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Everything posted by Cypher

  1. ill boy @Garnet need to find his chill boy
  2. Jackals forehead hitbox is fucking massive
  3. Sad to see you go man, make sure you keep in contact with us lmao. Also good luck with your career of professional vaping.
  4. @ToucanMcGuppy Yes Also buy $60 in V-Bucks or Nailgunner and an AEK
  5. Perfect. This is the peak of mapping right here.
  6. Riley M Aido Nicole Shromps Ritesh Verafly Pony Cypher
  7. +1 From peoples responses and my own experiences with you, you seem like a good fit for the staff team.
  8. Cypher

    Dash's Staff App

    -1 Needs to mature and become less aggressive. You're on the right track just wait a while and try to improve yourself a little bit.
  9. I found one with u in MP hall with ur old profile picture from your minecraft youtube too lmao
  10. "Recon" https://gyazo.com/4018422605c891748489aff8579bc24b Afghan dog pile after war https://gyazo.com/bf7efeddbef92caa81ea0dbec4f8a885 A very interesting pm from beast https://gyazo.com/924957e6e687c373efdae4f76f96cebc Back when staff had as many people on as Afghan https://gyazo.com/06c84e80b568687da3133e111192d779?token=694ed19aec03be5f0c7c39f518af7a3b What happens when you eat too many red crayons. https://gyazo.com/cd562fbe45c2e7ff469b368dc608a1d7 Taiga Ninja Warrior https://gyazo.com/9940a00059b36ef15fa721d1f49a2c00 Back when the white lists were broken https://gyazo.com/4207f894450d2922f3ce5fd348376643 Back when the seals had a store. https://gyazo.com/0d68166bafc81a20df40ac92a97cd1ff Advanced Navy sniping techniques. https://gyazo.com/8afbf12c084164e83338b2336ff3c499 Advanced Rangers small arms technique https://gyazo.com/4e6b3ce199af067f46ed011f918df3f5 GOATSOC trying to raid US Base https://gyazo.com/c4a0ada01bb016d53bd7c96683a37dc9 Jack Noir's demolition derby https://gyazo.com/c3338d3f4ce8915b959904f6c4e18aed LSD being released in US base
  11. For the actual map I would suggest adding barracks to both bases or a mess hall to fill the empty parts of the base, for US, a shooting range that is separate from the building the briefing and debriefing is in, and possibly a bigger town portion if possible since the objective is kinda small for a town. Also bring back Rangers.
  12. -1 From my experience, gets very emotional during an argument or debate and can sometimes have a temper if things don't go his way or someone doesn't agree with him. I'm sorry but I don't think you're right for the staff team.
  13. They can wait? Also how are these guys supposed to get the money anyway since payday doesn't work and 1 weapon can be up to $5,000 for a single life use.
  14. -1 Phantom already offers to let people try donator guns, so this seems pretty redundant.
  15. -1 Advertised application in game
  16. -1 from past experiences and what people have said recently, I believe you are still as childish and entitled as you were on cs_desert nearly a year ago.
  17. I would be fine if the aim spread was untouched, as I said this is in no way bound together with the attachments
  18. It's the fact that it's a tier 3 faction that SHOULD have more customization on it's weaponry compared to base infantry and lower tier factions. Mainly because a faction with such a limited amount of people should be able to customize a weapon to better fit their play style instead of having to use the standard off the rack weapon given to a basic infantry group.
  19. Description: We are requesting multiple changes to the M4A1 that is currently on the Operator and Commander class for Delta Force. This suggestions main purpose is to give Delta Force a new variant of the current GBM4A1 with more attachments and a slightly tighter bullet spread. This is in no way a package deal and can be adapted depending on community/Garnet’s feedback and thoughts on the current state of the M4A1 for Delta Force. Reasoning:After speaking with both the Green Beret and several Delta Force Operators, we found that both an attachment and small stat change would help improve the quality of the Delta Force Operator and Commander class as a whole. This would be a beneficial change to the faction because of its current specialty as a “Recon” faction and to set the faction apart from other SOC factions, like Delta Force’s Tier 3 counterpart on RU. The addition of the listed attachments would also more utility to the gun and allow it to be used more efficiently than before. To add, the base rifle with no attachments included is the exact same as the rifles given to Army, Marines and the Green Beret with only the Green Beret and Delta Force having variants with suppressors and both barrels (RIS and LNGRNG) A list of attachments/stat changes has been listed below. Attachments Ext RIS Reciever Magpul Reciever Foregrip Magnum Rounds Fixed Laser Attachment Stats Slight decrease to the bullet spread Additional Information: Army Soldier/General : https://gyazo.com/26f185cb251923aeafdb3485d1517cd7 Marine Trooper/Officer : https://gyazo.com/746d6a856b960b9deb4961ab4540c427 Green Beret Rifleman/Commander : https://gyazo.com/0e553ca8dae5be9c3482243517d9a913 Delta Force Operator/Commander : https://gyazo.com/d7e405994e0284db71b71683e8688b87
  20. @Brandon has a really good strat for getting money on GTA you should hit him up
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