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Everything posted by Valor

  1. Is this even a question. +1 by far one of the nicest and greatest guys ive met when I was in MARSOC. Super nice and literally never ever had an arguement
  2. Valor

    Dex's Staff App

    +1 Im sure Dex will change, and not leave this time without any warnings. Overall, great guy and former staff no problems with him at all nor with players on the server.
  3. In real life soldiers may shoot their own on accident. This could be implemented in MRP causing more of a role play scenario where you shoot your own on accident. I have my own reasons why this wouldn't be bad and I believe trying won't hurt. Thats just me though.
  4. Honestly +1 it was a thing back in the day and had no problems. In fact it made base factions more smart and not retarded. Not only that, but it will allow more rp in the server.
  5. Valor

    Jer's - Warn Appeal

    Bro failrp is failrp. If you damage yourself you wouldn't do that in real life even in "peacetime". Now that I look at it seems it is still failrp. You wouldn't shoot youself with an rpg in real life...
  6. Valor

    Jer's - Warn Appeal

    I mean the rule is not specified in official rules. However, hitting yourself with an rp is not rp scenario situation. So I mean the warn is technically valid, but at the same time its not in the rules. This is tricky
  7. -1 Haven't seen u on as well tbh. When you killed me u were toxic and same to fellow peers. Sorry but that just ain't right.
  8. I mean hey application looks good, you are very active, nice as well. Spell Millerjerm's name correct and you got a +1 from me
  9. You need perms to apply if you are under 15 years of age. -1 due to that, but I would +1
  10. Personally, I've seen u a lot. We had a huge fight one time because of war I believe, it was for base camp. You resolved it no problem by apologizing. Super mature in that sense and I believe you carry a genuine act in the server. +1 from me personally. (I believe this was you)
  11. Valor

    Fidelity Report

    Dude, it doesn't even look like hes hacking tbh. He killed you multiple times from probably hiding and hes outplaying you. It seems like you are just thinking of the small picture right away of him hacking.
  12. -1 Tbh, you didn't even take the time to get your exact playtime. Not only, that your paragraphs are 1 sentence
  13. Valor

    Aparhs Staff app v2

    We had an issue, literally yesterday and we solved it very professionally. As long as you keep your calm you'll be a great staff. Personally I will +1 rn
  14. Super immature man, like this is really bad. -1 by a lot.
  15. Don’t know if my opinion will matter since I play Mrp. However really liked your huge paragraph on why u should be chooses over others. +1
  16. In-game name: MARSOC CWO3 Valor Age [minimum 15 y/o]: 16 SteamID (https://steamid.io/ STEAM_0:0:77748914 Warns: 2 Active warns. RDM 13/10/2019, and RDM 23/10/2019 Timezone: EST (Ontario, Canada) Playtime? [minimum 75 hours, use /playtime in-game]: | MARSOC CWO3 Valor has played for 1095:01:24. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] YES Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] YES Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Nope. Past experiences as staff: [Optional] In the past I have been a staff member on GG. I was a T-MOD which moved onto the rank of MOD. Resigned due to school. How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs] After spending quite a bit of time on the server, I would like to benefit the server by becoming a staff member. This is a huge role that I believe I can personally take on. Some days people will be overwhelmed by the amount of sits that they have to take and I can help them by assisting in claiming some. Not only that, however many WO/Officers need help with tping, role setting, and more and sometimes the help doesn’t even come. I've personally experienced not being helped during a tryout and it is truly frustrating. I can assist with this problem majorly in not only helping myself, but others as well. I enjoy helping players when I’m not a staff member, however I would like to pursue my goal of becoming more than just a member and assisting players in so many different ways. I would like to enhance and help out new players in their experience in playing Garnet Gaming by not only showing them what is so great but also proving others that I am capable of doing so. Being biased is a huge factor in becoming a staff member in which all scenarios need to be unbiased so everything can go as planned. I believe that I can take the responsibility in being calm and assuring that the best help is provided by me in a situation that needs assistance. Lastly, another big reason why I believe I would be a great staff member is interaction with players on the server. Personally, I believe that being a fun person should be done in the right moment at the right time. However, when seriousness is needed for a situation I believe I can bring that huge factor in handling situations that are very professional. Not only that but rules of the server can change with time. Meaning that I will be up to date with ensuring that I know every single rule on the server and make sure that everyone will be taken care of with me acquiring and knowing the rules by heart. Being a staff member means that you are taking on a huge role in providing the best care for all GG players and I believe I can provide that. Thank you. Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details When I was younger 2 years ago, I played Garnet Gaming. I made the biggest mistake which was Mass RDM. I shouldn't have done it and it was a big mistake on my part. Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: Made an application which was on November 8th 2019, which got declined. This is my second app since then. How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: 15+ hours on weekdays Mon-Fri, and 10+ hours on the weekends.
  17. From what I've seen in the comments so far, and the age problem, PLUS you have made a staff app before. -1
  18. For a 13 year old this a good app, personally I’m from Mrp. However, from reading the comments it seems u are a bit Of a minge. However, some ppl are sometimes so dw. Plus u got referrals not only 1 but 2. Plus +1 from my end
  19. Lol, I played darkrp once, and actually saw you in game. You were nice tbh but I see that you have 3 warns in 24 hours. I’ll -1 for now but honestly u are a great guy, just wait out the warns and reapply if u don’t get staff this time. I’m sure you will next time for SURE. P.S bring up that playtime!!
  20. Ngl, Ive seen u in game, however I dont see you as active tbh as you say. Not only that but you only talk to certain ppl. Therefore Ill -1 for now.
  21. +1 this application is beautiful tbh. Not only that but I did talk to you for a bit in game and ts when u were in army. Nothing but positivity. Good luck hope you get staff
  22. Valor

    Gamma's Staff App

    +1 love talking to this man nothing but great suggestions, and efforts to make the server better. I personally believe he’ll be a great pick and will do nothing but benefit.
  23. +1 super friendly in game, and honestly shows nothing but respect for all players. Never had a bad interaction nor a problem with you. Wouldn’t be surprised if you got staff at all
  24. Thanks man appreciate the kind words
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