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Everything posted by Boalp

  1. Hope everything goes well for you, take care
  2. Neutral I'm not sure if you're highlighting and making the text bigger on purpose to make your paragraphs look longer, but I know there's still room for improvement. Work on that and keep your head high; these people accusing you of such reason have provided absolutely no proof, so I won't take that into account. Good luck! If you end up getting denied, apply again, you have a high chance of being accepted. However, if proof is provided, I will be -1ing this application.
  3. Neutral You've had a rough history, and I don't know you too well. The application looks fine, but once you get familiar and bond more with the current staff members, I'll happily +1. Good luck!
  4. +1 Your application has decent paragraphs and your hours are decent too. I don't see anything wrong with your application or you, so good luck!
  5. Holy moly... a huge congrats to @Shin_Tsukimi and @Clicher! Both eventually passed me and look what they've become, appreciate the work you've done! And to everyone else, including Romac and Triad, keep up the good work!
  6. +1 You wrote a well-constructed application with lengthy and detailed paragraphs, so this is an easy decision. To add on, you are a formal staff member that has invested several hours into GG, and a mature person with little to no warns. Good luck!
  7. -1 If you are going to apply at least put effort into your application. You need to write paragraphs, not a few sentences. Also, please re-read the staff rules as there is a key component in there, but other than that, good luck!
  8. Neutral Based on the responses, it seems as you aren't too involved with the community. It is key to be familiar with the players around you, so I suggest going out and meeting new players. If you get denied, I suggest you re-apply; you definitely have a shot if you follow the feedback. Good luck!
  9. +1 Nice to see you back! You did good as a staff member, and you have everything needed to become one again. Good luck!
  10. -1 I get where you are coming from. However, I don't think it is necessary to prohibit new players to purchase VIP mod because if they do poorly, they will either get re-trained or eventually get demoted. Garnet also gets income from these purchases which are used to improve the quality of the server and other things. And like Optic said, it's only time to time we get incompetent staff members.
  11. +1 People are confused nearly all the time when I mention store credits.
  12. Nice work guys! I'm positive the starting salary increase will keep players playing, great idea.
  13. Congratulations to everyone! Let's keep it up
  14. -1 Your paragraphs are weak, so I suggest adding more detail and information. Your warn count is very high as an applicant, and having those warns demonstrate you are incapable of being mature and following rules.
  15. +1 It is obvious that your app needs some work but other than that everything is looking good. For the most part, all the responses are good and positive; you have a good reputation. Also, you are actively checking your application which is a great thing to see. I would love to see you on the staff team, good luck!
  16. +1 Likes to play around sometimes, but still fulfills his requirements and duties. Your application is lengthy and detailed too, good luck!
  17. +1 He always maintains a chill and mature attitude, and I've only had good encounters with him during sits. Good luck!
  18. I'm not giving him a -1 just because of the time he has on the server. It seems as he rushed the hours and wrote a quick application; if he put more effort into his application, the rating would have been different.
  19. -1 You barely meet the minimum time requirement, and you have very short paragraphs. Put more detail into your paragraphs and continue being active on the server and we will see from there. Good luck!
  20. Let's hope you're a rank 1 survivor... I have a hard time surviving. I'm just a noobie level 20
  21. At least you didn't demoted Just kidding, congrats to everyone!
  22. Damnn the boi homeless... RIP. This sucks but I hope you still stick around
  23. +1 Looks like you have a good reputation among the community. On top of that, you are taking the feedback from your last application. If you are accepted, make sure to solidify your knowledge on the rules. Good luck!
  24. +1 Glad you are back! Chill and an experienced staff member, and I have no issues with him at all.
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