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Reeper last won the day on February 21 2021

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About Reeper

  • Birthday 06/10/2000

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  1. Where is the Lurker group? jk, am not active enough anyways (at least until we get MRP back)
  2. +1 This map was and always will be a staple of Garnet Gaming MRP, so many memories, trainings, and tactics were made on this map. As much as I would love to play on this map again, I don't believe it will live up to the current standards/expectations to the newer player base. Although, if were using the "short" time in-between maps for CS_Desert to come back, I'm definitely game.
  3. Great update, lots of things we have been waiting a long time for. Although, the prone glitch still exists, I've haven't seen it as often as we used to though. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/11jqkirTlc4Ibg/d1337Q2UpvII?invite=cr-MSxaTzMsMjg2NDUwMiw https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/11jnu8nyECiO1B/d13377XQ4FWY?invite=cr-MSw1Y2IsMjg2NDUwMiw
  4. Great to help with testing, I hope this helps the future of MRP and the rest of GG servers.
  5. Is this going to be a donor item or will it be on every class like Salute is? Love the update btw.
  6. Your welcome fr tho, I'm so excited for the quads to be coming back.
  7. Glad to hear, we hope he makes a quick and full recovery.
  8. -1 I don't believe you have any bad intentions or could cause problems, although I haven't really talked to you. While you do meet the minimum playtime to make a staff application, I believe you should get to know and try to interact with some staff members (or people who are in regular contact with them). Some more minor things, there aren't two paragraphs, grammar seems like it could be from a 5th-grade dropout, and I feel like the majority of the topics listed falls into being a cliché. Other than that, I really think you have potential, you just have to make a name for yourself, be seen, and maybe make two proper paragraphs with readable grammar, then I believe you should get accepted with no problems. Good Luck!
  9. Just a question, does US and AFG still have SOC bunks or are we back to having none? Down for having either. Edit: Ozzy answered my question, thanks for the bunks lol.
  10. So basically buff a already OP weapon, sounds bout right. Stats aint everything bud.
  11. Generally when it comes to playing music no one really cares. The only real time it becomes a problem is when it's used to minge or harsh lyrics which violates other rules within the server. Spam You may not spam crowbars, buttons, chat, voice, nor any other such sound or effect that may prove to be an annoyance to fellow players. Hope this helped! Edit: The typical punishment for micspam is just a voice/chat mute for a short period of time.
  12. Gonna elaborate on this a little bit. If we vote for Chaharikar and we get it, the new Taiga map won't feel new or unique even though it's probably gonna have a shit ton new things. The layout is pretty much the same, only the scenery and OBJs (unless Garnet adds other things lol) are different.
  13. Reeper

    MassRDM Appeal

    Appeal Accepted(ish) While I believe there was intent to throw a grenade in the spawn x2, it still wouldn't fall under malicious MRDM. Malicious: "having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone". This only counts as a non malicious mass because you were unaware of the rule or accidently threw the grenade in the spawn area. I don't believe you had intention to harm the server. Also, you mentioned AFK players, but three of the kills you got were players either respawning or hanging around that area, the other two were the AFK players. Not sure how you can say it is an accident. Lastly, "I'm going to get warned anyways" is a terrible excuse to make to continue what you are doing, it would also contradict what you said about not knowing you couldn't spawn trap. I will reduce this ban back down to non malicious intent, I will also talk to late about the situation. Edit: If you don't have evidence or anything to contribute, don't reply to appeals, just makes it 10x longer to read useless text before we can make a decision. @Fonza Please Lock And Move!
  14. Reeper

    XL D Ban Appeal

    I can't post the direct evidence due to the possibility of our method being compromised, anyways, I will describe the situation. You killed one guy then flicked very oddly to your right, you then proceeded to go near shipment and go by the southern entrance. While there, you were looking north then instantly flicked behind you tracking an enemy going down a hill outside of render. I ran this by multiple high ranking staff members before being given the go ahead. I wish it wasn't to be, but it was ultimately your choice.
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