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Everything posted by OG_Bob_The_Builder

  1. DENIED After careful review of your appeal and the events pertaining/leading up to your ban. We regretfully inform you that your request for an appeal of your ban has been denied at this time. This is mostly but may not be limited to the following reasons: "You're fat and gay" Thanks for cutting the video down to show exactly why you were banned in the first place. And it really doesn't help that you ban evaded, you didn't have to wait a year, you did that to your self. Now I can agree that the "friend" had a name that could get someone in trouble and I could have understood if you where directly calling for him, but you didn't. Please do not make another appeal, the ban will stay. Thank you for attempting an appeal, as well as the effort you have put into your appeal.
  2. DENIED After careful review of your appeal and the events pertaining/leading up to your ban. We regretfully inform you that your request for an appeal of your ban has been denied at this time. This is mostly but may not be limited to the following reasons: Well Merkster said it all, And also you ban evaded, unfortunate. that ban will also stay. Thank you for attempting an appeal, as well as the effort you have put into your appeal.
  3. +1 Chill ingame and cool to talk to, took criticism and fixed the issues. Big Dub
  4. Partially Accepted(STILL DENIED) After careful review of your appeal and the events pertaining/leading up to your ban. We regretfully inform you that your request for an appeal of your ban has been denied at this time. This is mostly but may not be limited to the following reasons: Well, you said it all, you built a Nazi sign. Shame on the staff who walked up laughed a did nothing. Getting to the main point. You were an Ex-Manager, no one should have to tell you to stop, you shouldn't have started. I truthfully can't imagine why you appealed this. And for you GamingCarrot, You did one thing wrong. Which leads me to why this is partially accepted, he put the wrong ban reason in, I'll have it updated immediately Almost forgot, I am also extending to 1 month, no leniency will be given. Your 5 days spent will be counted towards time served. Thank you for attempting an appeal, as well as the effort you have put into your appeal.
  5. UNDER REVIEW Thank you for your appeal. Please allow up to 24-48 hours for a response from a member of the Operator Division. As well as allowing a reasonable timeframe to gather the facts pertaining to your ban. Please note, bans will only be appealed if they are of a false nature, incorrect reasoning, and in some cases mishandling of sit/report/ban.
  6. Compared to 90% of the servers on gmod dark, we are vanilla, and i can see where your coming from but even with perks we are hitting the goal of vanilla hard, and what you're suggesting would go away from it, also would you like to say anything to my vanilla possible solution i put down?
  7. -1 this would move away from vanilla, plus there is already a sell all button for doors, but it is hidden, so maybe instead of adding an entire new system to the server that would sway it from its vanilla roots, maybe make the sell all button more obvious and easy to find.
  8. Honestly this is a double edged sword, and can be annoying to deal with in sit, but it doesn't need to be a rule, if a player wants to shoot another play for any reason and they run away to hide, i don't see why the player shot can't hunt the guy and put him down. Now the double edged sword part is if the player or the player shot dies then a rule can be broken, thats just the risk when you don't kill them at the start, so really it will deal with it self, not a lot of player can't stay alive for too long. So if you plan on hunting a player after they shoot you and they run, please watch the kill feed because if they die before you get to them and you kill them, you can be jailed/warned for RDM
  9. + I would love the idea, and would love to help moderate it if it comes to be something
  10. Didn't see that last picture, edited with a different one.
  11. Description: So to put it simply, there are many jobs that allows one to choose the model they wish to be like the gangs and the club bouncer, and I feel that our lovely meth boys should have the choice too! And what better choice than a jesse pinkman player model. When choosing to become one of our lovely meth boys you should have the freedom to become a bald man or a man child that makes meth and says "yo bitch".Reasoning: My reasoning for this, is short an simple but yet a great one, as a dark rp server more rp is needed. And what better rp than between two meth boys, one walter white, and one jesse pinkman. This would be great and give something more interesting for our meth boys to do other than all look like the same bald guy with stage 3 lung cancer. And a that I end with a quote from a wise man child “We make poison for people who don’t care. We probably have the most un-picky customers in the world.” ~ Jesse Pinkman | Fly, Episode 10 Season 3 (could be wrong idk)Additional Information: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2897279589 only 5.350 MB
  12. Thanks all mighty nutter, we have been wanting your attention for ages and we get it!
  13. I'll keep an open mind to it but as you like to bring realistic in your previous statements, realistically there aren't hobo's running around with rifles, not really pistols for that matter. The mayor already does impose those kinda of laws so it wouldn't spice up any rp factor, as that factor is already there. Also for everyone else, please do not react with toxic unless it is actually toxic. It messes with reputation and is against the rules, use reactions properly and constructively. Members of the community must respect one another at all times, even at times with conflicting interests. Hostile behavior is strictly forbidden Do not harass other users of the community, or otherwise post content that would induce drama. Forum reactions must be used in a constructive manner, IE: agreeing with a suggestion
  14. I agree they may be able to afford, but buying one off market could be more expensive, that's if they can find someone to buy one from anyways, and who's to say the are gonna sell it for the price you'd buy it at a gun store. And who's to say the are gonna even want to buy one, they are either spending money that they get to buy a room to stay in for a day, food, drinks, or drugs, very little room to be able to buy a gun legally or illegally. But that isn't my main reason to why they can't have one it's the fact that it is a pretty rare thing to see, now I can only assume they went off the fact it's more common to see homeless people with a pistol or knives, but either way they had their reason to make that rule. And if they are going to change it or not, who knows, but as of right now, i can't see a problem with the rule as it currently is.
  15. -1 Hobo's are meant to be annoying, and the most annoying part is the fact the run around and poke people with knives, and can scream their asses off at people, I play hobo every once and a while and being restricted to only knives and pistols is one of the best parts about that job, it's been this way for a while and there hasn't been an issue with how the job works at all. And the only time they really need to defend them selves is against an hitman, which I can agree to be annoying with only a knife. The simple fix for that is to run or out play the hitman. It's not impossible, and it doesn't happen often. This is something that wouldn't really be taken into consideration as it's on a topic that is only been brough up recently, and is only an issue to a couple of people. Yes A lot of people only use the job to build freely in the streets, and 90% of the time they can, maybe a hitman would come by once, then there is a cool down and by then the hobo is prolly done building and they don't have to let the hitman in or go out. Also if they are getting killed they can simply report as hobos, for the most part, have no reason to be killed on the streets. If they keep getting killed it mostly because they don't report anything. And like multiple people have said this isn't real life, it's a game, the server is an rp server, but that doesn't mean we are going for realism, but going down that path of realism, most homeless people really only have knives, and occasionally a pistol. Now im not saying it isn't possible but the chances of a homeless person being able to get their hands on a rifle, shotgun, or any of the sorts are slim. Now you say steal or buy a rifle, where the hell are they stealing these rifle from? Where the hell are they getting the money from, selling drugs are doing something similar maybe? Most of the time at that point they are affiliated with some kind of of gang, In reality a lot of drug sells and anything familiar are done by gangs. Sure homeless people sell it too, but it's not enough to buy a rifle in most cases, and if they're homeless it would be pretty hard to conceal it, unlike a pistol, that's why if you see a homeless guy with a gun it's most likely a pistol. even then most of the time they are only using improvised weapons. And this isn't one of those server that have a set time period, truthfully this isn't a really serious rp server anyways. Honestly, it is true that the homeless could use bigger weapons irl, but form what it looks like they went of what is most common when you think of a homeless person using a weapon, A knife or a pistol The first thing I think when I hear about a homeless person attacking someone, it's not that they used a rifle, I think of a knife or a blunt object, honestly the pistol is the last thing I think of. There is no reason to change the rule.
  16. ACCEPTED Thank you for your appeal. After a careful review by our Operator Division, we have decided to remove/lift your warn. The decision to remove your warn and accept your appeal is due, but not limited to, the following: I have talked to smoke and it turns out it was a simple confusion on the rules. I have explained the rules in question, and he now understands the rules in question Just to clarify it here too, Chef's mobile kitchen, and only mobile kitchen, is immune from raids, if a Chef decides to base inside of a building then they may be raided. Chef You may not deny a customer. You may build a mobile kitchen on the street to sell food. (Example: Food Truck, Snack Shack) It may be no larger than a 6x6x6 plate in length, width, and height. Mobile kitchens are immune to raids, and cannot contain any raidable entities. If you possess a mobile kitchen, you are immune to Lock Down You may not self-supply unless there is no one else available. You may not perform illegal activities*, I.E: raids, mugging, etc. With the exception of owning printer(s) You must be available to sell at all times. You may not base with raiding classes. Thank you for your appeal and we hope to see you in game!
  17. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: PlayerYour in-game name: Bob The BuilderYour SteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:197868148In-game name of reportee: Koi fishSteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:77563806Date & Time of incident: 3/28/24 10pmTimezone:cstWhat happened? (include any proof):https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/23RwWjvDogcvn7/d1337wZd4a3J?invite=cr-MSxteHksMjU3NTU3MDgs He was placing a sign down and change the letters in the word "black" to numbers and / to avoid it saying "Kos if you're a black person" He is a high level player who knows better than to do this, he was trying to say it was a clan, but it's pretty obvious what he was trying to do.
  18. DENIED After careful review of your appeal and the events pertaining/leading up to your ban. We regretfully inform you that your request for an appeal of your ban has been denied at this time. This is mostly but may not be limited to the following reasons: Looking at the clips and taking what you said in your appeal, you were in clear knowledge that what you were doing was against the rules. Sure a lot of people don't get in trouble for what you did, but for the most part, most people don't report, but sometimes they do report. This was one of those times. I do appreciate that you're apologetic about it, but this is not a place for apologies. Similarly I'm glad that you already understand why you got in trouble in the first place, your ban was only a 2 day ban and about 1 days has passed already, you can sit through one more. And once you get back on I hope you stick to your word and don't do it again. See you in a day! Thank you for attempting an appeal, as well as the effort you have put into your appeal.
  19. ACCEPTED Thank you for your appeal. After a careful review by our Operator Division, we have decided to remove/lift your ban. The decision to remove your ban and accept your appeal is due, but not limited to, the following: After some consideration, we have decided to accept you appeal as, although what you did wasn't the best way to deal with things, it still isn't doxing Doxing is when you get someone's private information and send it publicly, in your case, you just sent it back to him. Welcome back to the server! Thank you for your appeal and we hope to see you in game!
  20. DENIED After careful review of your appeal and the events pertaining/leading up to your ban. We regretfully inform you that your request for an appeal of your ban has been denied at this time. This is mostly but may not be limited to the following reasons: I have talked to the player in game, and this situation was delt with in a sit already and there is no reason for me to override the staff members decision to give the player in question a verbal warning. I do appreciate the report and if you do catch him saying anymore racist remarks please make another report and it will be delt with. Thank you for attempting an appeal, as well as the effort you have put into your appeal.
  21. DENIED After careful review of your appeal and the events pertaining/leading up to your ban. We regretfully inform you that your request for an appeal of your ban has been denied at this time. This is mostly but may not be limited to the following reasons: All though it has been some time, we are still going to deny. If you were upset originally from a false warn you should have taken the correct steps to have it delt with, instead you decided to get your self permanently banned. And you will stay permanently banned. Thank you for attempting an appeal, as well as the effort you have put into your appeal.
  22. DENIED After careful review of your report and the events pertaining/involved, as well as deliberation with the Operator Division: We have decided that your report has been denied at this time. This is mostly but may not be limited to the following reasons: Me and you talked in VC and you showed me the video, the sit has already been delt with and there isn't more that can be done to the player in question. All though if he does do it again it will certainly lead to a punishment as I'm sure everyone can agree that it is very messed up what he posted in ooc. You did have some concerns you brought up, that you felt the staff members mentioned didn't know the rule that he was breaking and I will have a conversation with both. Thank you for your report, as well as the effort you have put into your report.
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