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Everything posted by huskaii

  1. idk why the community has been posting these tbh. Its just throwing a bunch of clips and slapping some music over it. Only good ones ive seen so far have been by Vizii. At least take the time to make it look nice and sync up.
  2. +1 having these channels would allow more players to be trained more easily, and would introduce lots of new people in teamspeak instead of mainly just factions
  3. I would also like to bring light to the rust situation. Currently, half the staff that have been accepted months ago, have never even been spoken to/ trained/ or given perms. On top of that, lots of staff just dont enjoy the servers anymore because of the presence of lots of toxic people and cheaters. We still dont have any admins/managers to help with anything, and the mods cant do everything on their own. This causes the entire rust community to just lash out at us mods and continue blaming us for not banning someone or helping them when in most situations, we cant help due to our limited permissions. I would also like to point out that the rust community does not work well with forums. They just simply dont understand it, and prefer spamming in the discord. I dont know of a way to fix that issue due to it simply being something that the community just isnt accustomed to. That being said, i think if we were to just get somebody similar to an SA, on all servers at that, that can do most of the same things as garnet and be able to set up these things, it would benefit the entire garnet community as a whole.
  4. We have had maps made in the past, and most players seem to still prefer old maps such as csdesert. Although i will say delta was a fun map put together with help from diomonder. Also, cough cough, NEW MAP OMG NEW MAP GUYS ???? wait, we just got v3 back tho. They are the same for a reason. Getting entirely new playermodels would cause lots of issues regarding hitboxes, which are already sometimes scuffed to begin with. Not to mention that playermodel suggestions arent allowed anyways unless cleared by garnet. Similar to the playermodels, except i think this is extra dumb considering the recent addition to lots of jobs that come along with VIP/Elite. We usually have vehicles, but for the most part they arent that useful other than messing aroung. Plus, correct me if im wrong, but the server performance is better without them. This is the one thing that i actually think might even be close to being considered. Although, lots of people use this peacetime for tryouts and sims, which can ususally take even longer than the peacetime sometimes. Ranger tryouts for example would span over multiple peacetimes. In game cash really isnt all that useful other than ammo. Plus, there are plenty of other ways to get money. Exapmles being dueling, payday, rewards system (if it still works), typing words in chat. Also, leveling up is meant for you to work on prestiging, which is a goal for many players. Note: im not trying to shit on you for your post, and im glad that you are thinking of ideas to try and help the MRP community, but i think that you should think of some ideas that other people can side with, and that could genuinely help the server.
  5. Suggestion To Bring Back Reserves Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] I am suggesting that we bring back reserves, simply put, revert to how reserves were before, where they are given and taken by factions and their leaders without the need for staff to get involved unless needed. Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] The removal of reserves hurt a lot of players that put in the time and effort to actually get them. And now that they don't have them, lots of people don't feel like playing anymore, because reserves is how they would play. I don't know the reasoning for removing reserves in the first place other than people abusing them. But if people are abusing their reserves, it should be up to staff and the faction leader to just remove them if deemed necessary. I think it would help bring up player pop if we got them back, and see a lot more people actually playing factions to try and get reserves. It would also allow for players with reserves to help out on other sides/factions when needed. But now that staff have said that reserves are a thing, and that they are for special occasions such as being sick, PC issues, or IRL stuff, i don't think anybody has actually gotten them since this. It shouldn't make sense for reserves to only be given out in these scenarios, when it would just be easier to go on LOA, which essentially is what LOA should be used for anyways. I believe it would benefit the community more to just bring back reserves to how they were before since there wasn't any real issues with them, apart from what was stated above. Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE] Below are some examples of tons of people that lost reserves due to the removal of them, which caused lots of people to stop playing. These docs are all either outdated or public, so there is going to be people that shouldn't be on the reserves roster, but it is just to prove a point. If you have any problems with the docs i have posted and want them to be taken down, contact me through forums and i would be glad to do so. GRU SSO 2GA GB DEVGRU 1MD Reminder, these docs are purposely chosed as old/no longer used docs. Message me on forums with a valid reason if you want them removed
  6. so we aint gunna put the clips of me killing you i see i see
  7. +1 youve definitely improved, and arent the same toxic person from before. Would love to see you back on the server
  8. I am suggesting that we bring back reserves The removal of reserves hurt a lot of players that put in the time and effort to actually get them. And now that they dont have them, lots of people dont feel like playing anymore, because reserves is how they would play. I dont know the reasoning for removing reserves in the first place other than people abusing them. But if people are abusing their reserves, it should be up to staff and the faction leader to just remove them if deemed necessary. I think it would help bring up player pop if we got them back, and see a lot more people actually playing factions to try and get reserves. It would also allow for players with reserves to help out on other sides/factions when needed.
  9. @.lua GRU when we didnt play, but had the best times on other games. GB on desert Taiga SSO Vibes seals GG 5x Oscar with the boys getting to wreck havoc on the entire server, the entire server at the time being only @Ethan
  10. i think the Rust staff discord would be amazing. Ive noticed the staff from other servers arent really connected, as in the Anarchy staff dont really communicate much with the 2x staff. Having the discord for staff would make this easier. Im glad to see the discord we have now being less cluttered too. I think given time, things will straighten out, especially if we get more staff on the servers that dont have as much such as the 2x servers.
  11. popular opinion. Montages with clips like this suck. Getting one kill isnt worthy of a montage. Other than that it was fine. I would suggest adding the game sound so it doesnt feel boring
  12. https://steamcommunity.com/id/EternaIAtake/ fire steamid
  13. smh another cheater bruh @shrimp
  14. -1 didnt even take the time to finish the application
  15. granted, but it was lolw get fucked i wish that this thread would stop
  16. wtf im retarded the post below was supposed to be edit
  17. not really. People do it all the time, not really toxic. if you have a problem with a ban string then you are really just dense and dont need to play on the server. BTW not the worst ban string ive seen.
  18. bro why does Wasdin's actually look like wasdin
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