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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by BINLADINHOE

  1. Ey pog you got banned on DRP now 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horse


      Banned for FailRP tf

    3. Horse


      Wait that’s someone else 

    4. Mr_Fortnite


      @Horseyyy nah thats me. I got raided, he destroyed my printers, I relogged, he reported me and I left the server a minute later not doing anything

  2. Your glock was shit but FR tho +1 it’s Wreck man is chill af and is great to vibe with was great as previous staff and will make DRP great again
  3. https://ibb.co/CVmxfJn So what I was doing was a pair of Salmon fillets and asparagus with a balsamic reduction. Pretty simple all I did was season the salmon with salt and lemon pepper and put my asparagus in with some balsamic and started that on low heat, just enough to give it a bear simmer. Once I finished that I took the salmon and put it in the oven at 375 untill it was just starting to turn dark pink around the center. https://ibb.co/BjsGG71 After I put the Salmon in the oven I remembered I had some baby carrots that had different colors so I cooked them in about a table spoon of butter and a bunch of honey until the carrots were fully cooked through. Once those were done I added a small splash of thyme to them and put them on a plate along with the asparagus and salmon. https://ibb.co/hWznwcg All in all it was a pretty healthy filling dinner that tasted amazing and filled both me and my mother for the night.
  4. If we did multiple recipes could we put in several and just put one as the actual entry?
  5. Accepted This is so fucking amazing but I still need @Adric to pay me the 10 mil he owes me along with @azzaziel Who owes me 20 mil and @DepressedBird Who still owes me like 5 mil And to anyone else who owes me money who I didnt ping
  6. @Shin_Tsukimi He should be permd as fransis already was and if he trys hopping on again he will just get hit with an auto ban evading
  7. That guy was banned ages ago its @6opnc Im like 90% sure just based off of the channel and title lmao NVM its 100% him just look at his profile and you can see a SS of him cheating with that name lmao @whoeverthefucklocksshit You know what to do lmao
  8. Happy birthday to Swag, happy birthday to Swag, happy birthday you gay fucker, happy birthday to you 🙂

  9. +1 It used to make sense to have 2ish bankers when people would not base inside the actual bank and instead would set up private banks so they could compete. Now that people only base in the bank there should only be one so that there cant be shit like that going on.
  10. I have been glitched a few times and what I noticed is if I got arrested while trying to switch weapons it would put the time instead of 255 seconds or whatever it is it would be negative 255 seconds which would lead to a perma jail, I think this could easily be fixed by just allowing /report while you are arrested and I have no idea why that was even removed.
  11. And the last cringe forum mod falls

    1. The King of Rohan

      The King of Rohan


    2. tdizz
  12. Its PVPs alt that he bought for like 200$ because it had a like rare discord tag for some reason lmao

    Staff Report

    This is the incident in question https://streamable.com/1xubyf I was walking around just chilling I went to go see what was the commotion and walked into the doorway for a fraction of a second and then proceeded to leave after which you shot me and I killed you with my Ares shrike in self defense. Gros cave warned you because you pretty clearly shot me when I posed no threat to you and was outside of the area you were raiding in.
  14. When my father died 2 years ago things were super chaotic for a few months until everything finally settled down when school started back up, you just need to take your time and try and get through it without loosing touch with the rest of your family
  15. +1 was an amazing person when it came to RP and always was a good leader, I think he might actually be able to make naval a thing that actually works and would be incredibly fun
  16. And I’m back on a plane praying I can fly without having someone steal my seat

    1. ShankNinja


      Nice, love looking out at the clouds. Hoping you get a good seat

  17. My fucking fire alarm just decided to go on the fritz at 1 am while on vacation god I want to fucking kill that manufacturer

    1. ShankNinja


      I bet you don't replace your smoke detector batteries every 6 months like you're supposed to. The thing was just trying to save your life.



      They replaced them 2 weeks ago ;-;

  18. Man getting up at 3 am for a flight is not fun but Watching the sun rising is beautiful 

    1. JackJJ


      gamer moment

    2. IAreGunner


      I’ma do a lot of drp events now with you gone 🙂 

    3. WreckEMsaints


      Where you headed to?

  19. Aight Doctor Klein chill out +1 the kid fixed his application fairly quick and did more than I would expect for a 13 year old to be able to do in an hour he seems like a good hearted kid and it is trial mod for a reason, if he does terrible then remove him plain and simple
  20. Once the actual guy who got banned appeals I will happily upload the proof, I recommend @PlayBored you get your friend to follow the format and appeal the ban.
  21. Currently the grenades you buy from the black market dealers is a HL2 grenade and is not able to be equipped if a person is using a custom class with a medkit. And considering the price tag for just one of them and the fact that grenades are not available in the unbox anymore I think it would be better if they were edited or even replaced with the regular frag grenade you used to get in the unbox. There is also a small bug with the HL2 grenades where you can not equip them from your inventory. It reads as having it but with no ammo. When clicking as if throwing it and switching weapons it will gets rid of it in the scroll wheel. HL2 grenades can only be equipped by dropping them on the floor 1st. then picking it up. Understandably this might not be possible during a raid or if you are in a tight spot because you can get stuck on the grenade when it is dropped on the ground. I'm not a programmer or anything but having the frag grenades, that take up a different slot, might be able to fix the issue with them. BTW this was toxins suggestion that was accepted nearly a year ago yet was never fixed and still remains a steady problem, If any of you know why this was never implemented feel free to deny it
  22. The thing is there are far better guns that cost far less, The Thompson cannot even one shot to the head which would excuse the extraordinarily slow fire rate. If you are trying to say that more credits should be more powerful than the Ares Shrike should be nerfed as it deals about the same damage as a Thompson with over twice the magazine capacity and nearly twice the fire rate and it costs less than the Thompson. I think that it should at least be able to be used in actual combat by having it be at least somewhere near the Ares shrike Also when you said that it has strengths in other areas what are they because it has fire rate slower than a semi auto pistol, it deals nearly no damage and it takes up half your screen
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