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Everything posted by Jesus

  1. Love ya forever Clickbait. I'll never stop clicking my memories of you as Marshal.
  2. Jesus

    Mav's staff app

    Heavy +1. This dude is active, mature, respectful, honest, funny and so many other things.
  3. I changed my mind. Since you have put your previous staffing jobs behind you, and people seem to Like you alot. Imma hit you with a +1
  4. Hard -1. You lost your officer job for being immature and got demoted to SGT for it and you didn't exactly do anything as an officer. I rarely see you on and you haven't appeared to have change at all.
  5. I see you on by you haven’t made much of an impression on anyone. I know OF you but I don’t know you. Adding on to the fact that you manage a Rust server and several TS (which is pretty cool and I commend you for that), you should reconsider applying for staff if you have all these commitments -1
  6. Was it the HowToBasic vid? If so, I jack off to HTB so it counts as porn and therefore get lol’d on boi
  7. -1 for now for now for the reasons above. Prove to us and some of the insane ass skeptics that you have changed and it will be a +1
  8. I played for 2 weeks in April 2016 and 2 weeks in 2017. Therefore am OG fite me
  9. For 10 Keys you can be Army GA
  10. 3 21 98 43 51 72 66 781.5 My name is Ethan Greshnev 98.0 65 345 23 71 09 And I will have my revenge 76 51 86 10 9 8 7 6 10
  11. There I am Gary! There I am!
  12. We are FINALLY seeing PoliceRP become a reality on Garnet Gaming, and that's a great thing! But I think we need another gamemode, the elephant in the room we refuse to accept, and that's EquestriaRP. Most of us are neckbearded, fedora tipping MilitaryRP warriors. We would make great ponies as we frolick and learn to love. Do it @Garnet. No balls.
  13. This might be a bit of a stretch or not, but there should be a National Guard faction as one of the factions you try out for.
  14. Jokes on you I'm not frosty
  15. Looks good so far, but due to the issues people wont shut up about. It may take some time to get used to.
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