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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. SquadW What if some dude went up to an underage female staff and said something similar? Still shouldn’t be looked past if anything a verbal warn if she’s a consistent player to tell her to chill
  2. On some people’s computer it does, the outline that appears on other players in your party really fucking lags, on my laptop it would either crash my PC or give me like 5 FPS and that was on MRPs map I couldn’t imagine what it did to DRP players I would suggest that in the next DarkRP staff meeting you should talk about the rule and that if a player can prove he’s basing with someone he can counter raid until that issue gets fixed. I can see a lot of confusion with newer players but for now -1 You could of just /advert counter or easier just have a counter bind.
  3. -1 wait till the next ban wipe, your punishment fits your actions
  4. Ugh Ethan im with you but not, People already move fast, way faster then when I first started on the server. I get the reasoning not having cars suck, but its annoying when you have flash running at you with the already bad hitboxes and hit reg. Cars on the new map are most probably coming back. If anything I would recommend making Garnet do a Beta testing on CSDesert to see the best way to implement vehicles with the least amount of lag for the new map and suggest multiple ways he could implement it on the server. Im willing to talk to you on TS tonight when im done work because I want to talk about some other suggestions I have and I know youre advocate for RP.
  5. Yeah I would rather the new map not be on CSDesert, If anything id rather Garnet make a RP_Highland edit just due the size and beauty of that map. Again id rather have Garnet make and release the new map before we start suggesting ideas. I have a suggestion bank filled up im just waiting for the new map so I can tweak the suggestions around the map.
  6. Again I dont know if forming the map around a "No mans land" Is a good idea I would rather a warmode utilize the whole map. Just my opinion though, makes it look unnatural and would feel like a waste of space, when that space could of been utilized for something better.
  7. -1 For everyone If you consider Coyote going Wackaheeteehee mic spam youre kinda pushing it. You could of walked away lol, it had RP purpose, they were doing a ritual. JAckal is iffy but I think 3 seconds of music playing isnt enough to warn anyone Last time I was staff too we verbal'd for mic spam and if staff saw they still did it, it was a warn and if the persisted then it was a 5 minute jail Kinda of a petty report
  8. Conway were they siting on barrels too?
  9. I mean another server that is highly populated and I will not mention plays on the Highland map which is a beautiful map btw, but just how the layout of the terrain is and the objectives a sniper is a poor weapon, to cap the OBJs you need to get real close in a crowded OBJ. Again it’s all about map layout. Also a dmr with the capacity of 5 bullets and it’s super slow firerate would be the most ass DMR in the world, are you just suggesting to lower the DMG? And if that’s the case you should of suggested all snipers get a nerf instead of just the “Orsis” which is also a $20 donation btw. Imma be honest the vehicle base doesn’t improve the tick rate or hit reg by any chance but hopefully if it’s only maybe 2 quads per side via a Driver class it could be better since the server wouldn’t have 15 cars on both sides flying at each other Finally a “No mans land” is kind of redundant due to the fact it’s hard to border this on a map without text screens, ropes etc it just looks bad on the map and is kind of the opposite of RP When it comes to the war mode on GG it should be a map wide gamemode. I like the idea of taking OBJS outside of war but the way you explained it is a terrible way to go about it. If anything keep the war timer because country v country wars is what makes GG. Then outside of war make up rules on what needs to be necessary for a faction to be able to raid a OBJ and make the obj a RP zone for a slotted amount of time. You’re just saying “Hey we should do this” without explanation on how it works, rules or guidelines.
  10. -1 The mass war that happens every hour is pretty fun and dont think GArnet will change it. It would probably be better if GG had one large scale war and the during wars you could raid smaller objs for a certain amount of time. Im iffy maybe having like a driving class on the server with only like 2 slots. On a larger map I would say yes, but the hitreg is already is trash and im pretty sure cars would only worsen it. Nah im ok A orsis T-500 is not a DMR by any chance. I mean the only reason why the orsis is so strong on this map because its a head glitch haven. The only cover is hills. With previous maps the sniper meta wasnt so needed or as large, with the new map coming out soon I dont think we should be changing snipers until we see how that map feels. Also with ghillie only being sniper then people would buy ghillie or the people who already bought it have to wait 5 months for garnet to look at there donation support.
  11. I mean from the title I’m pretty sure the update won’t be released until tomorrow
  12. Cameron

    Staff Report

    Should staff not explain how someone is braking rules if they’re unaware I doubt everyone knows where the GG sit roofs are and the name did sound racist so don’t know how that’s a false report?
  13. Cameron

    Staff Report

    Please stop, if you don’t think this deserves a blacklist then idk his friend had his printer stolen so the staff destroyed it, then he warn stacked him for reporting a dude with a racist name. This dude is far from staff material
  14. Cameron

    Staff Report

    +1 For blacklist
  15. Lul I knew you were cheating the first day i played war against you, you can just leave bruh
  16. im down to keep you banned just because of your overall toxicity
  17. I mean the quality and standards of leadership has gone down significantly since maybe Taiga, no one holds meetings anymore, enlisted have no idea what they’re doing half the time and factions are always at each other’s throats. Honestly all I can say to lead a good quality SOC faction is be active with your enlisted it boosts the morales, cut the toxicity(literally every faction) especially the SOC leaders come down on toxic behaviour more because it makes your faction look bad. Also quality not quantity. If you’re down because you have only 5 members active don’t be, as long as they’re good players and you have good chemistry you’re doing good.
  18. Vega seems pretty elite
  19. I would vote yes for the new temp map if 2 things were to happen, bring cars back onto the server and bring more RP related rules and content in the community( I can easily make a suggestion). For now I think the small dusty map would suffice, it’s not hard to go to and from objs, the small minimal RP related stuff we do have (kidnapping and raids) are not hard to accomplish because walking to objectives literally takes less then 2 minutes.
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