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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by xFish

  1. Bizzy you should like, work on pick up logs, and uh make printer logs very much helpful especially printer logs if this update gets passed.
  2. Is there anything stopping other players from just claiming this printer? I mean money is money and xp is xp, so you can bet on people trying to take that too.
  3. Format is aids to read sometimes so here you go Crack Manufacturer needs a buff-Here's a video on it; https://streamable.com/rj6aui Breakdown: -Props are too small for efficient farming like Meth. -If resizing the props is out of the question, consider changing the stoves to one big pot, instead of having to fill 4 separate ones. *(Additionally you could require having to put 4x the ingredients into the pot). -Should give 2 stoves (or pots if changed) as meth gets two therefore making meth not only more efficient in farming, but also gives more xp overall than Crack does. By putting this implementation into the game, you'd not only be making the class better, it would go from 0/3 players always, to 3/3 during high pop - isn't that nice? :D Commands; ["buycocaplant"] = "Purchase a Crack - Coca Plant", ["buycrackb12"] = "Purchase a Crack - B12", ["buycrackpot"] = "Purchase a Crack - Pot", ["buycrackstove"] = "Purchase a Crack - Stove", ["buycrackwada"] = "Purchase a Crack - Water", ^garnet should have gone to preschool but he chose garnet gaming instead Let me know what you guys think!
  4. hehe funny love the raiding changes, hopefully ill get raided more often now
  5. Happy to see the log lines increased. Super hype for the deployable keypad cracker, should make raiding loads easier. I also love that you re-added the ui for drugs and such, I missed it and tbh its one of the main reasons I stopped grinding meth haha. Great update Gnut!
  6. Never seen you before, but you have Moon's referral and I trust his judgement. I hope you'll make the team! +1
  7. That is fair tbh, you just told the entire server how to defend against rocket raids lmao. This suggest prolly wont get accepted but the glass does go both ways, similar to how you can't really use it to defend if you're using the glass props. In addition to that, going into a party with ff turned off and using nerve gas/rockets/explosives in general could be considered exploiting no?
  8. xFish

    reporting cheater

    @zulas Just a heads up, the player you are reporting is already banned for Mass Propblock, if you have further evidence, preferably a video of some sort as a player simply headshotting people is not really enough proof to warrant a ban as @PM-of-Israel has stated above.
  9. +1 Bizzy, you've outdone yourself here, I especially love the added "alarm system" it will bring loads more players out from there bases and into the streets to rp. Even if that is the only thing that gets added, I positive that downtown will become much more popular. (5k kinda cheap, maybe 50k?)
  10. Congrats to Vera and Moon! @Ghostieee "Fish > Lead Administrator (178 sits + Super helpful this month)" I'm coming with you bish don't you dare leave me.
  11. xFish

    ban appeal

    Oh yeah, I didn't actually ban you despite you killing yourself to get out of the sit three times, I banned you after you dced to get out of a jail-in addition to what I warned you for in the sit, (I believe two building in sit warns, and possibly one diss/rdm warn) I was simply going to let you off with a jail and warns, however you left the server therefore I felt a ban was justified. Clip of the incident: https://streamable.com/0leuja As you can see in the clip, and as Mr Doge pointed out, I could have given him a nitrp ban for what he did in the sit. However I guess I felt that he didn't need to be banned. As it turns out, he decides to break the trust I placed in him and leaves the server. lol. If needed I can paste the screenshot proving that he was proptrapping (as it may not be clear in the video), however he already broke 3 other rules so I'm not sure its needed. Also, you werent even reported for rdm? what?
  12. Just pull up a chess app on your phone, set the difficulty to hardest, and always play black when playing other players, and then just copy the moves that they are doing as white on your phone. super ez way to cheat at chess.
  13. +1 make it the b a s e d helga model lmao. jk tho but another model would be cool if someone could find one that has a low size
  14. Did you mean VIP here? And if VIP why no VIP keypadcracker/lockpick Also Also. If not vip why am I hearing reports about it being VIP locked in game rn.
  15. Thanks for adding Proggy's Suggestion! I can't wait to rp as these classes.
  16. So like, not really doing anything besides adding another way to bail? Granted you'd have a hitman in there but you can't really control that. Even if we added this people would complain about timers/cooldown on hits, especially if there were other hitmen active who weren't apart of your "mafia" especially because there's a cooldown on placed hits yk? -1 till more info
  17. Unfortunately I'm not sure what we can do about this, @Proggy would be able to tell you for sure but I believe he's asleep rn. Don't feel bad though, everyone here has done it at least once on accident.
  18. Since you don't really have proof there isn't much for me to say, however I will defend myself because I don't tolerate the slander of the xFish name. So, I'm just going to go through each of your sentences, and uh provide my counterpoint to them. In your first sentence you talk about reaching out to staff ect by the time you did logs probably reset. So that's most likely why you didn't get a complete response. Just a reminder, you never told me this during a sit. In fact whenever I had tried to ask what happened you started to speak louder and talk over me, hence the mute. I'ma stop you right there chief, watch this clip for me rq: https://streamable.com/bwu0a0 You can see as I'm being perfectly civil even though you are constantly interrupting me. At the end of this clip you can see his message where he says, "I've turned off my sound until I'm untmuted" Whereas I promptly returned, resolved, and warned because he clearly did not want to listen to me. Any sane person would listen or at least hear out a person who obviously knows how the rules work? I've already responded to this in the player v staff report, however I will include the sit below:https://streamable.com/kl8yty Again, perfectly civil, explaining that Moon was handling another sit at the time. I was simply trying to find out what was going on so that I could assist. Bro what, I didn't even take the next one. Moon did. And I unmuted you after the first sit so you can't even claim that-Last bit of evidence:https://streamable.com/2zsrs1 Also also: you were server muted the whole time huh? Now I'm not positive, however I'm like 95% I banned the other guy today too for a rdming someone. If he was my friend, or in my party, I wouldnt have been able to take that sit. Because that's how staffing works. Literally never said either of these. YOU. REPORTED. ME! That's how a report works chief, we both get pulled onto the same roof to talk about our problems. A certain someone says I have to be respectful here so uh not gonna comment. Again, never said either of these, please recheck your nonexistant footage to find me saying these. IF anything should happen, I believe this ban should actually be updated to NITRP+LTAP given in the last clip he killed himself so many times while Moon and myself were both trying to speak to him, however I'll leave that to whoever responds to this appeal. roasted, toasted, and fileted Fish.
  19. Uh yeah I can respond to this one rn cuz it doesn’t actually require me to get and evidence. And I’m quoting the staff rulebook here “Staff are only allowed to take their own sits if there are no other staff available to take it” it was literally just me and moon taking sits, as soon as he finished with his sit he came and took over. Now of course you wouldn’t remember that given that you killed yourself like 4 times. Moon proceeded to warn you for false reporting and then resolved it. If any managers need to see evidence of this dm me on disc and I’ll share it with you after I get off. I’m not going to bother addressing half the other things you said because they’re pretty blatant lies and they’ll all be posted your ban appeal once I’m off. edit: I would also like to clarify when I did take that sit, I tried asking you “what your problem was” and not “clearing my own name” the entire sit will be linked on the ban appeal later tonight. final edit: you said AND I QUOTE, “he told me to buy money printers than arrested me” just remember that for your appeal.
  20. Will be responding to this post after I get off of work.
  21. Ik we didn't always see eye to eye on things Canlex, but we still had some good moments. Take care!
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