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huskaii last won the day on September 23 2021

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586 Incredible Reputation


About huskaii

  • Birthday 12/20/2002

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  1. garnet release dates are about as consistent as cyberpunk was. Cool map tho
  2. yes, there are a good amount of people that think a random trail underneath their feet would be cool. So what, that proves us nothing. There has been plenty of "hype" for hundreds of additions that get denied, dont act like this is any different. Lets actually look at what it would entail rather than thinking "cool trail i want it." 1. There are already trails associated with some of the obtainable artifacts. While adding a few more artifacts that do this would be possible, adding a whole vending machine of trails would end up creating everybody on the server to be using one. 2. Putting behind a paywall would be the same idea as blood on MRP, while it was cool at first, there was problems with it involving the mechblood that made it hard to see the person you were shooting at. Trust me, you dont want even 20+ people running around with these trails on the server, it would cause a hassle and get annoying very fast. But you have to keep in mind that this is intended to be a Vanilla DRP server. I feel as this would take away from that feel if a bunch of people are running around with pink trails following them. 3. Adding it to prestige would be the only reasonable idea here, and even then the amount of prestiged players is small enough that it wouldn't even be worth the time to add this in when there could be other additions put in place instead. 4. The lag is something that would need to be tested. Not even going to bring that up as it isnt something measurable until it would be implemented. TLDR: There are other additions that would be much better in place of this, however adding it in as a prestige reward would be the most viable option. If garnet or proggy have any input on this, please do so as this gunna end up like my third person revamp suggestion years back real fast
  3. how you not gunna ping the best ranger squad known to mankind l8r
  4. this. -1 It adds really nothing of value to the experience of DRP anyways.
  5. please do your best drawing of my current pfp, and yours, to make it even more cursed than it already is. This is the new pfp wave
  6. i think this is the best sentence to come out of GarnetGaming
  7. +1 not as cool as COL JPop but still cool ig ^
  8. BRUH @Papiraqislow ur ass down bud, what ever happened to one post per 48 hours. fr posted here 5 times in one day But i also request to be number 999 for Juice WRLD sake, unless someone also wants to post that for that number 968
  9. nice work rusto man. Maybe i will have to start playing again 0.0
  10. Other than your competition with fetn or dillanI think you take the cake here.
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