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Jared Cox

Veteran Member
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Everything posted by Jared Cox

  1. I've only been active for almost a week now and I've already seen multiple hackers in MRP get reported LMAO +1
  2. I just came back to playing MRP and I’ve heard good things about Buddha from you guys on forums. Shame he had to pull a General Shepherd on the MRP community. All jokes aside this is clear aimbot, nothin much to say. +1
  3. Jared Cox


    Ok well I was unaware that they were actually broken but regardless the reason I stated above still applies.
  4. Jared Cox


    Again this is still MassRDM consensual or not. By basing off of the fact that you dueled someone without doing this in a simulation or using the duel minigame, that is still considered MassRDM. Just serve your two weeks (and trust me it’ll go quick cause of the pandemic) and come back knowing that it was a mistake on your part. -1
  5. The fact that you went out of your way to create an alt to avoid serving a punishment in a video game does not make you a believable person. Stop digging yourself into a greater hole by creating this ban appeal. You fucked up and there is no excuse. -1
  6. @Garnet thank you for making high school less of a pain by giving me and the rest of this community a temporary escape from the stress of life and responsibilities.
  7. SAS and the 2017 Marines will live on in my heart as some of the greatest memories I have playing on this server. It's a shame everyone from years ago is pretty much gone, but I'm happy the MRP server has improved so much over the years. I guess you can say the old shitty map is "NoStALgiC"?! Crazy how I first started playing on MRP right before my freshman year of high school, and now I'm a senior about to go off to college. Looking at all these screenshots make me emotional (I sound VERY corny I'm sorry). @Zach Jones I remember the first time you complimented my sniping on SAS. "Bush Wookie" you used to call me. You made me want to join the Marines, and I'll always have gratitude for that. I remember the first time I made it into military police and I went through Burton's tryouts many times...I got so nervous one time I failed because I faced left instead of right. I remember how annoying forums was in the beginning because literally EVERYONE COMPLAINED ABOUT MARINE HITBOXES FOR MONTHS! Davidson was and always has been my brother...then he got banned. Jake Weathers was the funniest fucking meme on this server. Freekill in the SAS was the very first mentor I had, showed me the ropes...and the autism. So many memories were created because some fucking kids who had time on their hands decided they had nothing better to do than play Garnet MRP. But seriously...never forget. 2017 veterans...let's make a reunion happen.
  8. That man is a god damn legend shut up retard
  9. To distract me from my depressing teenage life when eventually adult responsibilities will come to stress me out as my childhood slowly fades away. How about you?
  10. Alright guys here’s my list: @Special. @Special. @Special. @Special. @Special. @Special. @Special. @Special. @Special. @Special. @Special. @Special.
  11. Do you remember an infamous GG member that gave you complete cancer every time you heard from him? Do you remember the countless GG members that have gotten the ban hammer which you would've never thought in a million years would happen? Well this is the forum for you! Which past GG member you hope never sees the light of day on these forums and/or on the servers again? (Riley M)

    1. rauler


      dr disrespect your wife 

  13. I'm back on forums kiddos but half of you won't remember me FeelsBadMan
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