because it is easily possible to prestige without participating in any type of gameplay.
  9. One thing I still think has major potential are prestige perks. The only struggle with a system like this is making it fair to all players but still rewarding active play, which would mean removing the experience awarded to players for simply being connected to the server. I didn't think too much into what perks would be available to players, but here's how I imagine the system working without creating a proper and organized design. It would take a significant amount of time for design and development, but these types of projects generally do. There are a few other types of progression that come to mind, some of which are related to options listed in the poll and by Jackal's post, but I haven't thought much into them. To name a few: player titles (rewarded from achievements), a better list of achievements (which have more meaning than some of the existing achievements, like crouching 7,500 times), customization options (title color, experience bar color), weekly combat challenges (a source of experience and cash to use in other systems), and so on. Combat Levels I'm just gonna be overly fancy and start renaming things that already exist. Introducing combat levels. It's not any different than the current level system except that gaining experience is solely combat related. You'd be rewarded for completing a war mode's specific objectives: extra experience per kill for Team Deathmatch, experience for capturing and defending a point in Objectives, and your team detonating an objective in Search and Destroy - and overall killing enemy players during a war, and your team winning a war. There is no maximum combat level and you can go as high a number as you'd like - maybe it could be combined with other systems in the future for rewarding dedicated players for hitting some high number like 100 or something. The minimum combat level required to prestige would decrease to 25 and it'd be cheaper to prestige. Why lower the required level to prestige, and why make it cheaper? While increasing your combat level isn't meant to be a major part of the server, the requirements should be relative to the amount of content they gain access to. Tons of perks with upgrades? Make it more accessible. Very few perks with no upgrades? Make it less accessible as the loop should be longer. Prestige Perks You will receive a prestige perk point any time you prestige. You can then spend that point on unlocking a new perk, or upgrading one you already own (if available). There are three perk slots, each with it's own list of available perks. You can only have one perk equipped per slot. The first two perk slots allow a player to choose what type of combat and/or weapon they want to specialize in. Weapon mastery perks Equipment mastery perks Reward perks The first perk slot would have weapon mastery perks. These will provide bonuses to a specific weapon class. For example, one perk could decrease the movement speed debuff on ARs. It costs one perk point to unlock. It can be upgraded twice (to Level 3), at which point you could then spend more perk points to master it, providing the maximum boost. The base level of the perk could reduce the debuff by 5%, second level by 8%, third level by 10%, and mastering it by 20%. Next, equipment mastery perks. The first perk that comes to mind could change the amount of meds the player has available in a medkit. Or another perk could provide the player with one additional grenade on spawn. Most of the ones I can think of would be most fair without allowing them to be upgraded. The last perk slot would have reward perks. These could affect any source of a reward on the server - in-game cash, experience, in-game credits, and so on. They would also go on top of the bonus provided by the tiered ranks you can buy from the store. Players would have to pick and choose which reward they want more of. Rebirth This one isn't necessary, but what if a player has completed everything this part has to offer and wants to do it again? My solution is to provide a full reset. You need to prestige X number of times before you can spend a TON of in-game cash to reset back to square one. By rebirthing, you'd only be resetting the following: Your prestige level (if combined with the achievement and title thing I spoke of, you'd keep those) Your combat level Your in-game cash And all of your progress on perks What would you get from this? Maybe rebirth-exclusive perks or an exclusive title. If the extra stuff I listed at the top also has potential, I have a few ideas on how they'd work but not what types of things they'd provide (specific titles, specific achievements, specific challenges).
  10. If anybody who has this issue could post the errors you get whenever you open the MOTD, that may help figure out what could be causing this. The specific errors you'd be looking for, if any, should have a pink HTML tag at the beginning.
  11. If you want to think of it this way, they are loopholing the rules by having somebody else do it (which is already a rule). Encouraging somebody to break a rule is just as bad as breaking the rule yourself and as such should be given the same consequences. And to clarify, you'd need to be able to provide evidence that somebody had instructed you/paid you to do it (and you'd receive a minor punishment as it is your responsible to read the rules).
  12. The simplest solution isn't to make a command to toggle, but to just virtually disable the command when staff are online. I couldn't write out the code as I don't know anything about D3A (specifically whether or not it uses Gmod usergroups, since not all admin addons do) but it wouldn't be difficult whatsoever. @JackJJ does present another problem, however. What if a staff member joins and goes AFK? Then players can't use the demote function (which was created for this purpose) to temporarily solve these problems without a staff member present. And that is a very fair thing to consider since (I'm assuming it's the same on DRP as MRP) AFK farming credits and such is allowed.
  13. I'm not sure what you've tried so far for this, but you should be able to call the GetPos function on the victim and/or the attacker in your PlayerDeath function.
  14. Lex_

    Ban Appeal

    I understand that I'm not meant to post in the DarkRP ban appeals as I'm not involved, but for quick future reference (since I was also curious about it in another ban appeal thread for MRP): - Timestamps would be recorded on the server when the ban is issued for accurate math in bans. - With the above in mind, the server is currently hosted in Dallas, TX, putting it under Central Time (UTC-6). If it were to change at any point (and the bans stay), the current and old bans' timestamps would stay the same BUT any new bans could be recorded with a different timezone depending on the new server location.
  15. Lex_

    I got falsely banned

    Seems likely that they won't fill out the required information in time. Here's the profile of the banned player. They were banned for NITRP for a week(?) by @Tuna. If you're wondering if this is the right player, it sorta matches in time (unsure of the timezone applied to the timestamp, if any, so can't do the math) to when this appeal was posted, is the only NITRP ban within the immediate time period, and the Steam profile of the banned player has a custom url of `phkmasterspliff` which is similar to @phkj's forum name. If it were me, I'd continue with the appeal. But it isn't up to me, so do what you will with this information.
  16. GG DRP doesn't use the default DarkRP hit module (which I think has been removed from the gamemode in the version Garnet had modified), hence the /placehit and payphones. It wouldn't be difficult to add in something similar to the DarkRP hit module that connects to the existing addon (of course, that is an assumption as I lack the code to verify that such a thing can easily be done with zero modification) It is then up for debate whether or not it would be best to have hits requested in a way that any Assassin or Hitman (and the respective classes) can accept on a first-come, first-serve basis as opposed to directly requesting a hit from a specific person. In my opinion, the better option would be the current one as you can do it from anywhere and it doesn't restrict who can complete the hits - although it does introduce the problem of being less competitive since somebody can quickly grab a hit at any point for convenience versus roleplay, it's just more fitting for the general climate of DarkRP servers. For example, let's say you have two hitmen. Using the default DarkRP hit module, you have to walk to one of them and request a hit. The one you request the hit from is the only one who can accept the hit, therefore giving the customer a choice in who to give the job and providing a roleplay opportunity where one hitman might be a better choice than another. Of course, that's just my opinion. I don't play DarkRP as I'm not a fan of the gamemode, but decided to share potentially vital information about the system for the uninformed.
  17. -1. Considering that I don't intend to be, nor am I, currently active within the MRP community, my response will be based on word-of-mouth and your application. The situation you're talking about sounds more like legitimate attempted RDM, although on accident, than a false warn. It is up to staff discretion whether or not to warn you for breaking a rule regardless of your intent - this is of course disregarding certain existing procedures where there is a more strict restriction of said decision. Your job as a staff member (or more specifically, a moderator) is not specifically to enforce the rules. You must have an open, unbiased mind that utilizes evidence given to you to moderate the server, providing a fun and fair experience to all players, while also assisting users if they have any sort of trouble (but not exclusively trouble with other players). Although, you do remedy this mistake in the next paragraph where you briefly speak about being a friendly helper to other players (and then, in my opinion, squash that by saying "stopping Army from doing dumb shit"). Firstly, your responses to the critique (or rather, the opinions people have posted since some don't really give you feedback) can play a major role. They contradict your openness to criticism with how semi-aggressively defensive your reply seemed to be. Then, following all of that, you share that you believe your biggest strength is how you can be unbiased (wording is op) - which strangely seems to be the opposite based on a few other responses that state so. While this isn't necessarily feedback on what you could do to improve, it does (like other responses) highlight what potential problems exist. I wrote this before the most recent post, but good on you to come forward and accept what was said by other people. It's a first step and I wish to you the best of luck.
  18. The jobs have the wrong weapon classes applied to their loadouts. This list is to make it easier and faster for Garnet to fix this without needing to do a ton of searching through files and folders or otherwise troubleshoot. After some time looking at the class loadouts, I have a list of jobs using the wrong weapon classnames, sorted by weapon. This list might be incomplete, but this is the closest I can get by comparing the F4 menu's loadout list and the available weapons in the Weapons tab of the spawnmenu. While investigating this, I had also found some inconsistencies with class loadouts that I'm not sure have happened on purpose. For the "duplicated" weapons, I don't have the classes (or even feel the need) to compare the stats between the different versions.
  19. Lex_

    Fetn ban appeal v2

    I've argued both for and against (unsure of why my opinion changed at that point) this very streamable clip. It is not solid evidence of cheating. There are glitchy animations on some of the models of the people clearly visible in the clip that stop you from accurately and precisely defining the movement as cheating beyond a reasonable doubt. I was also under the impression that there was "more evidence." And while we're on the topic: this 30-day appeal thing that targets permanent bans is also a problem. While I agree that ban appeals should be providing new information, in the case of major bans for major offenses, I do not agree that calling to question the public evidence (especially if used directly in defense of a ban) should be nulled simply because they took a bit to post an appeal, or are posting another appeal at a later date. It isn't the easiest to keep records of all things and I understand that, but in some way records of major bans need to be kept - ie. publicly (or unlisted, in extreme scenarios?) uploaded videos and screenshots on a list of links for staff is a starter. If I haven't made myself clear, +1. (I'm sure I was on the fence about whether or not Fetn was legitimately cheating and given the time between now and then, I don't remember. Nonetheless, it's not important considering the single clip available)
  20. There may be other things at play affecting your FPS. It unfortunately isn't that easy to test on a live product (by yourselves). Some of the issues you address can be fixed within the proper config files, while others can be changed in the right Lua files. You do not need to revert back to the previous edited base, but it will require some changes with the updated DarkRP gamemode (as obvious as it sounds). There is good reason to updating to a more recent "release" of DarkRP and building from there, especially considering the age of what was being used before.
  21. I don't appreciate you bringing me up into this conversation. It's been months since I've directly offered anything to Garnet; in fact, our last private conversation (as far as I can remember) was back in April of this year. I've got nothing else to say and won't be commenting on the rest of this thread but I would greatly like it if you didn't use me as an example to fuel your own witch hunt against other people, especially the owner of a community you're no longer active in. Thank you.
  22. I don't believe this is why you're seeing only one listed. Aside from ban appeals, we have no public records for any bans prior to October 23rd, 2019 due to a global ban wipe on that date. If you want to read more about it, here's the forum thread. But a basic rundown would be this: all users had their bans removed except under specific circumstances. The users who did keep their bans were banned through the ban file as opposed to through D3A, so unfortunately no public list.
  23. Host: Fier (STEAM_0:0:1138414) Operation: Operation Gaia Campaign: ECHO-QAGHOR.AFG-10.2020 Event title: Collection Event type: PVE Objectives United States - Complete a routine cargo and material pick-up from the nearby warehouse. Locations used Warehouse Factions Any participating US players Characters/assisting users Outcome US success! Awaiting further operation results. Narrative During the collection of cargo consisting of weapons for US forces, the collection team is met with a strange enemy. While attempting to meet their current objective, they find themselves in a battle for their life through waves of highly violent individuals. The team was lead by a MARSOC Colonel Larry, consisting of both Army and MARSOC. Upon the team's arrival, aerial surveillance captures a group of heat signatures on their way from the village to the southeast. During the collection of weapons at warehouse, the team is ambushed by a group of cannibals - they are required to survive four waves of hordes and hordes of zombies. Their number one objective is to protect the cargo, and gather as much of it as they can before returning back to base. In the end, however, two officers were killed in action and required MARSOC 1stSgt Tuna take charge in leading the other enlisted home. Further intelligence suggests the introduction of a mercenary company, and their connection to a new bio-weapon that was recently tested in a nearby village. US SOCCOM have been assigned to further investigating and destroying the bio-weapon, as well as hindering any progress for a potential partnership between the Russian Federation and a new in-town mercenary company. Screenshots
  24. Host: Fier (STEAM_0:0:1138414) Operation: Operation Northstar Campaign: ECHO-QAGHOR.AFG-10.2020 Event title: Cleanup Crew Objectives Russia - Stop DEVGRU operators from stealing a slightly broken piece of tech. United States - Discover and retrieve equipment from a recent altercation. Factions DEVGRU (event characters) Participating Russians Characters/assisting users Outcome Russian success! Operation has been halted. Narrative Reacting to the previous assassination of 5 high value CIA agents, SOCCENT sends a team of 5 DEVGRU operators led by LTJG Brisk. US intelligence officials help plan an attack on an armed cleanup crew disposing of the broken tech left behind during the incident prior at the embassy. The importance of this technology in upcoming firefights is rather high - cloaking tech that works that well can be used for so many things. When reaching the embassy building, DEVGRU operators were met with a mix of Spetsgruppa "V" and KSSO operatives who were guarding the cleanup crew. They were slaughtered in the hallway before reaching the tech. All DEVGRU operators have been pronounced KIA and the US plans to send additional heavy weapons and explosive ordnances to the warehouse for retaliation. Screenshots
  25. In-game name: 2GA RFR SNS Fier Age: 19 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:1138414 (steamid.io seems to be outdated and shows my old Steam name) Timezone: EST Playtime: | Fier has played for 2164:00:32 Teamspeak + Microphone: Yes Past experiences as a GM: I had a similar role in a small PVE semi-serious zombie RP (on the DRP gamemode) back in 2017. It was based on SAS Zombie Assault 4; it was surprisingly popular for its small size and had worked pretty well. Have you made any previous applications? I've made previous staff applications for MRP, but no previous Gamemaster applications. How much time do you have available for this role? Plenty. I couldn't really give an estimate because I have so much excess time, which sounds sad. I unfortunately don't have anything else going on at the moment, but I'll definitely update if that changes. To avoid burnout, I'll also be playing other games and if accepted, should have an expanding team of GMs who can continue our work in the same quality. What are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster? I feel that Gamemasters are meant to loosely control the flow of roleplay, for lack of better phrasing. The overall goal is to promote roleplay within our community in a way that doesn't disrupt the general gameplay and doesn't become a scripted mess. A secondary goal (for me, at least) is to create an environment where the story continues to evolve through various events from the entirety of the GM team. As GMs, we must use the tools given to use to run events (for fun and/or roleplay purposes) to keep the community engaged in gameplay downtime. Spawning props to create a modified gameplay space or (in the future) spawning NPCs and arming participants to create a special scene. We can additionally create a story together as a community: participants play out a result while GMs write it out as lore, connect it to past and future events, and make a proper fictional narrative unique to our community. How would you contribute to roleplay as an assistant Gamemaster? In my previous experience, I had to create and run story-driven events in a fan-made world mimicking SAS Zombie Assault 4. I have additional experience in creative writing for those specific lore moments, and some experience with improv / live action roleplaying. I am fully capable of finding credible sources when researching to develop a realistic narrative. I, as a player, would like to see the Gamemaster team move from random, pointless events to a connected and meaningful story that co-exists with the gameplay our community seems to enjoy. This is not to discredit the fun and non-canon events [like a chess game] that are not only easy to set up, but are often times very engaging to the majority. I feel that I can help with this goal as an assistant Gamemaster to plan, run, and write these events as freeform roleplay or fun late night shenanigans alongside other Gamemasters. Explain your single most creative idea for roleplay on the server: As I had said in the previous question, my goal is to bring about meaningful events with a story affected by the community. This is a previous idea from other gamemaster's that I don't feel as a goal has been reached yet, and I'd like to expand on it further. Introducing a more fleshed out organizational structure for events and lore of varying types, starting with campaigns. A campaign is the entirety of a story on a specific map. It explains why the forces are in this location, why they moved to this location, and what potential threats lie in that unknown. In the future, gamemasters will ideally work together with Garnet to plan start- and end-events for a campaign, and to write a reason as to why we are where we are. Additionally, inside of campaigns we have operations. An operation will consist of any number of canon story events that progress the campaign. These are generally large-scale and involve close work with special forces groups on both sides. Lastly we have story events and non-canon events. Story events are exactly as they sound and make up an operation. This is where you'll find freeform roleplay where the community decides the outcome and potential future story, in other events, whole operations, or the entire campaign of a map. Non-canon events are those mess-around events to keep people engaged in late night downtime, meant to fill time when the community would prefer to chill. Essentially, story-events are connected and are much less likely to be a one-and-done sort of deal, and adds value in completing your assigned objective because the outcomes matter in our fictional world. This makes completing post event reports with the necessary and accurate information even more important for the GM team. Outside of the game, however, leaves plenty of room for narrative exploration and explanation. Following the end of an operation, using event reports (with the added note of what operation an event is from), Gamemasters can write out a full lore entry on forums that goes over the events of the operation. This is to be done without reference to the game and should follow an essay format as opposed to the traditional event report format. The same can be done with the beginning/ending of a campaign, which can also be linked in the update post whenever a new map is fully released and ready to play on the server, to further engage the community in our own storyline. List and explain 5 unique event ideas: I'm more of a "make it up as I go" type of guy when it comes to anything live, and would rather not spoil any potential lore assuming I get accepted and implement my ideas with the current GM team. So, here are some basic story-event starter ideas that leave room for tons of variation and difference if repeated. These can all be adapted to work with either nation and many can be used to prep/begin an operation. Most, if not all, of these are also very small scale and as such generally have less participants. Many of these events are based around Spetsnaz and SOC groups but may lead into other events involving a higher number of infantry. 1 - HVT Assassination: Intelligence operatives share details with the respective forces of a visiting high value target in the opposition's base. The nation sends a sniper and spotter to assassinate the high value target, quietly; when alone, or brutally; in front of their own forces. The sniper and spotter cannot be seen prior to shooting and must escape to safety (an additional team close-by) after the job is done. 2 - Intelligence Raid: In response to a loss during an occupation (or war), a nation's forces require more intelligence for a future victory. They gather up one or more special forces groups to raid the opposition and gather intelligence. These groups are free to use any force necessary following the server rules and will be required to call a raid if they wish to use said force. They can achieve this with stealth or go in with the intent to kill, their choice. This can be a prep event for an operation, or could give a slight advantage for the beginning of the following war if the objective was completed. 3 - Occupation: During an objective war preceding an event, you can assume what this means. For a story-event (or even a non-canon event), this can occur for any reason. Ideally, this is a response to another event but could also be used as a prep for an operation's main story. Don't think it needs that much explanation but you'd have forces on an objective (or in some cases just occupying a specific building) and they have to defend against a set number of waves of the opposing force. Tie in story elements for why the location they're in is so important. These last two are ideas for a potential operation based around the local population and their active insurgency against the superpowers attempting to take hold of their homeland. I feel this would be a great transition from one campaign to another, combined with other lore-based goals for leaving an area (aka changing maps). 4 - Local Militia: Some locals are armed and angry about the current occupation of Russian and US forces. They plan to cause major damage to both nations' forces and their respective bases by pitting them against each other. If successful, they return to hiding while the two giants begin to destroy each other unaware of the locals involvement. If they are caught, Russian and US forces come together to keep the peace in a local settlement. 5 - Caravan: A group of traveling merchants find their way in the middle of an occupation between Russian and US forces on the brink of catastrophic warfare. Radical locals arm themselves and attempt to commit a war crime, blaming one side to start trouble. If successful, the two nations battle it out and blame the other for fear of their lives while they wait for United Nations involvement. If they are caught, the two forces team up to keep the peace while the locals attempt to govern themselves.
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