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Everything posted by britpdf

  1. britpdf

    Eco Wipe

    YES YES YES bring back a fair playing field
  2. Wrong format, and also... not to be rude... but wasn't your staff application recently denied?
  3. +1, disregarding the short paragraphs. This isn't school or anywhere that complete ESSAYS are important so I'm not going to be picky about that. You have a fair amount of playtime so I am sure you know the ins and outs of the server pretty well. Tag is also a good reference to have. Also, you PAY ATTENTION TO THE RULES! So, I like you.
  4. I didn't mean cocky in the way that probably came across. I just meant you need to be more careful and pay more attention to detail.
  5. -1 you're just barely old enough to be staff, you're a tad bit cocky from what I am gathering from your application... I haven't seen you in game so don't take that personally, and lastly 53 hours just isn't an amount of playtime I am comfortable with. You need to have more experience. I personally don't like to +1 anyone that has under 100 hours. Also, being staff requires paying attention to detail and basing off of your staff application.. I don't see that "careful" quality in you right now. Apply again when you have more playtime and can pay more attention to detail and you will get my +1.
  6. +1 an awesome VIP add on! However, don't these screens "break" easily?
  7. +1 A broadcast or announcement would be much more noticeable. Chat and adverts get lost in the ocean of communication on the server very quickly.
  8. -1 I just don't think thats enough playtime to know the server well enough. Get more time under your belt and you may have my +1.
  9. +1. The bans are questionable. However, I have seen him in game. He's a decent player. To be honest I thought he was staff when I first met him. He admits he was wrong and PLENTY of our staff have also been banned before. The advertising application thing is also something I question. However, I didn't see it and depending on HOW he did it... thats what I am questioning. All staff applicants ask for +1's and/or recommendations. THE APPLICATION LITERALLY ASKS WHO RECOMMENDED YOU. You can't just put random people down without asking them first.
  10. I kinda agree but I also agree with Entity. In a real situation no one would go to a different area but I also can see how this would help.
  11. +1 very annoying to have to search through them \.
  12. +1, I have played with you and generally trust you as a player. Good app. I think you'll be a great staff.
  13. britpdf

    Jails Broken

    I noticed this yesterday when I had an issue with a cop arresting me while I was on duty. It kept sending me into the sewer.
  14. +1 I hate when mayors leave them running too long. Then there are a ton of arrests that are technically false which leads to a ton of complaining. Ugh.
  15. britpdf

    Ban Appeal

    +1 I seen this go through i believeeee, but if mips doesn't remember him then he cant show us proof.
  16. BIG FAT +1!!!!! I have been the mayors wife a few times and EVERY SINGLE time I have to wait around for people to let me in and out of PD. Also, she doesn't really do much either so whats the point of having her in game if she has no real purpose... The least she should have is keys to the PD WHERE HER "home" is!
  17. +1 I think it would give the cops something more to do when there is no mayor! Right now, cops only have laws to enforce that people typically do reports for unless there is a mayor. I also think it would be hella cool to be able to directly call a cop over if someone was raiding your base. Say, you're in your base alone and can't defend yourself against like 6 dudes for whatever reason being able to call a cop to help would be beneficial and add something more challenging to some raids. (def. situational though and would need some precautions to avoid abuse)
  18. I think this is the type of "immature" behavior @eXg-Buddha was referring to. Defiantly not the type of thing you SHOULD respond on your staff application. I think the rule of thumb typically is, if you have nothing nice to say... then say nothing at all. I have seen you in game however, I can't say you are a good or bad player as I have no direct experience with you. However, based on the responses of trusted higher ups that have responded I am going to -1. Apply again when you are a little more matured and less rude to staff and community members. I wish you luck for your application in the future.
  19. Sorry, mud but he didn't wrong you this time. You did dis at the start of the sit. The dis wasn't the wasting time part. I was there and Chase claims he has shadow play. Sorry brother. But i have to -1 this one
  20. +1 I don't know you in game but your'e app looks good and the community for the most part likes you so.
  21. Well, you have a good app and Garnet himself gave a +1 so.. take my +1 as well.
  22. +1 from me boi. You seem to really care about the server. You have a good app and good references. Plus I have seen you in game a ton!
  23. Yeah, I just got trained THIS MORNING... why would I be demoted for the month of December? I wasn't staff in December... I am TRIGGERED.
  24. LOL "egirl". WE LIVE IN THE SAME HOUSE XD BUT Thank you so much for the +1
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