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Everything posted by Soappppp

  1. You have good intentions and have been nothing but nice to everyone you talk to, keep it up.
  2. Official Public Documents Page Special Operations Forces ( SSO ) Documents: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wGdnEyEQFWwAEvr8_y-8Ez9AZSI7V3Ot06KKIw9O3WM/edit?usp=sharing There is no reason for me to keep the documents private, as any private Operations will be posted elsewhere! Any questions or concerns can be directed to me privately!
  3. Official Public Announcement Page Special Operations Forces ( SSO ) Brief Description: This forum post will be replied with public announcements that relate to SSO activities. Whether it's the change of tryout guidelines, or the time and date of a tryout occuring. Any and ALL updates relating to SSO will be posted here by me. Faction specific forum sections are rarely used, this brings more use to this section of the forums. Each post will have the date, followed by the actual announcement. Any questions about the announcements are to be directed straight to me!
  4. This is a common theme among the server, and as much as I can see where it comes from, it's not the case at all. The capability to move to another map may have been taken away, sure. But the ability for community members to stand up and create good RP-Orientated Events is still here. The RP-Events I led on Charikar were great examples, as were Bishops. Players can easily do RP-Events so long as they have the competency and brain-power to do so. I'm actually in the process of training SSO players how to do Operations, and how to take apart in them proficiently. Trust me, I want us to have more RP capabilities, and i'm trying to work towards that with everything we have at our disposal. I'll say this much, I agree with this point too an extent. The power Shrimps was given on the event server was given because he was heavily trusted. You have to understand, it's hard for a server owner to give a large chunk of power to specific players, to then have them only screw him over down the road. Do I think Shrimps needs to be re-evaluated, sure, but I DON'T think we have the option to appoint someone else to his former positions. I wouldn't say extremely inactive/uninvolved. Coming from someone who was in the position Tayler was in, wanting to play and be active when your leader ISN'T, is hard. It's hard to want to improve a faction and involve others when your leader can't even involve himself. Better yet, AFSOC is new, so what AFSOC can/can't do is also slightly different. I assume Tayler knew this, and didn't want to overstep his boundaries as a simple 2ndLt. I will agree though, it does add to the demise of the faction. No, it's probably not the best case for the faction to be removed entirely. Unless Garnet plans on removing the event server, if this is the case, then go for it. AFSOC is in an interesting place because we've never seen it ( currently ) run to the best of its abilities. Instead, empty promises were given, which creates a sense of hate towards AFSOC. Actually, I can personally speak on behalf of Homast. As for Gythem, he's not longer a GM. This is my campaign outline im working on, and suprise suprise, Homast is actually working with me to create it. We're working on adding a storyline to MRP Operations/Events in order to create real effects after an Operation. I won't go into detail here, but i've been working on most of it, Homast has been someone i've ran ideas through. Trust me, the Game Masters WANT to work with everyone, its the tools that were given were not appropriate ( shrimp ). As for some other responses, I appreciate this a lot 0zzy, however, I currently got appointed by MRP Executives to an SSO JLT position in order to help the faction get out of its dead state. I can't really leave behind SSO during this time, as a lot of what i'm doing for SSO will hopefully return it to its former glory. Down the road would I be willing to help AFSOC? Absolutely, but for now, I would like to stick with SSO and help these guys out so I can eventually confidently leave behind a strong faction. Absolutely agree with you. I've been working hard with Homast to create some RP Events for everyone on the server. It's just, planning takes time, I have to make sure everything is in line with the rules, as well as the RP-Events being fun for BOTH sides. Win or lose. Overall, this suggestion was a decent one, I think the meaning behind it is very good, wanting AFSOC/The Event Server to be ran & used more. The suggestion seems a little out there, but the purpose is good.
  5. it was a sick raid, unfortunate the gernade could only get thrown 2 feet and clip the wall
  6. Spetsgruppa Alfa / Russian Commando Frogmen Joint-Operation Brief Overview: On April 17th, 2020, Spetsgruppa Alfa was notified of an unknown string of Operations designed to capture and hold a Russian Ground Forces target. Spetsgruppa Alfa quickly organized and called for all RU SOC Members to dispatch at the Russian Outpost. Out of all the SOC Members on, it seemed like a majority of members in the room were Russian Commando Frogmen. The Operation was designed to infiltrate the United States F.O.B and find the whereabouts of the target. Luckily, the Frogmen were already well experienced in briefing the F.O.B, so we were never detected. They even showed up in their own suits, each well equipped. Primary Operation : Extract the Whereabouts of Target Mission Objective: Breach the US F.O.B and snap pictures of the Target to insure his safety/confirm who the target is. *Picture from Spetsgruppa Alfa Igor* RUSOCOM Participating Groups: SSO | Vega | PDSS | GRU Mission Overview: We received communications over comms that a Russian Ground Forces member was captured and being interrogated. Immediately, Spetsgruppa Alfa Igor organized Russian SOC at the Russian Outpost with the sole intent of saving and... "disposing"... the Russian Ground Forces Member for compromising information. Preparing the mission, each Operative was equipped with a suppressor, and a black suit to remain quiet. Luckily, we had another set of members to cause a distraction near the front gate and force their attention off of the extraction group. Once inside, we began extracting the information and scanned the base for the whereabouts of the target. Once spotted and confirmed, we quickly disembarked and organized a meeting point at Town. PDSS SN Buddha was placed in charge for the duration of the Rescue Operation. It was deemed appropriate to send a "message" if you will to the United States. As the target moved closer surrounded by US Soldiers, we had an RPG launch a rocket to quickly "remove" all the hostiles. Our remote snipers spotted movement at Oil Rig so we continued to scan town, removing all US Soldiers in sight. The Operation went quickly, and effectively. Job well done. - Spetsgruppa Alfa Igor
  7. United States Marine Corps Forces Special Operation Command / 5th Special Forces Group ( United States Special Operations Command Public Operations Record ) Joint-Operation Brief Overview: On April 16th, 2020, MARSOC and mainly the 5th SFG worked together in a Joint-Operation. The Operation, named Operation O.I.L ( Obstructing Intelligence & Logistics ) was set out to breach an SSO hold on the Oil Rig while extracting vital information pertaining to SSO. 5thSFG COL Aidan worked together along MARSOC 2ndLt Stork to command and organize the Operation. The importance of these Operations is greatly effective in increasing teamwork, effectiveness, & overal fluidity between SOC Groups. Outstanding work everyone! Primary Operation : Capture Oil Rig & Extract with Information Mission Objective: Scout Oil Rig and plan a quick, effective breach. After breach, hold and extract intel. *Picture from 2ndLt Stork's Helmet Cam* USSOCOM Participating Groups: Rangers | MARSOC | Green Beret | DEVGRU *Overhead Drone Shot of SSO OPTs* RUSOCOM Participating Groups: SSO | Vega | PDSS | GRU ( thanks SSO ) Mission Overview: SSO were spotted patrolling Oil Rig going in and out of the small main hut. It was assumed from our Overwatch Team that something useful was spotted being transported inside the main hut. The patrol team of SSO OPTs were each swiftly shot and exterminated from afar. Ground Team ( 2ndLt Stork & GB ) moved in and breached in a standard humvee. While DEVGRU & RRC were giving us Overwatch support, Green Beret & MARSOC were sweeping Oil Rig. While holding Oil Rig, we faced a brutal onslaught of force from what we can only assume were Russian Soldiers. The specified group of these soldiers is unknown, but believed to be SSO OPTs. After about 2 minutes of extracting intelligence, the remaining members extracted the intelligence and went on a dead sprint toward the US Outpost. Once the information was safe and secure, the remaining SOCOM members were briefed. The Operation was a success. Ожидайте большего. Пятница. - 2nd Lieutenant Stork
  8. In all seriousness, sick update. I think the model choices for most factions look super GOOD. Vega is about to get super hyped about getting medkits for once
  9. United States Marine Corps Forces Special Operation Command ( United States Special Operations Command Public Operations Record ) Operation Brief Overview: On April 13th, 2020, the United States Marine Corps Forces Special Operation Command ( MARSOC ), organized and gather US SOC Operatives to carry out a detailed progression of intel gathering. The Missions that were carried out consisted of three separate attempts. Two of which were fully successful. The Joint Operation forced US SOC to organize and work together in order to effectively carry out a detailed plan with the goal of gathering information. Each Operation was led and carried out by MARSOC 2nd Lieutenant Stork. The Missions will be listed below, each briefly described on what went right, and what went wrong. Mission I. : Medical Documents of Targeted Insurgents Mission Objective: Infiltrate the Russian F.O.B. ( Forward Operating Base ) silently and secure a position inside the Hospital. USSOCOM Participating Groups: Rangers | MARSOC | Green Beret | DEVGRU *Photo Taken by Jared Cox/Edited by Stork* Mission Overview: MARSOC 2nd Lieutenant Stork organized the first Mission and called for multiple SOC members to group up at the United States Outpost. 2nd Lieutenant Stork began briefing all SOC members of the plan and details of what the Mission was going to accomplish. After the plan was laid out, the Overwatch team ( RRC ) began routing to the RU F.O.B. In the process, they were able to give us critical information about the exact precise route for us take in order to remain undetected. Thankfully, the route provided landed USSOCOM right under the Russians nose. 2nd Lieutenant Stork led the Ground Team inside the Hospital and began extracting valuable medical documents. Such as Names, Health Incidents, & etc. Overwatch Team was able to secure 11 assumed kills. This gave the Ground Team time to extract the intel and return to the vehicle positioned nearby at town. After a successful Mission, everyone was briefed and ready to work on the second Mission. Mission II. : Jailhouse Documents of Targeted Insurgents Mission Objective: Forcibly breach the Russian Jailhouse and obtain a defensive position on the Jailhouse. USSOCOM Participating Groups: Rangers | MARSOC | Green Beret | DEVGRU *Photo Taken by Jared Cox/Edited by Stork* Mission Overview: MARSOC 2nd Lieutenant Stork organized the second Mission with the experiences of the first one taken into consideration. Immediately after briefing, USSOCOM filed inside three separate vehicles. We began moving towards two heavily armed US personal. One of which, was equipped with extra kevlar armor and wearing a juggernaut suit. Additionally, armed with an M249. The second soldier was armed with a Matador explosive propelling weapon and metal plating to add bullet resistance. The convey stopped at a specified building and secured the two personal. Once ready, the convey moved to the construction building and proceeded on foot. The Overwatch Team gave us the go-ahead to proceed through RU Outpost and secure the Jailhouse. From that point on, the Mission was rocky, casualties were high. But the end product was achieved, USSOCOM extracted successfully with the information. - 2nd Lieutenant Stork
  10. Yeah, we originally thought this was the case, but in the video provided you can see he doesn't turn sideways at all to see if someone's there. This is why we thought it was extremely unlikely he actually hit these shots. Furthermore, we went to the spots where he nails the out of render shots, according the Riskii, it's just the youtube compression fucking up the video. However, when you go to the spots in-game, you are 100% out of render. Without turning to the side ( which he never did ) it is impossible to tell if someone's there. Better yet, he actually tracks right to each target in the clips, tell how you "turn sideways" and then just track that the target moved from where you originally saw them? Seems extremely unlikely. And to do it multiple times? Even worse. This is interesting to say the least lol. You're telling me you were running around a hill, taking shots at people, zooming in and out with the orsis, but you just so happened to notice the tiny pixel of a gun? Then you decided, "eh, you know what, i'll just aim somewhere that the barrel wasn't and then track straight to that "pixel"!". Seems like a bit of a poor piece of defense in my eyes. I'm sorry but I still fail to understand how you were running around after killing a Guardian and then notice something I still can't notice in this screenshot you provided. Overall, -1 for your unban, the clips of you tracking someone whos out of render is just insane to me (0:09). Your screenshots you provided still make no sense. I don't know what GFuel you drink but holy shit lemme have some. Cause there's no way you're spotting that guy with the tiny pixel that is barely a different color then the background.
  11. Jumping into a combat situation being fully aware of combat directly in front of you in my eyes is enough for the "first" crouch. You were knowingly heading into combat while jumping, this in turn can mess up the initial shot into combat. As you were, again, aware of combat. This was the second crouch jump. Watching the video back after the report was made it goes without saying that you were intentionally messing with your hitbox for an advantage in that second jump. Again, you are aware combat is taking place ( it's right in front of you ) and you literally state "then engage in another fight". Don't attempt to loophole the rules in order to benefit yourself, you know exactly what you were doing. You literally began shooting almost immediately after you killed Koulit. Don't try to word something out of context in order to benefit yourself. The video explains that intentionally crouch jumping in combat is against the rules, you made 3 different crouch jumps in the span of 5 seconds while killing two players. And you want to argue this was in-line with the rules? Overall Vizii, you're well aware of the rule. You've been talked to previously ( from what i've heard ) about the rule and how its enforced. Going out of your way to abuse crouch-jumping and trying to twist the rule is something I personally frown upon. When I warned you, I made sure to maticiously check the video and ask other staff members so it wasn't entirely my own choice. -1.
  12. To my knowledge, staff team just had a last minute meeting with Garnet and stamina is removed. More than likely it'll be removed in the next restart.
  13. As much as I personally already dislike the stamina "solution", you need to give it time. This hasn't even been implemented for a high-pop war. If the general populis starts complaining about the stamina "solution" then you will more than likely see an inevitable revert to no-stamina. You need to let something sit with the community so we can see how it works in high-pop wars. However, I personally have my own vendetta against the stamina system and already feel like it's incredibly sluggish. Your points in the suggestion aren't strong enough to over-turn an update, however, give it some more time and i'm sure you'll have much better reasons to use. The intended purpose was to directly affect jumping, as much as I don't think it's the proper solution, it is a proposed one. If it works in the coming days then so-be-it. Give it some time. I do agree with this point, the stamina system recharges very slow at the moment, creating slow sluggish fights on town or other CQC OBJs. This in-turn, indirectly buffs sniping. Snipers now have an easier time shooting targets, while at the same time being more exposed in the open. There is a give & take in this situation. Again, I understand the frustration with the stamina bar, I really do trust me. But if this is the "solution" that's being put into place, then allowing 20 jumps is more than likely not an appealing change. Overall, I personally agree that the stamina system has its flaws, however, give it some time and see if it irons out. Your points are also a little lackluster, but other than that, -.1
  14. Don't wanna make this a massive response thread. But you really should understand the context before posting. Me and Regret constantly talk over each others bodies as a joke. Just wanted to give some defense to another idiotic post trying to tarnish reputation.
  15. You know, as much as I think it's always nice to be remembered by the community. A "bang" doesn't have to be something that ruins the server for others. Simone, I had respect for you and i'm honestly disappointed. No empathy for cheaters. Don't care if it was for a week, 8 months, or an hour, still unfortunate you went out the way you did. I'll miss you man, but you've lost absolutely all respect from me. It's a good thing we got rid of a joke right now! A staff member downloading cheats and then claiming the rest of staff are a joke is an absolute joke. How about instead of stating the team is a joke, you actually try and fix the faults you see? Again Simone, you lost ALL my respect the moment you decided to cheat. It's still mind boggling you call the team a joke and then go out of your way to do something like this. Anyways, sucks you had to go, but if you wanted to just flat out ruin the server for others, good riddance. Thanks for the good times I had with you, and for training me. But don't think you're leaving in a good "bang". Anyways, enjoy the low quality meme. Joke. https://gyazo.com/155fcdab9c047337e298b7c879d9da7b
  16. I normally don't respond twice to a post like this, but what you said was addressed in my response. Warden killed Ducky once, then Ducky killed Warden 3 times. As seen here. ^ Also: In the appeal he's stating that Warden was the one saying consensual RDM is acceptable.
  17. Hey Ducky! Sorry you feel wronged by the ban, but I explained to you in the sit that Consensual RDM is still RDM. As 0zzy quoted, This is a majority of the time your responsibility. The only time I let this slide is whenever i'm dealing with new players who make a simple mistake. In your case, you are a player who has played long enough to understand how our rules function. In the sit, you furthermore admitted the MassRDM and stated you were sorry. I understand you're sorry, but the explanations you provided seemed like poor excuses. It's unfortunate it had to be you, but since you were in fact reported, I had to go through with the sit regardless. Irresponsbility is at your fault AND Wardens fault. Warden did not go without punishment in this situation, he was explicitly told that if continued a punishment was going to be pushed towards him as well. What I don't like is how you state Warden killed you multiple times. Warden killed you once. https://imgur.com/a/ImedMK3 In the screenshot, we see Warden kill you once. I assume it was a flat out RDM, however it was not reported and as such, was not going to be dealt with. ( Dealt with as in warning/jailing him, he was given a strict verbal! ) We can also see you get 3 kills within the allocated time-span of 5 minutes. Therefore, I had to go through with the ban. Warden is in the wrong for killing you at ALL, but retaliating with a MassRDM is unacceptable. I understand your frustration, but thankfully that's what staff are here for. Do /report next time and WE will deal with it. However, you state: Warden holds no grounds to tell you what IS and ISN'T allowed. IF this did happen it is still your responsibility to know what the rules are, and report Warden accordingly. Also, a video of him saying this would be greatly appreciated! As we can't just accept your story as 100% truth! Given the proof and statements made, I think the ban is 100% just, however, it's not my choice whether or not the ban is lifted! I will say this, the RDM wasn't with malicious intent, but it was irresponsible. At this point, its up the higher staff members. Goodluck!
  18. Soappppp

    Bhewy Ban Appeal

    From what it appears, your ban was hard-coded. Other people have already described it so that's already been stated. IF this is the case, I doubt you'd be getting unbanned. The shear amount of evidence staff members hold against you is already enough to warrant a confident ban. Why the evidence isn't posted? I'm not sure, that's well out of my ballpark. However, your reason for being unbanned is very weak. A copy and paste of your last ban appeal will more than likely result in the same conclusion, a locked post, with no response. I wish you luck, but I doubt anything will come out of this. Next time handle yourself with more respect and try to write a tad more in the ban appeal to warrant some actual discussion. Simmer down, as much as I dislike certain players for the decisions they make, there are times and places to make statements like this. This a ban appeal, keep it related to that and act civil. We're Staff after all. A community member who simply wants to witness the evidence used against a player for hacking is a normal thing. I assume Gunner wanted to review the evidence for himself and formulate an opinion. Absolutely no reason to handle yourself like this on a forums page. Anyways, The evidence from my understanding is being withheld by the Executive team/other players. Why? I'm not sure but I can guarantee its for a good reason. Since the ban appears to be hard-coded I can confidently say, Bhewy was more than likely guilty for hacking. In my own eyes, with the support backing up your ban staying in place from the Executive Team and the MRP Staff Team as a whole, i'd prefer if the ban stayed. -1. Nevertheless, goodluck!
  19. I'll say this much. I was there when you were banned, and at first I questioned D Rose for the ban. I saw you said the name of "Icefuse Networks", but there didn't appear to be any malicious intent. You were discussing with a fellow Army PVT about the seriousness of this server and provided an example of what's more serious. As much as I wish you would've kept it to PMs, you didn't really advertise the server. You stated the name and with the context shown, it wasn't malicious. I think a much more suitable approach would've been to just TP to you and explain why what you did could be considered advertising. The ban should be lifted IMO, he wasn't trying to send players to Icefuse, he was just having a conversation with some players. From the looks of it as well in-game, you actually show an interest in continuing to play. I personally would rather just verbally warn you for something you didn't maliciously do and let you continue to play. Overall, +1, this player should be unbanned.
  20. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:168017376 [RU or US]: US Classsssss of choice: Ghillie How much do you luv me?: yes
  21. I can't speak much on the whole map change matter, as I never really played much of either maps. However, I have fond memories of when I was dogshit at the game playing during wars. IE: I'd love to see the Town OBJ back. My old shitty laptop was able to run it, so i'd be a little excited to see how my PC would run it. Any of these maps for me is basically a new map, but from the videos i've seen, Charharikar is a safe vote.
  22. The only issue I have with seperate discords, are discords used for the sole purpose of witch-hunting/shit talking other players. It's nearly impossible to find every discord that has any relation to Garnet Gaming and enforce this rule/punishment. I think it's safe to say that in this specific instance, the discord in question IS NOT created to slander/negatively comment on specific players. It's used to create some unity and communication between the SOC groups of US. Again, I have to remain unbiased, the specific situation that's being reported imo is not enough to warrant ANY punishment against Shrimps. The sole-purpose of that discord is to promote good and effective communication of US SOC groups, of course, a few things will be said here and there that are off topic. These kinds of things happen on a multitude of platforms unrelated to discord already. It wasn't a threat or witch-hunt, Shrimps from how the message appears, was memeing your name. However, I can't give a 100% certain answer since I can no longer see those chat messages on that discord. Overall, -1 on the report. I simply don't see enough cold-hard facts that say this discord has a malicious purpose/effect. However, if Garnet comes out and says that discords that have ANY relation to Garnet Gaming are forbidden, then i'll change my -1 to a +1. I understand you provided a steam chat message, but I believe the purpose of the discord is also a consideration alongside this rule.
  23. I disagree with these counter-points. There is no difference from someone spamming crouch three times versus crouch-jumping once. The hitbox is still manipulated and in-turn, causes messed up hitreg. Also, this is not a suggestion for Stamina, I have my own views on Stamina but this is the wrong thread for that. This rule would NOT be "highly" up to staff, its determining if the repeated crouch-jump is taking place DURING combat. A simple video can prove if a player is crouch-jumping during combat by determining if either player is shooting their weapons. The rule would not be difficult to enforce, it really just needs some clarification on what exactly we CAN enforce.
  24. Clarification on Crouch-Jumping DISCLAIMER : The proof provided isn't used to provide punishment against said player(s); it's used to show what is seen IMO as "breaking" the rule. I. The Evidence First piece of evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdWZvYGSwYE A. Going over the evidence first will help provide a canvas on what exactly crouch-jumping IS. Crouch-jumping is the combination of pressing CTRL ( most common crouch button ) + Space ( most common jump button ). This, as seen in the video, jolts your player model up and down in a swift motion. This in-turn makes sniping more difficult for the aggressor. However, the aggressor can ALSO crouch jump and in turn, make the defender have a tougher situation. Now, i'm all for skill-gap on the server, things making certain players better; but crouch-jumping can quite literally be bounded in console to space bar. This has absolutely nothing to do with skil, and doesn't effect the skill-gap at all. It simply puts players on even playing ground for the ones that don't crouch-jump. In the clip, we see the aggressor, Kruger, keeping a hold on US base. Using what appears to be a Mosin/Orsis, he continues to crouch-jump around and gather kills. The ability for a player to be able to crouch-jump while spamming A + D makes it extremely difficult to land shots on a target. Where-as the player crouch-jumping can take an easy shot while the defender tries to land the killing blow. Although he's only hitting CTRL ONCE per jump, it's still the player knowingly and willingly adjust his hitbox to dodge shots. Second piece of evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbT_QoQczAc&feature=youtu.be B. The second piece of evidence shows the second situation which is allowable to an EXTENT. Kruger appears to be crouch-jumping while just running along, not in any combat situation. Crouch-jumping out of habit while just running around doesn't really serve any sort of harm to combat. However, it's when he noticed he WAS being shot at, he decided to continue crouch-jumping in order to elude my shots. Being aware that you're in a combat situation and continuing to manipulate your hitbox SHOULD BE against the rules. This clip should be what we as staff members should look out for. ( IE: If someone's reported for it and provides a video, we warn the player. ) I. ( CON'T ) Conclusion to "The Evidence" C. These clips provided are in no means to target Kruger, he was simply one of the players that consistently do this practice. Clipping it and using it as evidence wasn't entirely difficult. The thing to take away from these two clips is how, as a staff member imo, this is what should be punishable. Crouch-jumping out of base without being shot at or being in a combat situation shouldn't be warnable; as a lot of players just crouch jump on their way to point. However, the evidence shows what INTENTIONAL crouch-jump spam looks like. Being AWARE of a combat situation and continuing to consistently crouch-jump SHOULD be punishable. II. The Enforcement A. Enforcing the rule is ultimately up to the executives of MRP. However, I have a few suggestions on how we can enforce this rule. Relating this to 2017-2018 when Headglitching was considered FRP, staff had a multitude of ways to deal with said rule. This is similar to how it would be dealt with, however in this scenario, it's easy to distinguish if someone is doing it intentionally, as proven with the evidence. Staff members for the most part would have to warn with sufficient video evidence, as most warns go that have no log-based evidence. This isn't a complex thing to enforce, first time offense is just a verbal, as most players won't be 100% aware of this rule. Second time warn would be a simple FRP warn, or something along those lines. The enforcement section is primarily up to Executives. III. Conclusion There isn't much to say or suggest when it comes to this rule. I'm overall asking for clarification on how this rule CAN be enforced. The evidence I provided was simply used to show what I BELIEVE should be punishable with a warn. Players intentionally manipulating their hitbox in order to gain an advantage in a fight. The Kruger clips also show where some sort of leeway can be given. The initial shot I take on the second piece of evidence where he crouch-jumps around the same second is fine. Thats an example of a unintentional crouch-jump in combat. However, it's what happens AFTER that should be somewhat punishable. He became aware of an aggressor and continued to crouch-jump spam. TLDR : Make intentional crouch-jumping punishable by a warn.
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