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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Jdforster

  1. +1 Lucifer has been really active and been really nice to people, I think Lucifer really deserves this position.
  2. +1 Ranger shows he is a good leader and a good person and is usually active but he is on LOA atm. He has been wanting to apply for a while and i believe Gamemaster suits him well.
  3. I downloaded the addon and looked at the props and there is very good props in there that could be used. So big +1
  4. I think it would be better if it were spawned by npc spawner disguised as a storage box or something similar in the armory or in bunks, it is better for RP and it is just easier overall. Cause if someone witha jetpack dies, the GM would have to spawn it in over and over and stop with the main part of the event. Also, people spawning jetpack in for others should get their WL for their Jetpack class removed immediately by an officer.
  5. +1 It would be better Lore, and i also suggest make a Captain Rex class as well
  6. +1 You have been a great person to have on SWRP and I believe you would be an amazing game master. You have been a really good leader for the Clone Troopers and have been an amazing roleplayer. Therefore, I believe you should be a game master.
  7. That wouldn't make sense due to the fact that Game Masters are not on all the time so they couldn't spawn it in This would actually be really helpful so you can play on the jetpack class and people wont accidentally fly. This also would help during sims, so a jetpack class could have a really good loadout but jetpacks are despised during open sims. So if we could spawn it in to use it that would be great,
  8. I believe these jetpacks should be added due to the fact they are more controllable and helps stop jetpack abusing. This jetpack addon is really simple to use and takes no effort to get used to. You cannot fly mach 3 speed cause it is slower in a straight line. The Jetpack addon is also only 4MB. You are also able to hover in air by holding shift, so you can fight while in the air instead of spamming space and fire getting all up in your face. Therefore, I believe these jetpacks should be implemented into the server cause they are easier to control and helps stop jetpack abusers flying faster than a starship. Addon Link : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1211607762
  9. I agree with Trooper a lot, and also we already have enough special ops so i'm gonna -1
  10. This does make sense, cause LFS has more features and minges probably don't want to wait 30 minutes trying to get into a server just to be banned in 20 minutes Big +1
  11. +1 This would be really cool to add in, and would be really cool to see all the grenades different people have
  12. I had a lot of fun being Count Dooku in the recreation. One of my favorite things I did was when you could see me struggling to get up a small wall, nah jk. My favorite part was fighting Obi Wan and Skywalker. @Phantom You're Sound effects were 10/10 btw :).
  13. I love that you applied for Gamemaster and it would really help but you do not meet the requirement of 120 hours by a long shot, so I'm not gonna -1 but im not gonna +1. When you reach 120 hours and if you make another application, I would definitely +1. For now, -1/+1
  14. Right now im doing perfectly fine (besides the whole part i spend 24/7 on gmod and weight doesn't exist anymore) but thats alright i have a lot of fun on Garnet Gaming SWRP
  15. +1 This would help officers in training when there are no higher ups on to do tryouts
  16. This is amazing made me laugh a lot
  17. +1 Due to the fact the character limit is super limited it makes it where if your typing something long you have to retype the part that cut off a lot
  18. +1 This would add more rp scenarios and make rp easier as well
  19. +1 It would add more personalization to people to make them unique
  20. +1 Mob would be a great Gm he is a great leader overall and i think Gm would suit him
  21. +1 I dont think 1.8 million for a desk, a couch, 1 chair, and 7 railings, and 1.8 million credits takes wayy too long to get.
  22. +1 I would say he is super dedicated and always has something he wants to achieve. It would also be really helpful due to the fact he is usually on early and can deal with minges and stuff like that. Doggo is a really good leader and i can see him being an amazing moderator.
  23. +1 I've only really seen his good side since i dont interact much with him but not listening to orders and encouraging minging, now that is messed up, I personally think it doesn't deserve a permanent but maybe a month to think about his actions.
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