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Everything posted by Horse

  1. -1 to either. Stun sticks cause damage that’s correct but there’s a lot of other ways to counteract this. When I was a police officer I loved using the stun stick on people mic spamming screaming or just minting in general because it provides a pretty passive way to deal with those things without getting staff involved. Either implement a rule for SSA or literally just kill whoever hit you with the stun stick because it deals damage and therefore you’re allowed to fire back. It doesn’t do that much damage and I don’t think it’s that big of a problem it’s perfect the way it is.
  2. This community will always be one of the most special things to me

    1. acer


      the unemployed friend on a thursday afternoon:

    2. Horse


      Band for band rn 🤣🤣🤣

  3. Ah you’ll be back in a while they all come back
  4. Horse

    Fetn GM app

    Classic Fetn always coming back to where he truly belongs +1 stay a little longer this time
  5. -1 This is allowed only for VIP players I’m pretty sure (unless you can also access it by leveling up like you said). Would completely defeat one of the big reasons I and hundreds of other players bought vip. VIP is a lot less paywalled than other servers because you still have a ton of freedom when it comes to job selection. If you want to save builds or copy them just go into single player and maybe in the future you can reach the level acquired or apply for staff and get VIP.
  6. +1 Texas is a trustworthy veteran player and would be a great addition to assist in the opening of the server.
  7. My biggest fear from the creation of AI was it being used to make GG Staff Applications 

    1. IAreGunner


      why is that ur biggest fear 😂

    2. IAreGunner


      like fr thats kinda sad

  8. Embarassing, such a waste of your time on the server 

    1. IAreGunner


      i hate cheaters too. but its also gmod so like yeah

    2. IAreGunner


      its only gmod

    3. Schyzo


      @IAreGunnerit's not that he was a cheater, he was also a racist, homophobic, sexist, transphobic piece of shit too

  9. +1 and I’m an atheist
  10. Having worked alongside Railgun on engineering tasks in and out of missions I’ve seen firsthand that he is capable of performing the duties of a gamemaster. I look forward to seeing some interesting events from you. - +1
  11. -1 This is un-necessary with the 'job reorganization by level' suggestion already planned on being implemented.
  12. +1, Eli is not only one of the best leaders on this server but he excelled as a previous game master and staff I can say without a doubt that his return to the GM team will be a complete net positive for the server can’t wait to work with you
  13. Yoda lookin faded off the za. Congrats to everyone who was promoted and special thank you to the mvps for being so talented.
  14. Lmk how to get on that ‘closed’ beta BECAUSE I WILL DO ANYTHING
  15. Horse

    Gomker's GM Application

    -1 Despite, quads referring you there is 0 attempt to refine these events, to be honest with the typos I can barely understand the concepts behind them. This is not the purpose of this section and you literally skipped right over it by saying this. This should be one of the more and most detailed parts of your application and your answer is ‘I don’t have any for the server’. If you become a GM how can we expect you to have any unique ideas when you join. This is also one of the most general answers I’ve seen to this question. You need to specify what ‘fun for all’ means and how you will do that. Please take some serious time and re-make your application and I’ll consider +1’ing.
  16. Lmao, this is funny id +1 but this most likely wont get accepted jus because of the time itd take to create an addon like this and how low priority the suggestion is. But I recommend finding an addon for something like this if you want to raise the chances of it being in the server.
  17. Looks like Conway was right. https://imgur.com/a/N4lbBDx (Another AI Check). Also the only typos you have seem to be in the part that was considered human typed. You should've known having over 2000 hours AND BEING PREVIOUS STAFF that this is lazy and honestly disrespectful to other applicants who are putting their genuine effort into their apps. Huge -1 (Guess you werent so sneaky)
  18. While MRP gm’s are often criticized for their non-serious and PVP based events fetn stood out amongst that stereotype and as a H. GM developed the most experienced GM team for the server. I have seen a complete 360 in terms of his attitude on the server and his dedication to making an RP rich environment. He has been a great medic and engineer and became RANCOR probably quicker than 90% of the server. I can’t wait to be working side by side with Fetn to push out some amazing campaigns. +1
  19. Un-necessary mic spam is a rule just report them. If this doesnt take too much optimization and space on the server +1
  20. -1 Game for high level players that already have millions of dollars combined so that they can win more money while keeping other low level players out. I’ve never really been a fan of clans (which were btw banned at one point) just because most of them promote toxicity and an unfair environment. All you have to do is include everyone in the tournament I don’t know why people who aren’t in a clan should be exempt from winning. This wouldn’t promote new players to join because they wouldn’t even be included. In response to the below information : This still only benefits high level players, unless you want to specify the exact events that newer players can participate it. Based off what I’ve seen the majority of the players aren’t really even in clans especially when we get upwards of 100+ people on. While I can see how this would be cool to see for longer members of the server this is basically just a staff-facilitated TDM where the winner (which is most likely going to be the team with the best [already bought] weapons) gets 100 Credits and over 100 Million dollars which even furthers the basing and raiding gap you talk about. In response to @Merk : If this is how the event is set up than +1 hes found a fair median between lower levels and higher levels TL:DR - Be more descriptive in how SPECIFICALLY this is going to benefit new players not just high levels Ideas - 1. Have a way for low level players to view and bet on the event 2. In the months leading up to the tournament advertise via perma propped text screens that newer players can team up and pay (a smaller fee obviously) to participate possibly starting at a lower bracket.
  21. Mane wdf- that logic is questionable, there's literally 100 million ways to 'boost player morale' I love the focus on high frame rate with low chances of some shit getting abused on the server. All this will do is add un-necessary performance impacting shit. We've had superadmins abuse powers in completely mind blowing ways after playing for years. -1
  22. BusterBigNut for admin! One of the best and most active mods I’ve seen on drp. Congrats everyone
  23. Horse

    This is my old account and the shit on here is so fucking hilarious really shows you how shit has changed

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