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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Goobear last won the day on October 9 2022

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  1. Hopefully lil dumpster kitty gets better, hugs and kisses
  2. +1 Haven't had any bad experiences with you
  3. +1 Ran into this when trying to be the cheese chef for the Cheese Factory, couldn't base with raid classes. Would be a great addition to RP.
  4. Neutral I have not had any bad interactions with you. Judging by that fact that you were kicked off the staff team before you have something to work on.
  5. +1 Your past experience. Also your paragraph is well written.
  6. "I would also like to help the community by getting the trolls and rule breakers out of the server to let everyone have a better time and enjoy the server more" It's in the job description to help the server out. From what you have it's a start of something, but you need to elaborate more on what you will do to support the community. Use in-game experiences as an example.
  7. Neutral As what Salteen said, application is lackluster but I have seen you in-game and you have been pretty chill from what I can see.
  8. Only clips that I have. Ones from May 8th, other is from June 10th
  9. The only clips I have from MRP is from May that I took on accident. I don't ever take clips on MRP because I'm focusing on war.
  10. In-game name: Mark A SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:115578569Staff members in-game name: SmityStaff members SteamID (/id (name): STEAM_0:0:204070455Date & Time of incident: 2022/07/09 9:50 PMTimezone: PSTBan Reason: CheatingHow long were you banned for?: 50 YearsProof of Ban: https://gyazo.com/508cfb4bf4441b22a172880703dab4bfWhat happened? (include any proof): War was being conducted with the objective being Boardwalk. During this time I used the Mosin and was mainly sniping. At about 10 minutes from war being over I shot at one last person and was Banned.Why should your ban be removed?: In all honesty, I have no proof of anything. I unfortunately did not have my clip software running and I don't expect this to be Accepted because of that. But just for the trust factor I will say, I started playing GGMRP on January 7th, 2017. I haven't put as many hours like someone named "Reeper" has, but almost all of my hours are actually playing hours not AFK. I also have spent $262. Although I don't have significant value to money, I hate to see it go away like this.
  11. -1 "I've already put in about 6 hours, so my playtime in one sitting is quite high" The fact you can't give an exact amount of playtime and saying just from one day that you've played, you had put in 6 hours of playtime. It's not about what you put in one day it's about the consistency and actually showing it. Only having "Believed" 80 hours doesn't really show too much for the consistency and dedication part. "My sleep schedule is kinda ruined so" How Can I trust a Moderator to do their job correctly if he can't even be responsible for not ruining their own sleeping schedule? Maybe if you purposefully made your sleeping schedule like an owl, it would be more understanding but from the sound of what you said, you just can't keep yourself accountable to Goto bed on time. Overall, the application is somewhat lackluster.
  12. In-game name: BBC Goober | BBC ShturmanSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:115578569 | STEAM_0:1:538380396Staff members in-game name: eXg Bluey | eXg XulooStaff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name):STEAM_0:1:50906656Date & Time of incident:2022-06-29 - 21:54:53Timezone: PSTBan Reason: UMRDMHow long were you banned for?: 1 WeekProof of Ban: https://gyazo.com/5eb8659e7800142d2a1510fc231ef6a5What happened? (include any proof): During BBC Shutrman's, and I, BBC Goobers time on the server on 2022/06/29, we were finding bases to raid. During this time we passed by a truck that was giving away free guns. It was brought up as an idea in our discord call and ended up being two separate raids killing approximately 12 players all together. Why should your ban be removed?: We were told as our levels are supposedly high, Shturmans being 50, myself being 49, that we should of known about the rule about raiding trucks. From my understanding, it is still a building. Although the Moderators told us that it is within the rule book of "GarnetGaming DarkRP Rules," I have took it upon myself to inspect the said rule book and have nowhere found that we cannot raid trucks. It does state that we cannot raid Hobo Huts. This player was infact not on the hobo class during these two separate raids. So therefore, it is radiable. Given the circumstances of us possibly ruining the charitable efforts of the "Free Gun Truck," I do apologize for any inconvenience it might of caused, but does not excuse the fact it was never stated in the "GarnetGaming DarkRP Rule Book," we cannot raid "Non-Hobo" Classes that decide to build structures that hold the possibility of having printers. I hope this post reaches the correct audience and I do very much appreciate whomever takes their time in reading this. Under the "GarnetGaming DarkRP Rule Book" It states verbatim: You may not raid people who have a building text screen on their base You may not build while being raided. Example: Forgetting to place a wall, so you attempt to quickly fix it while actively being raided. You may not lockpick or keypad crack until you have adverted raid. You may kill the party members of the base you are raiding/CP if they are in the raid area. You may not raid hobo huts. You may not raid the cinema. You may not kill nearby players unless they're inside the building in which you're raiding. You may kill the party members of base/CPs and or people who are interfering/countering. Example: Player(s) continuously opening or closing doors. You may not kill arrested players unless they are out of their jail cell. If you want to steal/destroy raided printers in transport you must first advert "steal" or "counter" If transporting stolen printers you must still be raiding There is a 20-minute cooldown if you want to raid the same player(s) or the PD once again. Raids can last up to 10 minutes You may not chain raid. Example: Assisting to avoid your initial cool down.
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