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Everything posted by AwesomeAidan0221

  1. can’t have shit in Winnipeg

    1. Moabkilr45


      Detroit is a void

  2. a distant memory of the past

  3. That’s funny, cause I always looked up to you. I always loved your positivity and your humour. You were by far the best person I could have had in my faction, If you had more spare time I would have promoted you faster, probably would have even given you the faction if you wanted it. Anytime you joined the teamspeak late at night my mood would change around. I was very grateful to have such an amazing person among my officers.
  4. *That black dude that convinced everyone he was asian
  5. I’m doing pretty good Jared, Im in grade 12 right now working 25-30 hours a week as a line cook at a high end steakhouse just down my street. Im constantly all over the place trying to balance work, school, and play but somehow I don’t feel overwhelmed. I think it’s because I don’t look at my job as “work”, I actually enjoy it. Im glad you look back at my green beret with glowing eyes, I was always proud on what I was able to do with that faction. I strived for my faction to have a fun time while not ruining the fun for everyone else on the server, which not many people did. And even though we knew how to have fun, I had also created in-depth internal ranking systems for our members to continue to be their best self when it came to serious situations. Even just sitting in that green beret channel you were bound to have a good time, and I think Russia got a bit jealous of that.
  6. Wish I saw this thread sooner, would have dominated
  7. Yea, being Manager wasn’t for me. I was extremely up tight because I thought I had to be as a manager to get shit done. I now realize that i should have just been my chill self. The moment i resigned all of that went away as i’m sure many saw the change in personality. Glad my GB are still well known, we weren’t great at anything except for having an extremely fun time while not being complete jerks to everyone else. Also, i’m not as good as a cook as people think, a cook off wouldn’t be as difficult for you as you think. We weren’t extremely close but whenever we did get to talk it was either entertaining or enlightening, thank you.
  8. -1 The funny thing is that Pencil didn’t even get all of your ban appeals, here are a few more I’m sure there are more but i’m not going to look for them right now. All of these bans speak for themselves. You have ban evaded more times then I can count and I have banned you multiple times too. I’m pretty sure the last time you were banned on a account was when I caught you ban evading again in May last year, I think the last thing I said to you was “I’ll probably be seeing you again”. Obviously you aren’t a great ban evader as you get caught every single time but you still don’t deserve to play on the server.
  9. Like I said in my post, yes this is just a simple base camp report but it perfectly highlights many broader and dangerous issues within the community. I probably should have written a bit more about the implications of behaviour like this and how it doesn’t only affect the people involved, it also affects the mindset of many newer server members but I needed to sleep so I ended my post early. It’s not about this small report, you have got to think bigger.
  10. I’m pretty sure it’s clear that the conversation would go something like this Jack - Hey Mitsuri, you just killed me Immediately as I walked out of base. You know base camping is against the rules. Could you back away from the base please? Mitsuri - Seriously dude? We are in the same fucking faction. Why don’t you stop crying over this shit. This is seriously pathetic of you. EDIT: If you don’t like what I said in this post, Mitsuri said it all in his first response to the report.
  11. True but it’s still pretty upsetting, he had every right to report Mitsuri and was met with only negativity, name calling and manipulation. It just sets an extremely bad example for MRP players and the forums.
  12. On June 12th, 12:36 AM with 6 minutes left on the war timer, a Russian player was killed within one second upon leaving their base by a veteran player, the player then clipped the incident and rightfully reported the opponent for base camp. The player provided clear video evidence to the staff who took the sit and in any other situation this would have been an open and shut case within less then a minute with the result of the opponent receiving a warning as they are a veteran player who knows the rules, but that did not happen. Instead the staff member dismissed the sit even with clear video evidence. After the sit, the staff member then re-watched the video and told the player that if he wanted too, he could make a forums report because he did not want to go back on his decision. So, with every right too, the player wrote up the report and posted it later that night. In any other situation I wouldn't give two shits about a simple base camp report on a Friday night but after reading the responses, viewing all the negative reactions, and seeing the clear player bias, my blood was boiling. Some of you may know what report I am referencing but if you don't, here it is. Although making a base camp report for a war taking place at 12:36 AM on a Friday night may seem petty, Jack had every right to do it. But that is not what i want to focus on ; I want to focus on the responses made by @Mitsuri1 and how the situation was handled. And yes, the report was accepted and Mitsuri did receive a warn but I cannot gloss over the obvious lying, gas lighting, and manipulation tactics he used to discredit Jack and sleaze his way out of this simple warn. In case you haven't seen the video in question, i have posted a slowed down version below which clearly show's Mitsuri only a few steps away from the Russian base walls. https://streamable.com/7g05a4 I believe that the obvious base camp in that video speaks for itself. This should have never had to become a forums report and if Mitsuri owned up to his mistake it would have just been a simple warn with little to no repercussions, but he decided to dig himself a deeper hole and lie not only in his responses on the report but directly to the staff member in the sit. Below are screenshots of a few messages Mitsuri wrote throughout the sit along with a link to a video of the actual sit if you wish to watch it all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JudUw_HAdz8 Mitsuri repeats many times throughout this sit that he could not render base when he was only a few feet away from the bridge wall. Even if the bridge is not counted as base, you can still render the rest of the base from his position. I will be honest and say there there are two times within the sit that MItsuri seems to just want it to be over and done with and receive a warn so he can go back to war but this sit is not makes me mad, it is the responses he made on the actual forums report in which his attitude changes. Below are screenshots from his first response on the report. Mitsuri spends the first portion of his response painting himself as an innocent victim in hopes people would pity and relate to him, clear manipulation tactic to spin the narrative. Unless the verbal warning was given after he had re spawned Jack, there is no verbal given. This is the portion that really makes me upset. You spend the rest of your response personally attacking Jack and trying to gas light him into thinking he is in the wrong which he is not. Instead of owning up to your mistake, you berate and try to manipulate the situation around onto Jack. At no point throughout his report or during the sit does Jack personally attack you which makes all of these comments completely uncalled for. Instead of using your response to admit to your mistake or to even try and disprove the evidence you go right for name calling and lies. You end your response with "Please grow the fuck up" which I can only describe as completely ironic based on how differently you too handled this. Below are screenshots from Mitsuri's second response. The things he puts in quotations are what Jack wrote in response to Mitsuri's first post. Like I said before, unless a verbal was given after Jack was returned, we did not see any given. Anyone with any competency on how to use a time scrubber(the scroll thing) can clearly see you standing right next the base exit. Like i said before, even if the bridge does not count as base, you can still render the rest of the base from your position. Once again you end your response with gas lighting and name calling. At the end of the day, this is just a GMOD server and I'm just a 17 year old who spent way too long making this post. Even so, your manipulation tactics are clear and only goes to show how far you will go to avoid a simple warn, can't imagine what else you would do for something bigger. There are other things I wished to touch upon in this post like the unwarranted negative response Jack has gotten, player bias, and mob mentality but I've been up for 17 hours, am exhausted and need to eat something. Mitsuri, feel free to respond with your own defence but please try and keep it professional this time and leave out the gas lighting and name calling(maybe a bit if needed ). In fact, anyone can feel free to point out mistake or bias's i may have made in this post, i do expect some constructive criticism. Thank you for your time, I will see ya'll tomorrow morning. EDIT: Also, sorry for some of the shit formatting
  13. -1 Idk, ban reason is kinda true (edit) thank you @D_Rose for the 669 rep, greatly appreciated. I will now request that no one ever reacts to my posts ever again.
  14. This is heartbreaking, I never had a extremely close relationship with Gamma but we got along really well and shared many experiences with each other in the community. Whenever we did speak to each other he always had a respectful, calm and collected attitude which I admired. If there was ever anyone who I could rely upon for advice, it was him. Hopefully my PC is up and running so I may attend the ceremony on Friday. Rest in peace, I know the afterlife will treat you better than the real life.
  15. I don’t think you even understand how ironic your post is. (nothing against you Ozzy) Warn me or hide this idc
  16. I disagree. Situations like this should be taken case by case, the whole idea of precedents are stupid, all they do is allow people to use the overused argument of “Well this guy did the same thing and he is still banned”. Ever wonder why the Justice System has a range of Jail time for a crime, why they release on early probation? Because they know that every situation is different and all don’t merit the same punishment. The dude has already been banned for 1 year, I say it’s time to let him out on early probation.
  17. https://streamable.com/z15aj3 Here is the clip I was talking about, I was able to extract it from my computer before it crashed on itself. I still laugh every time I see this video. I would like to reiterate that I am in support of his unban. Yes he hacked(albeit for just one day), but I also know that Blooms immediately regretted it and stopped hacking for two weeks before I got this video, found the files on his computer and admitted to it. Not everything is black and white like everyone seems to believe. Even though he hacked I still have a lot of respect for the guy and I know if he is given the chance he won't mess it up again.
  18. +1 I was the one who banned Blooms when I was Manager and I still have the proof of his cheats, I’m in class rn but when I get home in the afternoon i’ll try and upload it if my computer cooperates today. The reason I am advocating for his unban is because Blooms was probably the most wholesome, nice and charismatic dude I have met in this community which made me very upset when I caught him cheating. If anyone deserves a second chance it would be this dude. Blooms rose up fast though the server because of his personality and gained a position in the early stages of AFSOC because of it. This made him feel like he needed to cheat to compensate for being a fairly newer and less skilled player with such high responsibilities. This is no excuse for his actions more of an insight from his point of view. I know that if he was given a second chance that he will not disappoint, if you need more judge of character then just look at the 3 pages of messages on his goodbye post he has linked in this appeal, almost everyone only has good things to say about his personality and character. I even told him when I banned him that If I was still Manager I would have unbanned him after 6 months. On another note, I really hope my computer cooperates because the way I caught him hacking is the funniest shit ever.
  19. 82 Someone tag me when they do 220 so I can do 0221
  20. Your facial features closely resemble the American rapper from Charlotte, North Carolina known as “DaBaby”

    1. KingOfCoochie1993


      your mom looks like my ballsack!!

    2. acer


      regret please come back @RegretTheManEater

  21. +1 I hopped on the server yesterday to check how things are going and I got trained for DS by this dude. He was a pretty cool dude to talk to and he actually cared about the players he was training. Although considered to be on the low playtime you seem to learn quick.
  22. +1 Yea I could care less about this app but I read Kendal’s post and agree with Kendal because he is a cool dude. So +1 from another former(and better) Manager.
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