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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. Yes, this is something that Garnet said he can do with certain entities, which would work for jetpacks. I didn't think of this option, thanks for mentioning it here.
  2. Thank you for applying, and I really appreciate the enthusiasm. I hope to see you more on the server and become more familiar with you so that when you do reapply, I will be more confident in accepting you.
  3. Accepted. I will train you alongside Ace.
  4. I looked at this addon when working on the server with Garnet and there are a few issues. 1) If the tickrate of the server is too low, it won't work properly (currently having issues with the grapple gun because of this). 2) It is an entity that you have to spawn in, so Garnet would have to figure out a way for players to spawn this in without the assistance of GMs spawning one in every time a jet trooper wants a jet pack. However, now that I type this, it might be better so that jetpacks are only issued when they are needed.
  5. Just wanted to point at that suggestion was accepted for the temple guards - right now there is no intention to add younglings to the server.
  6. Any reason you removed Oboshi from your referrals?
  7. Accepted. Contact me or Bishop to receive your rank and training.
  8. Your suggestion has been Accepted, Please note that accepted suggestions will not necessarily be implemented into the server, but rather forked over to the development team for a second opinion, at which point they are free to choose between implementation or not.
  9. Denied. We have so many battalions as is, and there isn't much support for this from the community.
  10. Your suggestion has been Accepted, Please note that accepted suggestions will not necessarily be implemented into the server, but rather forked over to the development team for a second opinion, at which point they are free to choose between implementation or not.
  11. Your suggestion has been Accepted, Please note that accepted suggestions will not necessarily be implemented into the server, but rather forked over to the development team for a second opinion, at which point they are free to choose between implementation or not.
  12. Your suggestion has been Accepted, Please note that accepted suggestions will not necessarily be implemented into the server, but rather forked over to the development team for a second opinion, at which point they are free to choose between implementation or not.
  13. Your suggestion has been Accepted, Please note that accepted suggestions will not necessarily be implemented into the server, but rather forked over to the development team for a second opinion, at which point they are free to choose between implementation or not.
  14. We now have an official GG SWRP Discord. https://discord.gg/cNaNTTZ
  15. Denied. Not much support and I agree with the criticism. Take it to heart and improve.
  16. Accepted. Contact an S.Mod+ in-game or on the discord to receive your trianing.
  17. Your suggestion has been Accepted, Please note that accepted suggestions will not necessarily be implemented into the server, but rather forked over to the development team for a second opinion, at which point they are free to choose between implementation or not.
  18. So you would like the Shock Trooper : ARF class to have their DC-15A replaced with a DC-15s? Also, it would not be fair to give it the DC-15s and the DC-15x, so pick one please and I'll see what we can do.
  19. Please follow the suggestion format. What are you suggesting? Why should it be implemented? Any additional information? (screenshots, weapon strings, etc..) Also, which ARF trooper class are you talking about? Some of them vary. Most of them have a DC15-x, which is essentially a DMR.
  20. Accepted. I'll give you a shot, although I would have liked if more people vouched for you.
  21. There are already scaffolds in one of the hangars that you can use. I will see about adding prop speeders in there.
  22. I would like to see most of these changes, but pilots are the least of our concerns for now. I don't want to spread the playerbase more thinly that it already is, so I would like to sit on this one and put it on the back burner.
  23. Already working on giving GMs the bring and goto command. Might rework the GM groups in the future, but for now, I think the way the rank works is generally fine.
  24. Already working on RC weapons with the information Pencil, Ching, and Swigs provided.
  25. Already accepted Bortnik's, will review the values on my own an determine a fair amount with Garnet.
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