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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Illexion

  1. I think he’s good in terms of experience and as for his personality I’ve talked to him several times and he’s really respectful and level headed I have no problems with him in game or TS and I think he’s a good fit. +1
  2. I’ll go yell at phantom about weapon balancing then thank you garnet
  3. I think for whatever reason garnet balances things based off DPS which is a bad way to balance things in an FPS but regardless there is a bit of firerate there to compensate and the damage doesnt matter as much unless your going against something like a juggernaut or nailgunner.
  4. Might want to change the sr338 in some way it’s damage isn’t that great for a 60RPM weapon the M14 is the same style of weapon with similar damage numbers of 70 vs 74 but it has a fire rate of 100 idk but it doesn’t seem that worth it for a donator class when the weapon of a base faction outperforms it in numerous ways, the rest of the update was great though keep at it!
  5. I mean I might not be an RU main and I didn’t have many interactions with you but in the ones I did have you were very level headed an a voice of reason in some situations. welcome to the US side were in sore need of competent people rn and I think you’ll make a great addition GL with whatever faction you join
  6. Hheheheheeh glad shrugger didn’t see my GB tryouts a week ago cause that would have definitely looked like mass
  7. If my boy Texas is +1ing you I gotta trust his judgment, but I’d still like to talk to you in game atleast once I’ll change this to a plus one at that time
  8. Yeah I’ve had some pretty piss poor interactions from lamp but you were completely in your rights to blacklist him, in my opinion if their an E-3 or lower and your an SGM you don’t need perms to blacklist make sure you tell someone though so it can get properly documented while covering your own ass
  9. For some reason the marine LMG class is glitched and says it has the balanced LMG but when you load the WL you only have a pistol, the marine : trooper class is missing its sidearm, and I believe the army medic class is missing everything except for a medkit, thought i would let it be known
  10. To stop myself from digging any further holes for my self and to save myself the rep there will be no further posts from me on the forums regarding the former SEALs or their friends
  11. I’d also appreciate it if you would get your friends to stop negative repping me on all my posts for toxicity or being shit when they are most of the time neither
  12. Idk I’m tired I work 12 hour shifts
  13. Not everyone just Silo and his friend group everyone on US is fine with me
  14. Think this is better IMO
  15. +1 from a command perspective he’s one of if not my best man in GB he’s active, he’s very good at resolving conflicts and can very quickly swap from fucking around to being dead serious. I have no problems with him and highly encourage him along any path he chooses
  16. Illexion

    Acid's Staff App

    -1 not for the reasons listed above but because I’m not sure acid could handle staff he seems easy to pressure and may not have the resolution required to make judgments on other people. Outside of that though he’s a great player on the server
  17. Heh looks like the people from the server they decided to run too are also angry that’s cute won’t get your whitelists back though
  18. Ladies and gentlemen, we got him. looks like the former SEALs got me
  19. +1 with my experience in marines hes good at what he does and he does it efficiently. As for the -1s in the post because you dont know him i dont think thats a valid reason to minus one a staff app, you are not required to be known on both sides of the server to be staff and by -1ing you are saying there is something wrong with him and that he is not fit to be staff. In my personnel opinion withholding any rating whatsoever until said person is engaged with or conversed with is the proper course of action. This is because you dont know the person, his capabilities, problems, and weak points and you are -1 saying there is something wrong with him when there is a very likely possibility that there is nothing wrong with him. this is all personal opinion of course and should be taken as such.
  20. Not to tell you your guide is shit but your guide is shit this is the proper way to do it....... RU Attachment Guide. Preface: This guide is not the be all end all when it comes to attachments it simply gives recommendations based off the current meta and trends on the server. This guide will be seperated into 4 sections going over the basics of the weapon, recommended attachments, non-recommended attachments, and a final workup of the recommended attachments and play style. without further waste of time lets begin. TLDR at end The Basics The RU entry weapon is a modified version of a rifle from the AK platform and retains the ability to swap to different versions including the RPK and AKU variants each having their own play styles and effective ranges for the purposes of this guide we will consider them alternate weapons for completely different purposes. The RPK Being the long range high damage LMG variant, and the AKU erring more on the side of an SMG. Not Recommended Magnum Rounds - For obvious reasons this attachment is a hard pass a 33% increase in recoil and a measly 5% for damage. The reason we don’t use this with the base variant of the AK is the trade off between recoil and damage with the 5% increase and damage your Time to kill (TTK from now on) does not decrease meaning its wasted damage, on the RPK variant however its a completely different game because it does decrease. Match Rounds - 5% aim spread for a 10% reload speed decrease. The tiny 5% increase does not warrant the 10% reload nerf. Recommended Foregrip - 20% recoil decrease with a 30% increase in mobility with a trade off of an increase in deploy speed by 10%. A pretty good option IMO the deploy speed only increases to .67 from .60 which has little meaning H. Stock - 10% recoil decrease for a 10% in handling, another attachment like the foregrip where the trade off doesnt really matter with the handling already being high as is. RPK Mag - 15 round increase in mag capacity for a slight nerf of 5% to handling and 10% to reload speed. Not much to say here other than the debuffs are marginal. PBS-1 - 10% Recoil Decrease along with firing noise decrease for 10% in damage and handling. Same concept with the Magnum rounds from earlier the 10% damage decrease doesnt matter because it doesnt change time to kill meaning the same number of shots will still kill the opponent while handling really isnt too important in my opinion. Conclusion - TLDR The RU AK weapon is a joke in terms of aimspread and recoil and you wouldnt be able to hit the broadside of a barn with this weapon. my personal recommendation would be to swap to something more useful like medic, but if you have your heart set on the AK here are the attachment lists. As for the playstyle with this weapon you have to be up close or your going to be fucking useless because every donor weapon will butcher you due to their far superior stats. RPK Variant - RPK Mag, Magnum rounds, H stock, and Kobra Short/AKU Variant - Foregrip, RPK Mag, Kobra, and H stock. Standard Variant - Foregrip, RPK Mag, PBS-1, Kobra, and H stock That moment when you cant figure out a good way to get pictures in....
  21. I appreciate the warning garnet, I didn’t plan on it in the first place though, I do hope however that GB and Rangers are distinguished from each other with the following updates. Thanks for the update though!
  22. 10/10 would not read staff rules again -1
  23. -1 i don’t believe playing both Russia and US is required to be staff unlike salz but your hours are just at the limit and you don’t have any prior experience from what I see so until you get more experience on the server this will remain a -1
  24. -1 Your playtime is fine along with your reasons for applying, lack of experience can also be made up for with actually doing something but regardless your still pretty green for my tastes and I don’t think that leadership as 2GA is enough experience for staffing IMO I plan on messing around on 2GA for abit tomorrow if I get to talk with you and see how you run things I’ll change this to a +1 maybe.
  25. +1 your a good dude but you come off as a complete fucking asshole sometimes other than that he’s already been staff before so I don’t see a reason why he couldn’t be staff again
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