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About Mattyyy

  • Birthday 08/19/2003

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  1. Nah I didn't forget you, sweaty SWRP main. Fr tho bro I did forget a few people. I enjoyed the good old times, I'm hoping everything goes well too! Keep in touch bro
  2. facts ima take you up on that beer offer if I ever see ya lmao Oh great just excited then1
  3. One person I shoulda mentioned in the post TBH. Bro you really became one of my good friends too. I have no clue what's to come with our snap streaks
  4. I'll miss ya too Smity! Try to not get shot by half the server while im gone
  5. Thanks Rust! Ill try my best to enjoy it and ill make sure to never give up out there! Ill be sure to mention the great Garnet Gaming and hit Brig Gen RQ
  6. Thanks man! Long live Miracle Johnson! Haha Yeah those trainings pissed me off. Mao a SWRP bitch fr fr
  7. Haha you got the wrong person sadly! I never was in Vega. But thank you for wishing me bye! Cya chance! Thank you! Pleasure meeting you! Miss ya too Gabe! Try to get delta Colonel while I'm gone Thanks Proggy! I'll try my best. I'll fs stop back once I'm out of basic!
  8. Well the time for my Resignation has come. This MRP server has been apart of my life for the last 6 years. Granted I wasnt really apart of the community for the first 3 but we dont talk about that. I joined when I was 13, I was a fucking minge and got like 4 mass bans before I actually gave this server a shot. Then I went and Massed again after I got demoted from 1SG. I came back again and hit WO for the first time. Then I joined Rangers, Thats when I truly felt like I enjoyed my time in MRP. I spent a few months in rangers then returned to army. Then left for a year, came back and hit BG. My time as a BG under Conway truly helped me learn about how to be a leader, and I hope I used what I learned to help others. A few people under my WOCS and OCS class have went on to do great things for this server, some being high up staff and others reaching GA or COL ranks of Soc Factions. I went to GB for a few months, hit LTC. Then left back for Army then ended my MRP Career in Rangers, where it all pretty much started. My time as Gamemaster helped me bring events to the community, some of which were extremely fun, and others, major disasters. Im off to the next chapter though, after 6 long years on this server with its stupid ass people, im joining the Army IRL. I leave for Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri August 31st. Im a bit nervous but im excited for the future. But overall I will never forget my MRP experiences, all the good times and bad times. There's a few people I'd like to mention that have really changed my MRP experience over the years. @Harris - My first true MRP friend, you gave me a shot in Rangers and really kept me in MRP after 2019 when I thought I was done. We talked about any random shit and im glad your life is going well, hope to meet you soon. @ShinyAtlas - Inactive ass Colonel. But FR im grateful for our times in Green Beret and Rangers together. Me and you went up in GB together and I was your LTC for the longest time. I joined you in Rangers too after some time as an inactive Colonel in Army, and Youve given me some of the best server memories. @Lando - Same with you, spending both time in Rangers and GB together have been great. Stop being as inactive as Shitty though, I know you're better than that. I wish both of you the best in the future while im gone, stay in touch! @James_R_Tanner - (believe this is your main) Tanner! Bro ive known you since 2019 when I start focusing my time on the server! Our times in Army and Rangers together were awesome! you were probably one of the people I played the most Non-Garnet Related games with. You helped me alot in my decision in joining the army, and I hope to see ya soon when I get out of Basic. @S0UL - Your balls need to drop soon. Bro left for SWRP like a bitch, but I still enjoyed my time mentoring you in Green Beret. Get better at CS:GO dumbass @Smity - Oh Smity, Smity, Smity. I would like to say we became good friends, we talked a lot and usually worked together a lot in SOC factions too, I trained you in OCS under Conway, and I came back to help you in Army when you were GA and Enjoyed those times a lot. Towards the end things changed a bit, and a lot of people started hating you. I hope that ends soon, see ya Loser! @MrTooTooT - Got to know you alot more towards the end of my MRP tour. The first Miracle Johnson event was some of the funniest shit I've seen on this server in a long time. We worked together a bit in Army, and I hope to talk to ya soon! Keep grinding as GA man! @Kerry1 - (I hope this is the right Kerry Account) Bro! We have had so many times together in army its crazy. For some reason every time I was an army officer, you were too. Probably one of my favorite and funny people to work with. Keep getting weapons buffed, that MSBS shit is still funny to me today. Goodluck Man! @mao - (whatever the fuck your forums tag is) - Hands down the funniest dude ive met on MRP. too bad you left for SWRP like a bitch with S0ul. But I hope we can keep in touch once I get out! goodluck man! And thank you to everyone else along the way of my MRP journey. I truly wish I could mention everyone but No one wants to see that. MATTY OUT BITCHES
  9. +1 fresh to garnet, I've worked with him in rangers for a few weeks and he's always willing to help me and my inactive Colonel with events
  10. +1 from me. I am one of Seros Referrals and think she would make a great addition to the GM team. She just helped plan that awesome server wide event over the last few days and as a GM I think she can continue to bring that type of caliber events to the server
  11. Im a little confused by this rule. Like I think it should only apply for Afghan outside US base and US outside Afghan base. Where if anyone has weapons out they can kill the other people for being outside of there own base with a weapon out. Its confusing where Tali can just RDM you for being solely outside of your own base. ima -1 this cause I feel like the Tali part encourages too much RDM and US killing Afghan anywhere because they have a weapon out will also encourage RDMing. I think the ROE should just be limited to enforcing the other force having a weapon out outside your base
  12. Gonna miss you Theos. You coming up as an officer with me were good times. Enjoyed working with you and under you. Hope life treats you well, don't ditch all of us and try to stay in touch! P.S I stole your rank get over it
  13. +1 I think personally hes worked on his image a shit ton from previously. And he was denied and told to reapply and continue working on his image which he has. I think he would make a great addition to the GM team because hes always willing to help me with events
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