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About Me

  1. Back on EchoV2, there was the upbringing of Military Police. They were brought into the server to bring more roleplay scenarios and to AOS anyone that is breaking the “law” within their respective bases. The suggestion was made back on January 10th, 2022 by a person named “Wyatt” who wanted more roleplay to be brought into the server. This suggestion and faction sparked considerable controversy and occurred during a time the player base was notably reliable. Now these factions can be seen as taking new players' interest away from the server and helping power-seeking tendencies from players. Since the incorporation of Military Police, there has been a great and noticeable decline in the player population, our average count has dwindled. While Military Police had great activity and presence on the server during their first stages, it has greatly fallen due to decrease in participation. Both ANP and USMP have failed to maintain activity and fail to engage with roleplay. An issue can also arise when players are detained and put in cells that do not violate server regulations. It should be emphasized that every player should read and abide by the server rules, the expectation to abide by also the MP laws is farfetched and unfair towards the new player population. (Post was already accepted in the discord, @Draco_asked me to post on forums!)
  2. I Description After recently talking to Garnet about the future of MRP, there were a few interesting ideas that I gathered from our conversation. I made a point of noting how easily accessible and constantly changing FPS games are hard to compete with given how old Garry's Mod is. At this point in time I think anyone can agree that RP is scarce and forced attempts to generate it is the virtual equivalent of a nursing home. Any vet will tell you that the best RP comes naturally and in the past, its not something people "focused" on creating. It was just something people did. The reality is that we are playing an old game in a sea of modern FPS games with a lot more to offer. I think we need to take some serious steps towards changing how our server works fundamentally in order to adapt and engage a population of players that have a world of other FPS options to play. What's that look like? 1.1 Weapons Remove all class loadouts from the server. Categorize all available guns in the server into "eastern" and "western" categories. Each regional gun is unlockable by anyone on their respective nation as well as the attachments for them. Similar to battlefield. Western Eastern Mixed M4A1 AK-74 FN FAL AR-15 AK-103 G3A3 MP5 CZ-858 UMP 45 M249 AEK-971 FMG-9 G36C SKS MAC-11 L82A5 SKS-D M60 M14 EBR PKM L2A3 SCAR-H Mosin-Nagant P90 SR338 SVT-40 KRISS Vector M95 T-5000 MP40 M82A3 SV-98 FAMAS M1 Carbine SR-2 Veresk SIG 552 M92FS CZ-52 Honey Badger Sig P226 CZ-75B MSBS Stevens M620 AS VAL LR300 P99 Makarov PM MR96 UTS-15 MP-153 Micro Desert Eagle M3 Super 90 MP-443 Grach Neostead 2000 M1911 SR-1M De Lisle Carbine L115 TOZ-194 JNG-90 FN Five-Seven TT-33 Serbu Shorty Desert Eagle OTs-33 Ruger P345 Western guns unlockable by US. Eastern guns unlockable by AFG. Mixed guns unlockable by both. To answer some questions: Factions would remain the same and be cut down to classes based on their rank. Tryouts would still exist. Factions would still exist. Instead of having 1 million guns on your hotbar, an idea would be: All players restricted to 1 primary and 1 secondary. VIPs such as Titan could be able to carry an extra primary. In regards to your VIP classes, I assume they would still exist in some capacity and have a selection of their own exclusive weaponry. 1.2 Peacetime Get rid of empty peacetime and implement this: The deny reason for this post is a lie and also the same trash MRP players have been eating for years. The GM events will never get better. The players will never want to RP more. Allow guns to be shot during all times of playing on the server, while keeping war, and I promise the server will see more RP naturally develop than it has in years. While IFN died and is no longer around, it did some things right. Pockle outlines it all in his suggestion and I think this suggestion is one of the healthiest proposals for change to server dynamics that we have had in a very long time. 1.3 Snipers and Balancing Adjust various weapons alongside the loadout system overhaul. There are various weapons all around the server that could definitely use some adjustment to adapt to a more streamlined loadout system. I know a few players (including myself) who would be willing to sit down and spend whatever amount of time it takes to create a state of weapon balancing that only slightly adjusts in future updates. I guess all I'm looking for to actually do this is a go-ahead that it won't be wasted effort. For example, some ideas: Remove movement and delay penalties from all snipers. All snipers no longer one shot. Spread reduction around the board. 1.4 Pilot Jobs for Entry Add a pilot job to both US Army and Taliban. Add respective NPCs for each side for spawning an aircraft. Implement togglable parachutes for all players. Before I get started here: No, we should not give a pilot job to every faction. No, we should not make it another T1 faction like it was before. Yes, we should make the pilot job most easily accessible by senior entry players. US Army : Pilot Loadout: Only given access to sidearm selection. Taliban Army : Pilot Loadout: Only given access to the sidearm selection. 1.5 Trello Cleanup Currently, the trello is extremely backed up. This is not a result of our owner neglecting to do updates, but rather the result of a single dev managing a server trello for years on end. It happens. Personally, clutter kills me and if this suggestion is accepted, I think we should pretty much wipe the entire slate and restructure it to focus on this overhaul. Aside from game breaking bugs and recently accepted suggestions, we cut our losses that are the ideas generated and stacked from forever ago, and make simple clear-cut trello cards to focus on a server revamp. 1.6 Removing Money Wipe the entire economy from the server. I don't really see a place for money existing on the server and instead, I think everything should just be unlockable via experience. Attachments, cars, guns, weapon skins, utility, etc would all be earned by leveling. For example, if we transition to the previously suggested loadout system, players can unlock a 'car slot' when they hit x prestige. I think this alternative would be infinitely more straightforward than grinding 800k through word scrambles or creating more uses for money. Alongside this, ways to earn XP should be expanded upon with systems such as achievements (I would love to make those). Alternative: Remove XP and have everything be money focused. (Personally I like this more) X Conclusion This suggestion is composed of random ideas that I thought of when asking myself how the server could better match other FPS games on the market. I think that RP will still exist and happen when it wants to on a server that replicates a milsim like Squad or Battlefield. However, I do not think that we can continue to treat MRP like we can revive the environment that existed 7 years ago. I think its time to full on change heavy fundamentals about the server. For more context, there has been a few ideas floating around on what can be done about the current environment of MRP. Some of those include a rogue-like inventory system and RP operations that focus on the outcomes of war. While these ideas could synergize with what I am suggesting, I think that those ideas alone will not be enough to freshen up MRP. Our main focus should be on streamlining MRP into a server with constant action and worrying about those systems when the baseline experience on the server is enjoyable. What am I looking for from this suggestion? Mainly for it to garner support and then Garnet takes a look and we start taking steps in that direction with people who are passionate about it. Again, I can name a few people who would be very interested in being super involved in something like this and I would love to spearhead it. As someone who has been around for years, I care about the server and I honestly think the best thing for it is to modernize into something a lot more stimulating.
  3. Garnet Gaming Military Roleplay holds a dueling system that is designed to put players in a combat scenario against other players. This dueling system lacks simple mechanics that can make this system extremely good and usable. In this suggestion, I will list multiple possible additions/removals that can alter the duel system in hopefully a positive way. All these changes will relate to the dueling system. The Teammate ESP: Currently, in this dueling system, there is no way to decipher who is your teammate and who isn’t. What I propose is a system that acts like an “ESP” but it’s for your teammates. This would look like the old squad system that would give your teammate a bright green outline to tell where they are at. It can also show their name on top of their head, how much health they have, and how far away they are. Maximum Ammo: I use the duel system actively, and nothing makes me angrier than when I have to buy an ammo box mid-game because I’ve been destroying my opponent. This basically proposes that in a duel, you start each round with maximum ammo in each gun you have. This makes it so ammo boxes are lost in the duel abyss, you don’t have to waste any time and go straight into combat with your opponent, and gives nobody the “upper edge” when it comes to ammo. The Leaderboard Fix: A leaderboard is an accessible list that shows a certain statistic that someone has achieved. The duel system has a leaderboard option but it doesn’t currently work. What I’m proposing is that you fix the leaderboard and give it two statistics to show, how much money someone has won from dueling and how many wins someone possesses from beating others while in a duel. This can give the good players something to flaunt and other players something to work for while in peacetime. Offer More Rewards: I see this system that is harshly under utilized with the server. I think there can be a greater reward system that can be enabled into this dueling system. For example, there is an example and well known game mode on NBA2K MYTEAM called the “Triple Threat Challenge,” it’s a ladder challenge and for every certain amount of wins you go up the ladder and gain more rewards. The more wins you get, the better the rewards. Grinding for the rewards can give more reason to be on during peacetime, grinding it with your friends to see who can get more wins within a certain amount of time can lead to a good rivalry. Now, I don’t know how these fixes can be added, but I’m hoping it’s not that vigorous of a task. But, at the same time, I think each of these changes can help make the dueling system a lot better.
  4. In-game name: 1stSFODD JOPT xXFaZeK1ll3rXx | Tali RAC MSGT Towelie Age [minimum 15 y/o]: 18 years old. SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:555365615 Warns: 2 Total Warns 1st Warn : FailRP (Crouch jump) - Torres 2nd Warn : NLR - KMP Timezone: EST Playtime? [minimum 50 hours, use /playtime in-game]: | 1stSFODD JOPT xXFaZeK1ll3rXx has played for 1756:45:24. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: [YES/NO] Referral(s): [Which Gamemaster/Lore Team recommended you to apply?] N/A. Past experiences as staff/GM: [Optional] MilitaryRP Gamemaster (GarnetGaming.net) | June 29th, 2022 - August 28th, 2022 MilitaryRP Moderator (GarnetGaming.net) | March 21st, 2023 - Current DarkRP Moderator (SackRP) | Discontinued 5 months ago. How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs] The simple term for roleplay is to act out or perform the part of a person or character. When I joined MilitaryRP back in February of 2022, I quickly realized that this server is combat/skill based and the roleplay portion is quite lackluster. Nowadays, you can't get a good roleplay scenario going without a form of metagame, someone fail roleplaying, or just flat out massing during an event. I want to attempt to give the server some story, make the server interesting when the characters listed below decide to partake in the server that day. I want to keep the players engaged within the server and actually make some fun, action filled events. I am one of the lucky few of the server that had some experience with gamemaster, so I know what a lot of people look for within an event. These are things like combat, stories that gain attention, and rivalries with each side that will make you remember the server and cherish such memories. Also, the lore team is a new addition to the Garnet Gaming MilitaryRP server, I'm here to give all types of leadership, help others that are within the team to improve characters and roleplay, and seek to create an entirely new community with the lore team. I think an opportunity like this can give the new players a lot more to do, and I want to be there to help these new players learn the server. The creativity I possess, the passion I hold for the server, and the enthusiasm I own can make me a top candidate for this form of position. This is all how I plan on benefiting the server and to create a better community overall. Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details. Was rightfully banned by Yumz for Self Promotion. All context is given in the appeal down below. In your own words, create a character that you would play as on your own faction. [minimum 1 paragraph] Representative Forrester (Representative of US Department of Defense) Forrester is a defensive agent that goes on weekly runs to improve the defense of the US Army base. This can lead to missions being set, things being tested that can have great effect on the United States base (these effects can either be good or bad). Forrester's main goal is to make the US base as safe as possible but he can run into issues that include Taliban raids, kidnaps, and suicide bombings of the base. Nothing will get in his way of preventing any form of casualties, he does like to get his revenge on the enemy. Forrester is a great character for multiple reasons, can send the 11 Bravo on trainings/missions to work on defense, this can give them a lot of senses and knowledge of how to hold a point and hold peaks like no other. This gives good translations to war and would help a lot of players in the long run. Forrester can also act as a target for the Taliban, seeing that he likes to get his revenge, this means he can get US to raid, and Taliban attempt to strike back by attempting to assissnate the representative. In your own words, create a character that you would play as on your enemy faction. [minimum 1 paragraph] Qari Ahmadulla (Minister of Security (Intelligence)) Qari Ahmadulla is the minister for intelligence security for the Taliban. This means that he does active in-person checks on base, visits when the Taliban are in trouble, and catches any form of detected espionage inside the base. Qari will be an active member that also forms espionage missions, gains details for prisoners of war, and talks with higher ups on a weekly basis. But, there is an issue, Qari Ahmadulla was supposedly killed in 2001 by the United States Army after a drone strike was executed. This means that the US Army wants him dead and will do whatever they can to achieve that goal. Qari has been ran several times personally back on Echo, this was when I was GM. Qari was in a lot of events that needs a leadership role to partake in the event. I already have a set of events that can be ran through this type of character such as chemical warfare, diseased soldiers, and action filled kidnaps that Taliban strive to defend. Lots of lore has already been placed with this character and I already see it being able to branch out and further develop!
  5. Suggestion: Add an additional model to Taliban that is currently unused, add a molotov and serbu shorty to Taliban Army : Arsonist [T2], and buff the Serbu Shorty mag size to 4-6 and total ammo reserve to ~30 shells. Description: models/csgobalkan4pm.mdl [~] Sharpshooter & Machine gunner use the same model. Officer & Insurgent use the same model. Change Taliban Army : Officer and Machine Gunner model to the one above. [+] Add weapon_csgo_molotov and cw_shorty to Taliban Army : Arsonist [T2] as it currently has the same loadout as Taliban Army : Insurgent. These additions make it an ultimate CQB zoning class with the ability to deal heavy damage close range. [+] Buff the serbu shorty mag size anywhere from 4 shells to 6 shells and allow it to carry around 30 shells in reserve ammo. Currently this donator weapon and potential Arsonist addition is heavily overshadowed by the Neostead and TOZ due to its lack of range. Potentially up its firerate to give it another buff.
  6. https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/xenin-battle-pass Description: The link above is xenin battlepass its avaialble in the gmod store for 13$ and has huge benefits for the server. It offers rewards for daily challenges (Or just logging in!) this can be in the form of practically any entity, addon, or amount of XP. It has two sections for rewards one section is the battle pass which offers additional benefits and rewards but must be purchased for access to the rewards and the normal section which will give lesser rewards but is already normally applied. Now, the cool part about this addon is you can create challenges for players to do or set it to all they have to do is log-in to recieve the rewards. With the removal of the quest system and the need for more passive RP these challenges offer an incentive to log in and interact with other players. You can do challenges ranging from logging in or walking a certain distance to killing people with a certain weapon. This is a less tidious and more fast paced way for people to participate in 'Challenges' or 'Quests'. This addon offers alot of freedom and I believe would be a great addition. Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?: Things like this reward system incentivze players to interact with the server rather than turtling into their base and afk'ing until the next war they can grind out these challenges for money or xp. Not only that but if the challenges are set to where the player only has to log in to recieve the reward you may start to see more people reminding themselves to log in just to recieve these rewards. Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE] Rewards can range from money, xp, one life weapons, explosives, any entity and possibly vehicles with configuration
  7. With the new addition of cars either being paid for with actual credits or with an overpriced (in my opinion) amount of in-game money, there needs to be an addition of money making methods to the server. Listed below will be a few ideas for possible money making methods that can be utilized in the server. Revert the In-game Words Back to It's Previous State What was the issue with them before? Why was a nerf necessary for the words? It's always been an in-game tactic to grind money from that since there is usually no other way. If there is nothing else implemented for making money, then these could use a buff. Possibly altering and increasing the money per each word would help make money more accessible. Add an In-game Reward After Accomplishing Each War This is a pretty simple addition. After each war finishes, there is usually a winner/loser (in some instances a tie), the winner of each war should get a bonus of $10,000 dollars for winning, the losers should only get a $5,000 dollar reward because they lost. I see this as a good addition for three reasons: This can promote more AFKing on the server, this relatively boosts population and can persuade people to hop on the server. This can also help ACTIVE members of the community buy things such as vehicles, armory weapons, and transportation (if it gets added back). This keeps members entertained! With winners gaining more than the losers, it can incentivize winning for both sides of the server. The only issue I see with this is hardcore inflation, but it's an MRP server at the end of the day, there is no true economy system. Add an In-game Reward for EACH Kill in War This may have already been suggested, however, a person should receive money and experience points from killing someone during war. This can incentivize being better at the game more and will actually give people another reason to participate in war. As a proposal, the amount of money someone receives for a kill in war will be based on weapon type. For example, if someone gets a pistol kill, they will get $250. If they kill with a shotgun, $200 is rewarded. If they kill with an SMG, $150. If they kill with AR/LMG, $100. SNIPER AND EXPLOSIVE SHOULD GET NO REWARD I also want these to be rewarded for kills that are done whilst defending OBJ. This promotes CQC warfare in the server and will stop heavy sniping battles. Also, add a streak of killing. If someone kills with a pistol for say and they get 2 kills without dying, they are rewarded double. 3 kills are rewarded triple, and so forth. Streaks are reset when either a different gun is used. Bring Back the Casino to Desert (Very Low Possibility) The casino was a fun way of grinding hard earned cash. With a little bit of an addiction and knowing how to gamble, you would get a lot just by gambling. Everyone enjoys a little bit of gambling from time to time and that's why I think it should be added. However, this is a very short term map. Adding a casino I don't think is worth it in the long run BUT it would overall be better for the server in my opinion. Lower Prices This is a fairly simple request, the cheapest car within the server is $650,000. Now I know that cars shouldn't be accessible to everyone, however cars were extremely under utilized on Delta and now they have begun to be even more under utilized. I'd say the average player on MRP would have around $250,000 to $300,000 stashed away. I don’t think all prices of cars should be cut, however, the relatively “bad” cars should be cut down. I think that the prices should be cut in half or even a little more than that for those types of cars, this would give the average experienced player a chance at obtaining a car. Finally, Expand Salary Each whitelist on the server gets an income bonus from being on the whitelist, these bonuses are extremely little. I think adding an actual salary within the server would create lots of accessibility with money. I think the base salary for people should be $1,500 to $3,000. These salaries would increase based on the whitelist. SOC whitelists should get more of a salary for joining a SOC, officer whitelists should also gain more money due to them grinding for their position. DISCLAIMER: Like I said, these are all propositions for the server. I don’t expect each and every suggestion in here to be implemented into the server, I just want to get ideas out there.
  8. Remove Donor Factions Completely Donator factions (MARSOC and Badri 313) have become an outstanding issue within MRP. Not only do these factions not usually get used/bought, but when they do, they steal from the base population from each side of the server. Players that get blacklisted from other factions usually use donator factions and abuse the permissions of donor factions, for example: Hosting tryouts simultaneously as a certain faction does to steal possible members away. Trying to forcefully overrule rulings with a made up rank that they gave to themselves. Is overall a waste of server space and should just be removed entirely due to most members just joining for the snipers. (Aren’t we trying to fix the sniping issue on this map?!) Every faction that is available in the server should have a use. The donor factions inside Garnet Gaming MRP can be seen as more nuisances than actual good that can be done for the server. There are players legitimately using MARSOC as a main faction because it’s all they truly need. I say we COMPLETELY remove donator factions from the server, the player base is somewhat in a struggle as is and having a 4th life friend faction take away members from the already struggling player base takes a toll on the server.
  9. Certifications have been a part of MilitaryRP since I can last remember, however, these certifications are HEAVILY under utilized because of tryouts never being held and people using them for the wrong reasons (minging, out of character scenarios, etc.). I think that certifications can be converted into something that can limit minge use and make them used more in the server overall: Example 1: The Breaching Charge With the removal of certifications, there are new possibilities that can be made with class changes, such as breaching charges. Breaching charges can be a fun new mechanic that can be added to CQC faction whitelists for numerous reason, such as: Fitting the ‘niches' for the average breach and clear SOC factions (TSFU (or 055h, however you see it) and Green Beret). Putting them on CQC styled classes for easy use of getting into OBJ and clearing it out. Creating an entirely new game mechanic to the server, breaching charges will be the first breachable tool that you won’t directly have to be near to detonate and breach a door. (This can form flanks and use breaches as an entry decoy, breaching behind juggernauts, and etc.) Now I won’t get into which classes should get breaching charges, and which shouldn’t. That is a talk for a class change overhaul that can possibly be coming in later suggestions, however, opening this possibility is what this suggestion is made for. Example 2: The Battering Ram (Revamped!) Now, I know what you’re thinking, “you’re removing certifications just to keep the battering ram", and yes, you are correct. However, battering rams should be given to JUST officer/commander whitelists. Restricting it to just these whitelists could result in the following: Less minges have access to the battering ram, this can prevent forceful opening of bunk doors, failrp breaches, and etc. Officers can provide more leadership and planning with breaching and entering, planning CQC warfare, and clearing OBJs. Gives a little more incentive to reach officer rank in a faction (I know this is a stretch, but whatever). I think this is a no brainer, minges obtaining the battering ram has been a problem for a while now, this would be the simple way to combat that. Yes, idiots can still obtain officer ranks, but it takes them longer to accomplish and more courses of action can be taken with their punishment. Example 3: The Heavy Shield Currently in the game, I don’t know when they were added, there are heavy shields. It is a gigantic shield that lets the user breach a door when the shield is in use. This is something that should be added to classes for multiple valid arguments: The heavy shield is a sniper's worst nightmare, it’s a giant shield that is impenetrable while in use and it breaches doors. This tool is also a camper's worst nightmare for the same exact reason, being able to breach and have a shield out at the same time can force people to move out of overpowered camping spots and force them into uncomfortable situations. Can be used within RP scenarios, lots of GMs look into juggernaut breach and clearing like an actual military mission, this is something that can excel in that and form more RP “realism” within the server. Add the variability of specific enlisted in different SOC factions being able to open necessary doors for certain OBJ's, e.g a GB enlisted is called and prioritized to be sent to COMMS to open the garage door. This aspect of the heavy shield spices up war and sets roles for people during war. As you can see, this simple replacement alone can give more CQC players a chance, form new game mechanics, and provide more realism to roleplay scenarios. These are all basic things that the server strives for. Again, this is if you want breaching charges, heavy shields, and battering rams to be given to SOC classes. Class changes would come at a later time, but opening the possibilities is what this suggestion is meant to do. I see certifications becoming completely useless and forgotten to the server and I think adding different types of breaching mechanics could freshen things up.
  10. Suggestion: Remove nation radio and repurpose U chat to do the following command when pressing it: /radio Description: Instead of our current instant-use radio, I suggest we make the U key automatically input /radio. This would force warleads to give out a new /channel in debrief for war and allow players to attempt to steal the opposing nation's radio channel. Reasoning: Radio would work exactly the same as it does now, except you have to manually set your channel to a new frequency. While it adds one more step to global communication, it opens the door for infiltration that has a goal. Back when, if the radio was successfully stolen, it provided a real advantage and forced the compromised nation to scramble to get everyone on the same page. Another dynamic to war. Me, positioning to steal the radio channel circa 2017, colorized: How this works for anyone unclear: /channel 89.9 Press U -> [Radio 89.9] Hello
  11. Suggestion: Add a disguise NPC to both nation basements to be use by DF Operators or ISI Agents. Description: NPC can be designed to actually change job color when disguising to place players fully undercover. Reasoning: Garnet said if I wanted it, suggest it. I want it to avoid instances of metagame, streamline our infiltration system, and give players the opportunity to silent raid.
  12. Suggestion: Swap the map to cscdesert until the current edit of Delta is finished. Reasoning: Garnet said if this suggestion garnered enough community support, it could be a reality. There is an edit of Delta currently being worked on that will keep the map at its core, but greatly reduce its size and style. I think that a swap to desert would serve a couple of benefits for us. One being the temporary boost in population and the second being a refreshing, OG, and fun swap to keep us entertained while we await the next Delta map. While desert isn’t a greatly designed map by any means, it has a number of charms. The small objective size, small bases, and short running distance to the OBJ make this one of the most arcadey maps in the server’s history. The small objectives allow for goofy gameplay, but given the openness of the map, snipers are a powerful tool. The small bases elevate player interactions and invite players to goof around more during peacetime. The short running distance keeps wars engaging, fast paced, and fun. I think that for our pop currently, the size, the appeal, and the design has the potential to benefit us greatly and serve as a solid map for us to wait on until the new edit is finished. Additional:
  13. Description: 1. Put smoke grenades on medic class and close quarter combat classes and make smoke grenades purchasable in the armory. A switch to Desert would warrant a need for more smoke grenades to be able to push objectives effectively due to the lack of cover between objectives. Due to how open Desert is as a map, snipers will be a big proponent of gameplay. I would like to see players creating smoke screens from front gate to objective in a effort to combat them. 2. Car HP Buff Vehicle HP are too low at the moment. A player can destroy a car with a half of a AR clip. Vehicles should be able to tank more shoots before exploding 3. Don't configure transportation for Desert There is no need for transportation due objectives being pretty close to each factions base. For example, transportation to Toxic Crater would change the dynamics of the objective. 4. Shootable doors (ex. COMMs door) The current objectives on Delta have nothing blocking players from getting on and off the objective. In COMMs, the main way for players to get into the objective is through the small door. This door can be locked by defenders and needs to be shootable for attackers to get in. 5. Bring back quads and donator quads Quads would be a great addition for players to get around the map. They are small, fast, can carry people, navigate the terrain, and they are just fun to use. 6. Temporarily Setting a limit on Venal/Merc Venal and Merc are the best donator classes on the server due to the SR338 and the SV-98. Setting a temporary limit on these classes will force people to play close quarter class and could help with the on going basecamp issue. 7. Players shouldn't be able to killed in vehicles The only way people should be killed while in a vehicles if it blows up. Players are getting sniped out vehicles from one sniper shot. Vehicles are a great tool for players to get to objectives and should provide more protection to it's occupants. Reasoning: I think this will be the immediate list of complaints when we swap to desert and I would like to get the easy things ironed out before the swap.
  14. Preface I: To all officers, I really hope you read this over thoroughly, hear me out, reflect, and study the sheet attached later in the post. In this thread, I am going to cover a lot of things that pertain to the term 'soul'. I use this term quite often and I define it as: elements of the player base that improve the environment and experience of the server. Before you scream nostalgia addict, I want you to really hear me out because while the server has changed over time, fundamental and engaging elements of the past can absolutely be brought back to improve the server. I am going to go into depth on what officers looked like in the past versus what they look like now. This is not an attack on any current officers and this thread is entirely designed to show the shift in behavior of officers over the years. The reason I would like to point this out is that I believe that we all, as officers, should make a great effort to return the elements of soul that existed long ago. While this sounds like nostalgia bullshit, I assure you that as someone who has spent 7 years in this community with most of my time on MRP, there used to be very real and cool elements that made the server feel alive and engaging while requiring 0 additional content and only effort from officers. These elements don't exist in the same capacity and it is devastating to player retention. I will provide my own theories as to why. Attitude II: The first thing I would like to reminisce on is the attitude of officers. While officers varied in quality, as they always have, there were some exceptional ones that made the server feel alive. Outstanding officers still exist of course, but I think I can confidently speak for most officers on the server when I say: Being an officer doesn't really feel like being an officer. I want new players to experience the same feeling of awe I did of being a lower enlisted, learning the ropes, and being guided by players with seniority. Some of the most memorable moments can be attributed to Rangers. When I was initiated into that faction long ago, we would often jog around the desert as we sung cadences for no reason other than to feel like a Ranger. This made me feel like I was a part of the faction and honestly created great memories that I'll never forget. Some players have made it evident that they believe PT (physical training) is a negative thing for the player base and I created this thread because I heavily disagree. I believe that PT, while it can be overused and annoying at times, is actually some of the most healthy behavior from officers the server can get. It's something you would see on an actual military establishment and if done correctly, can actually be kind of fun. Creative officers would turn PT into a competition by making their troops race or compete. Marines used to be assigned to an objective and if they lost it for that war, them and MARSOC would do a lap around the map. They sang cadences as they screamed "I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'VE BEEN TOLD!" over their mic as they ran in formation and that there brought some of the coolest and engaging activity I've seen in MRP's history. I understand that if you overdo PT and for the wrong reasons, it can be annoying at times, but good officers know when and when not to use it and that's something we can all work on together. PT is just one example of soul that we should bring back to the server. Now we'll look at some other small things that I think brought a lot to the server. When joining a faction like 055 or Rangers, we would be assigned to create a bind. While this still might be done is some capacity, its rare. This could say, "Rangers lead the way!" with an act bind attached. 055 had an Arabic motto and would greet one another with it. Players who spent a little bit of time on the server would eventually learn to salute officers and on Afghan, we would bow. These elements are what make the military base feel like a military base and saluting/bowing is just something that isn't enforced anymore. These small gestures, salutes, mottos, bows, sayings, and small things are what make players feel immersed. At the end of a war in which Afghan won, we would point our guns to the sky and spray into the ceiling in celebration. My point here is that soul like this brings so much more to the server than any addon or additional content could bring and I will die on that hill. Strategy III: Before I get into the next section, I would like everyone to take a look at this doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lq6Y9bIgUUng57Sa-J3Yl4_NBd0SW1u_Mfm7kBtDYAU/edit?usp=sharing This was created by a Blackguard player back in the day who went above and beyond to create soul. This sheet, despite being made for desert, has a lot of very important things relating to soul. I recently made an announcement that would make Afghan officers host a war-meeting before the main pre-war debrief because of this document. I want to make officers feel like officers and I think small things like this are how we get there. There is a section of this sheet that talks about how Afghan need to utilize strategies and tactics to win wars against a force that outnumbered them 1:2. It talks about spreading out US troops across the map so that it is easier to push into the OBJ. While this might be hard to hear, I truly believe that this is the closest we have ever gotten to real and natural RP on Garnet Gaming. The reason that this type of thing beats out amazing additions like the event server is because the gameplay mechanics at the time literally forced Afghan to use guerilla tactics to win war, simulating real life. Of course, its gmod, and these things aren't replicated perfectly, but the competition of 3 OBJ wars caused players to think, to plan, and to be stronger leaders and officers. PT as a punishment of pitfalls during war is some of the most real RP the server has ever seen and brings the server to life. This is what soul is. You saw planning, you saw strategy, you saw realistic war tactics, and you saw players (for the most part) acting like soldiers. There is only so many times officers can run the same tryout before they are burnt out. Saying, "well just host trainings and tryouts!" is extremely counterproductive to the reintroduction of soul to the server. Officers aren't just tryout bots, they're supposed to be leaders. Leadership includes punishing your troops when they fall short and rewarding them when they go above and beyond. All officers, including myself, need to step it up and bring back an environment in which players feel there is authority on their respective FOBs. Moving on-- Debriefs & Leadership IV: Speaking on debriefs and war leading now. When I first joined the server there was nothing more amazing than being led by a confident, organized, and encouraging war lead. War leaders, when assigned, were given supreme authority over the war directives and would take advice from officers. The great part about this is that players respected their war leads and they served as a natural leader for players to look up to. Now, dismissing properly from debrief is rare and we just lack the organization and authority from officers for anyone to care. This needs to change. When I came back to the server a few months ago, it was rare if we got a debrief that was called before the 2:00 minute mark. Pre-war raid debriefs were eliminated and the rp was: Press U -> Type "raid E gate" -> go. Another thing I would like to address in this section is surrendering. This was something that was seen from time to time when a side was being dominated in war. While there are many arguments to be made about why this might be a bad thing, I think that the pros outweigh the cons and I'll explain why. I recently heard that surrendering is now against the rules, as is calling debrief before the war timer ends. I think this is just silly. Surrendering can take away the war for new players is going to be the common argument, but surrendering gives the war lead authority. It gives them a genuine voice and if officers are doing what they should be, surrenders can be actually entertaining and immersive. There used to be a time in which officers would reflect back on the war and either choose to scald or encourage their troops. Troop morale was an actual, real thing on the server and high morale nations heading into war would often dominate. Another half to this problem can be attributed to how used to 1 & 2 OBJ wars we are. 1 & 2 OBJ wars absolutely and completely close the door on what the server's war system is supposed to provide for its player base. When wars are three OBJ, war-leads are forced to call rotates, assign OBJs, request status updates, and direct their troops. When wars are 1 & 2 OBJ, the only comms are rare callouts from time to time and war strategy consists of W keying into the objective with no real organization. Now you're thinking: "Well the map is far too big to support constant 3 OBJ wars, especially when the pop is low." and I get that. I understand and I know this is a real obstacle to combatting the existence of 1 & 2 OBJ wars. This leads me to my next part: Soul on the Map V: The server didn't have a GM team or anyone to really host events, so players found their own ways to stay entertained for peacetime hours. Sometimes this was PT, stealing the green beans, pressing the US base alarm in war room, or stealing the power core. While stealing the core might seem really niche, this was a super common activity of players and was effective in player engagement. It was harmless fucking around and people had great times. We added the power core to Omega base, but the accessibility was not the same as it was in the past. You couldn't run directly from one base to the other fairly easy and grab it quick like you would on desert. The small base design of Afghan base and US base made the bases feel much fuller and the same can be said about objectives. If you are familiar with the cscdesert US base, you'll know the outside area was just a square with a debrief and tent. Most players would be forced to be in the same area which made bases feel much more alive and led to a lot of player interaction. I feel as if the bases and objectives now are far too large, especially for our current player base and I would suggest creating a map very similar in size to desert for a future map iteration. The reason small objectives are good is because it leads to goofy gameplay. COMMs is a great example of this type of combat, and while its nonsensical, it is much more fun to push as a large group into a small objective than clearing all of outside EMB for snipers. COMMs is an iconic objective because of the chaos that ensues when fighting on it. The last thing I'd like to mention is the use of bunks. I believe that when everyone gets matching bunks with no real distinction, its way less interesting than when factions used to choose a random location to have their separate debriefs at. To be clear, this thread isn't designed to advocate for a map change to desert. I would just like to improve what we can without the need of additional addons or content. Soul is a very powerful and important aspect that the server is severely lacking in and there are a number of things we can do, right now, to greatly improve it. To conclude VI: I understand that we are under a different player base and things have changed. It doesn't matter. The player base doesn't control your ability to be an officer that understands how to create an immersive environment. Don't make excuses. Sims aren't fun for you or the other guy after you've hosted for the billionth time. Trainings aren't fun for you or the other guy when you've hosted for the billionth time. Switch it up. There is absolutely no reward to being an officer at this moment in time that doesn't include having another primary weapon. Have war-meetings as officers, do PT when its warranted, sing cadences and jog through the map, give warleads power to lead war, and I can guarantee we will grow as a server. I promise you that bringing back soul to MRP is more important than any addon or system could bring us. We are an arcade, semi-serious, MRP server where players can choose the level at which they would like to RP at. As an officer, this excludes you. I'm not asking you to be super serious and strict, I'm asking you to be above the rest of the group and act like an officer would. I'd really like us to get our shit together and revive an environment that players would love to be a part of. We can absolutely do this and I genuinely believe that bringing back soul can bring us to a server that is maxing out in pop. I hope that this thread encourages you to be a better officer no matter what side you are on and these are elements I hope to improve on for Afghan as an officer. Feel free to ask me any questions. Thanks, bishop
  15. Suggestion: Convert all server handheld grenades, smokes, etc. to the content listed below. Reasoning: The downside of this conversion is that you can no longer quick throw with CW weapons. The upsides are that it would introduce molotovs, allow players to smoke molotovs, and upgrade our current flashbang to one much easier to use. All of these nades can be right-click thrown and pretty much replicate CS:GO utility exactly. I recommend adding all of these nades to various classes (someone other than me can decide) and also adding all of these to the Armory NPC for purchase. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/10Y8ta3pM07Bhb/d1337mbcvq5a?invite=cr-MSxVd00sMTcwNzg5MDk2LA https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1254308551
  16. Preface: This suggestion was created to serve two purposes. Remove the most useless and underused class from each faction and to give firepower to SOC medical classes so that they are actually used. Remove 055 Brigade : Zealot. Give models/player/recon_1player.mdl to 055 Brigade : Healer. Give garnet_lmg_pkm to 055 : Healer. Remove Red Unit : Militant. Give khr_toz194 to Red Unit : Watchman. Give garnet_fraggrenade to Red Unit : Combatant. Remove ISI : Assassin. Give garnet_carbine_73 to ISI : Field Medic. Remove US Ranger : Marksman. Give cw_m14 to US Ranger : Field Medic. Remove US Green Beret : Demolition. Give garnet_shotgun_m3super90 to US Green Beret : Field Medic. Remove US Delta Force : Infiltrator. Give garnet_shotgun_m620 to US Delta Force : Doctor. "What about those infiltration classes?! Don't we need those to infiltrate??" No, allow any class from either T1 faction to participate in infiltration.
  17. Suggestion: Add the Orsis to the US Armory. Add the Mosin to the AFG Armory. Price both around $1000 and move the Armory NPC next to the ammo boxes for each nation. Reasoning: Arm new players against those dirty, disgusting, freak base-campers.
  18. With this I'm asking for a change in the Taliban Marshal WL. I'm looking for these changes because the SimSKS is almost useless with the 1 scope and is not really good. Adding the Dragoon onto the Taliban Marshal Class would fix that and better compare or compete with the US snipers. Adding 25 Damage onto the Dragoon would help fight or compare to the US snipers. I've had many people also start complaining to me that the Dragoon is shit compared to any other sniper then they just never play it again so. Here are the changes cleaned up so its more clear what I'm asking for Taliban Marshal Class - Remove the SimSKS -Add the Dagoon (plus fix scope) -Add 25 damage onto the Dragoon to be on par with the l115 Here are some Screen shots with the simSKS and the Dragoon. Also pictures of Dragoon stats compared to L115 Base simSKS https://imgur.com/a/fz1SaFg Base Dragoon https://imgur.com/a/l2eRYVh to Compare L115 to Dragoon https://imgur.com/a/T76u3ob Hope you understand where I'm coming from with this change
  19. Description: The purpose of this suggestion is to rework the Afghan Elite : Mercenary and US Elite : Venal classes and move their weapons to the Recon/Ghillie classes respectively. Takes away a bunch of one shot snipers from the server (helps with the base-camping everyone cries about) while reworking two major donator classes into fun, stealthy ones with a gimmick. IMAGINE HARPOONING MFS ACROSS THE BATTLEFIELD. Afghan Elite : Mercenary Rework Change the model to: models/player/kuma/taliban_bomber.mdl Remove the garnet_sniper_sv98 from the class Remove the cw_deagle from the class Add the khr_rugermk3 to the class, edit the stats to lower firerate and increase damage. Should be able to compete with guns in a CQB/mid-range setting. Add the m9k_harpoon to the class, make it one shot and give it 10 harpoons. Increase throw distance if possible. Increase the speed boost of this class even further. If we don't like the idea of a pistol that's actually usable, then the cw_l85a2 can be used alternatively. US Elite : Venal Rework Remove the garnet_sniper_sr338 from the class Remove the cw_deagle from the class Add the khr_sr1m to the class, edit the stats to be a much more powerful pistol alongside the ruger. Add the m9k_knife to the class, make it one shot with a stab or a throw. Increase the speed boost of this class even further. If we don't like the idea of a pistol that's actually usable, then the garnet_ar_sig552 is a fine replacement to the SR. AFG Elite : Recon Change the model to Merc's old model: models/player/kuma/taliban_grunt.mdl Remove the garnet_sniper_m95 from the class Add the garnet_sniper_sv98 to the class
  20. Preface: This suggestion is designed to turn our vague interpretation of "Intel" into an actual, tangible goal for factions to work towards. The overall idea here is that every faction would be granted access to a system in which they can collect files, paper scraps, hard drives, etc. The T1 factions for both sides would have increasingly cooler ways to go about collecting this intel as well. DEFCON The first step to this suggestion would be to implement the DEFCON system. This can best be imagined as an "XP" bar for both nations that would reset at the end of each day. Each nation would start at DEFCON 1 at the beginning of the day and as intel is collected around the map throughout the day, the DEFCON level would upgrade. Here are what those upgrades could look like: DEFCON 1 - Rewards all players of a nation with $15,000 DEFCON 2 - Grants all players a 5% increase in reload and move speed. DEFCON 3 - Grants a shipment to a nation's base containing a cache of various weapons including explosives. DEFCON 4 - Grants a nation a helicopter for use in war until it dies. DEFCON 5 - Grants a nation a single-use orbital strike to use in war. These rewards can be changed to anything, but its important that they aren't trash. These DEFCON levels are designed to be gradually worked towards by players by collecting literal props around the map that would contribute towards it. All DEFCON levels would reset at the end of each day and the cycle repeats. Garnet would have to create a system for this, written and dictated by a UI for this to work effectively. DO NOT ACCEPT THIS SUGGESTION IF THE PLAN IS TO HAVE THIS BE RUN BY GMS. THAT SHIT IS LAME AND UNFINISHED. INTEL So how does the collection process work? It's simple. Members of any faction can leave their base and look for props that are considered 'intel'. They would walk up, press E, and it would contribute to the DEFCON level being upgraded for that day. For T1 factions, higher and more valuable pieces of intel can be created in special locations within the base that they would have to infiltrate for. These would count for much more. List of possible props to be used as intel items: models/props_lab/reciever01b.mdl models/props_lab/reciever01a.mdl models/props_lab/clipboard.mdl models/props_c17/consolebox05a.mdl models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl models/props_c17/consolebox03a.mdl models/props_lab/reciever01c.mdl These intel items need to have set spawns, on every map, that are inside buildings and off-objectives around the map. DO NOT LET THEM SPAWN RANDOMLY. (Yes, its annoying and you will have to set these spawns for every map, but it is extremely important.) No more bugs, no more vague and cringe rules around infiltration, no more RP that isn't real, and no more gathering player's names for no gain. Let's just make it a streamlined system of tangible and actually acquirable props. It needs to be a game mechanic and not a game of speculation.
  21. Description: I am suggesting to re-add Prone back to MRP. Easy as it sounds, Re-adding an addon as long as its fixed. Reasoning: I've been playing MRP for some time now, and I noticed that the prone addon was removed due to issues with other players not seeing it when someone goes prone right around when I started playing back 2 years or so ago. I understand the concerns that led to the removal of the addon, but I believe that there are some potential benefits to having the prone feature in the game. To address the issue of other players not seeing someone who is prone, I suggest that we consider changing the prone mod or looking into it again on the server. Maybe a visual indicator, such as a different animation or icon on screen, that appears when a player is prone. Just like Old CoD games that showed standing, crouching, and then going Prone. I believe that this solution would not only address the concerns about visibility and other concerns, but it could also enhance the realism and immersion of our GG MilitaryRP experience. It would give players the ability to use more realistic tactics, such as crawling under cover or hiding just under hills, or even just under the walls to make it harder to spot when raiding, which could add a new layer of strategy to the game. I feel that the Prone add-on not only will provide even more strategy but benefit weapons also. You're prolly wonder how in the hell will laying down benefit weapons. Most maps don't allow any great spots to mount and hold an angle with LMGs. Now. Any weapon that has a bipod will be able to be mounted on the ground with this addon. I've tested this in singleplayer and with others on a dedicated server. Additional Information: The One or two mods that goes along with this information. This is the standalone mod that might not work for multiplayer cases. This is 25.596 MB. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1100368137 But there is a wiltOS version which I believe StarwarRP used. It involves 3 Total add-ons, maybe more with the Animation manager and the animation manager might've been the reason the prone mod had issues. If that's the case they will be listed below also. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=775573383 0.939 MB https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=918084741 0.322 MB https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=757604550 23.406 MB Animation manager and legacy animations if needed: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2916561591 22.391 MB https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2917050373 0.007 MB
  22. Ziggy

    [MRP] M98B

    This is a suggestion reupload from Shrimps who suggested this addition back in 2020. No idea if its still possible or what the original reason this suggestion was never implemented, but I saw it, I liked it, and I want it. Description: Add the M98B back to the server (already a part of the Khris Ranged Rifles Pack, the weapon lua was removed a while back because it was a broken SWEP). Reasoning: Use this opportunity to implement a bolt action replacement that looks and sounds a whole lot better, as well as standardizing the stats to other class snipers. Additional Information: I'm not gonna attach some code this time, as it's several lua files. I'm not 100% sure that the assets are still on the server, but the reasons it didn't work in the past have been ironed out.
  23. Ziggy

    [MRP] Fresh Air

    I want to give people more breathing room when it comes to the amount of rules they have to follow. This hasn't been updated in a while and includes a lot of stuff that just isn't needed. Looking to make the server more fun and more rules definitely don't help. Also added a clause that would make any unwritten rules unable to be enforced. Key: Addition | Removal | Possible adjustment General Rules Do not RDM (Random Deathmatch): Don’t shoot players without proper reason. Consensual RDM is NOT allowed. Do not NLR (New Life Rule): Do not use info from your past life unless it was written or shared before your death. Do not Disrespect in Out of Character (OOC) Chat: Out of character applies to both OOC chat and administrative situations. This also means no harassment. Do not target other players in any OOC platform that is related to Garnet Gaming. Doing so will result in appropriate punishment at the discretion of staff. Do not FRP (FailRP): FailRP is the term applied to actions which are not realistic in a well roleplayed Military scenario. This includes Bhopping in war. Vigilantism: The situation in which one behaves as an administrator when a player has broken the rules and/or the situation in which one punishes another player for the rule(s) they broke. Do not do this. Eg. RDMing a mass RDMer Do not Spam: The use of OOC/Advert chat to display unwanted messages sent in bulk, rather than one for every reasonable time period, is unacceptable. Spamming crowbars as to be an annoyance to other players is also counted as spam and is unacceptable. Do not Impersonate: Changing your name to resemble that of another player in an attempt to act like them, or hurt their reputation. Do not Misuse the Report System: Our /report system's sole use is in order to effectively communicate with staff, letting them know of an issue. If one uses /report incorrectly, it may result in an impeded response time for our staff team's performance. Do not bait someone to do something that is against the rules is prohibited. Do not Powergame. Forcing interactions or creating unrealistic scenarios to give yourself an advantage in RP. Do not Metagame. Do not use information gained out of character in RP. Exploiting of any kind is not permitted. This included the server mechanics and addons. Any confusion on exploiting may be clarified by Executives. Players may not use client-sided addons in any way that gives them a competitive advantage. Simple gun skins are permitted, but editing sights to remove the metal but leave the reticle, editing models, or editing skins to make them stand out are not permitted. Loop-holing or attempting to loophole a rule is prohibited. Do not VDM. Do not intentionally use your vehicle to kill other players during war. Jumping in front of a driving vehicle or baiting a VDM is against the rules and will result in a FailRP warn to the person baiting the VDM. Destroying another player's vehicle during Peacetime is punishable by a FailRP warn. (Unless they are an enemy in the base or following the ROE.) You may not purposefully defibrillate the opposing force, unless they consent to the action. Rules of Engagement US may KOS Afghanistan soldiers that have a weapon out, unless they are on a claimed area/base. Otherwise they are treated as a civilian. If friendly was killed and perceived in-character you can check them for weapons used recently and "Detain them to do this" You can kill them. Change this to: If a friendly is killed within line of sight the attacker is KOS. If a Taliban has an RPG on their player model they are KOS. I think we remove this for obvious reasons. Some of which include that many other playermodels' have grenades, smokes, and flags on them that would identify them as a part of a military. Just ignore the cosmetics instead, its really just that easy. AFG KOS any US outside of base and not in a claimed area/base. Quickswapping will be enforced as you have to wait 1 second before shooting. For example you can't pull a gun out and shoot right away. Knifes are an exception. No sniping for Tali during peacetime unless cleared for an RP Scenario or with T-Admin+ (As they should be talking to the People on the server) Remove this because it really isn't a big deal and is another rule that is rarely enforced. Possibly change sniping rule to allow Afghan to snipe from windows specifically on a brighter map. Miscellaneous Rules Any rules not written in this rulebook cannot be enforced or acted upon by anyone in staff or management. Everyone is motherfucking tired of unwritten rules. If you want to add or remove rules, then actually take the time to edit the rules. This shit hasn't been updated since RU and I'm tired of guessing which models are KOS and which ones aren't when the rules only state that RPG is. Really just boils down to management doing their job and making sure players have somewhere to look to be fully informed on all rules. Denial of Tryout Officers of a given faction that are hosting tryouts hold every right to deny you from joining their faction - their reasoning may be based on anything from your in-game statistics (kill-death) as well as your attitude in 3rd party OOC networks. Eg. Your attitude on the forums and Teamspeak is childish, therefore you may not join MARSOC. Sub-factions & Branches You may not use /jobs in order to create your own faction, setting yourself apart from other people. The only factions you may join and be a part of are to be found on the F4 menu. In addition, you may not set your job to something that is FailRP. You may only change your job from what it originally is to a proper RP squad/fireteam name for War/Raids/Sims. IE: using /job to make your job “Service Dog” The only allowable characters in an RP name are the keys found on an English keyboard. ie: A-Z, 0-9, punctuation marks, etc. Minge/Explicit RP Names or Jobs that would break server rules are also not allowed. Spawn/Base Camping Killing any players located within their base will be considered Base Camping, and you may be warned and/or respawned. Should you find yourself within the enemy base during war, You will be warned for FailRP and promptly respawned Kidnapping You must be an O-1+ accompanied by at least 2 others in order to kidnap an enemy that is by themselves (and not in a reasonable line of vision of their friendlies). You may only hold them for up to 15 minutes unless both parties (kidnapper and kidnapee) come to an agreement. If you are being kidnapped, you are automatically stripped of weapons and comms and are bound to the player kidnapping you unless stated otherwise. Factions may only hold 1 person kidnapped at a time. Countering Kidnaps You may advert counter kidnap if you witness one of your teammates being kidnapped within 15 seconds of their kidnapping. You may shoot any opposing faction member that is within a reasonable vicinity of your teammate that was kidnapped. Change this to: "You may advert counter kidnap if you witness one of your teammates being kidnapped at any time until they retreat inside their FOB." Suggesting this change to make counter kidnaps come up more often. Also makes it more challenging to get a kidnapee back to the FOB. Sims Sims may only be called in a claimed area that is not either of the respective country bases. Sims may not be Free For All based, and must have some semblance of training to them. Sims may not be continuous, meaning that you may not return to a sim area, and start firing again without Sims Start being called in advert chat again. Clan Tags You may not sport any Clan tags while on the server. Spam You may not spam crowbars, buttons, chat, voice, nor any other such sound or effect that may prove to be an annoyance to fellow players. Doors If found purchasing doors on the server, you will be verbally warned to sell said doors, if you refuse to sell the doors you will be warned for FailRP. If you continue to buy doors after being warned, you may be banned for NITRP. Don't need this anymore since doors aren't purchasable. Remove this to thin out the rules. Names All players must have a targetable name with at least 3 characters. No special characters. AFG Loitering in-front of US Base. The US can warn "Civilians" away from the base. If they don't comply they can be arrested. Reword this to say: "You may warn loiterers away from a claim or FOB with an advert. Failure to comply can lead to an arrest or KOS." Handcuffs Abuse of handcuffs will result in a warning for Cuff Abuse. Remove this because the only classes with cuffs include Officer and MP roles. Anyone in these roles would understand not to abuse their cuffs and this would just fall under FailRP. Remove to clean up the rules. Self-Damage Self damage is when you inflict 50 damage to yourself or die from your own weapons. Self Damage is a warnable offense. Chat Rules Advert Misuse: The Advert chat may only be used to deliver important in-character information or server announcements. Eg. Raid/Kidnap Adverts must start with the relevant message (e.g False, Over) and may not contain quotes, memes, or anything unrelated to in-character messages. Afaik we allow this now. Links in chat: Posting links that are not associated with the Garnet Forums, in-game material, and/or faction google documents in chat is strictly prohibited. Doing so will result in a warning for a non-GG link or a ban for advertisement should it be for another GMOD Community. COMMS: Just like adverts, COMMS is an in-character form of communication. COMMS is only discernible to everybody unless specified using [AFG] or [US]. This is In Character Chat OOC: No racist or derogatory terms in OOC, Keep Toxicity and arguments to a minimum or take it to PMs, Should you fail to abide by any of these, You may find yourself being warned for Toxicity, Muted, or Banned. EVENT: Event chat is to be solely used by the Gamemaster team and staff who are T.Admin or higher. Event Chat is to be used to denote things pertaining to events being run such as Rules, Event Commentary, Or disclaimers about time left. Don't need this. Add it to staff rules. Faction Rules and Information Self Promotion: Do not appoint yourself to a rank you have not earned. Permission to Speak: PTS is a form of communication control used by your faction's leaders. When PTS is active, you may not speak without being granted permission to. This is included in training and isn't really a rule you can enforce. When someone consistently breaks PTS, it either falls under spamming, NITRP, or FailRP regardless. KOS Zones/Claims: You may claim any area of the map (apart from your own or the enemy’s base) as long as it is clear what you are claiming and it can be reasonably identified by other players. In addition, you may KOS said claimed area to those that are not in your faction or not authorized to be there, and kill them should they intrude on your claim, friendly or not. A faction has a claim until they unclaim it. You must allow people on the claim at least 15 seconds to leave the claim before killing them. People needing claims for tryouts take priority, regardless of the order they were claimed. If two factions both need the location for tryouts, the first advert called will be the valid claim. PTL: E-4+ in all factions may bring lower enlisted below the rank of E-4 with them out of base without granting a formal PTL as long as the enlisted below E-4 follow the E-4+. Faction Leaders: If you have been recently promoted to a faction leader position, you may appoint a general, or Second In Command rank as well, so long as there is availability and proper reasoning. Appointing a new faction leader must be approved by management. Promotions: Warrant Officer and Junior Officer Ranks (CWO's, WO's) will have a minimum of 5 days between promotions. Officer promotions will have a minimum of 1 week between promotions. 2nd in command positions will only be open to those currently holding an active officer rank. Give faction leaders free reign on this one. Anyone mass promoting or abusing this would be dealt with by management regardless. Demotions: In order for a demotion to take place, you must have valid reasoning to back yourself up, whether they be from in-character, or out-of-character. 3rd Party applications such as snapchat images/PMs over Instagram are not valid. Documents: The altering of the documents of your respective faction without permission/valid reasoning is strictly forbidden, and may be considered sabotage. Doing so will result in a 1-week ban and permanent blacklist from said faction. Bias: You must treat all members of your faction equally, regardless of their age or sex. If excessive bias behavior is picked up on, it may result in your immediate demotion. This rule may be loosely applied to tryouts. All tryouts must be held to the same standard. The entire tryout must be the same for all applicants. The existing faction must test each applicant consistently in the exact same way. The tryout must have clear passing guidelines that are the same for every applicant. Competent tryout leaders may deny the right of someone to tryout for their faction if it is followed with logical and sound reasoning. Seems like this sentence would be used an excuse to defend what the rest of the rule counters. Just remove it and don't give those shitters an option. Tryouts should be fair. Playing on the whitelist of a faction that you are not a part of, unless it is for training, is prohibited. All SOC's must require, at the minimum, all people who tryout to be E-4+ with their country's respective training designation. Don't need this, especially for factions such as 055/Green Berets. Anyone passing PVTs into their T3 faction on the first tryout would be punished as it falls under the 'Bias' section above. In order to officially resign and hand the faction to another player, Executives must be notified of the event, and approve of the new leader. Even management can be bias and I think we just remove this. Either that or reword it to say that management must respect the pick of the old faction leader (given its reasonable) and give them a fair shot. There is NO dual factioning allowed if you are at least the rank of O-1 in any faction. Don't see why this would be a problem if both faction leaders agree to it. Limit players to joining a maximum of two factions. Give faction leaders the option to decide this one for themselves. Discord: Abuse of any permissions granted by rank or position in an official MRP Discord will result in a 1-week ban. Raiding Rules Raiding All targets in the enemy base are fair game during a raid, including those in buildings. The only thing not allowed is the intentional spawn camp of the enemy. You may not shoot into the spawn garages. A debrief must be called before conducting a raid on the opposing nation. Purely a soul suggestion. Honestly tired of the laziness that is Press U -> "Raid bus east gate" -> Go. This suggestion serves a number of benefits that are hard to spot. Provides more organization of the nation, gives new players a feeling of that organization, and forces officers to actually use keys on their keyboard as well as their brains. You must be O-1+, with at least one other player, to call a raid. You must then advert raid. Attackers have 1 life, defenders have unlimited. Defenders firing back while outside of the base are subject to being shot and killed. Defenders may not actively participate in the raid if they are not within render of the base when the raid is called. You may not participate in a raid as an attacker if you have not rendered in the base by the time of calling the raid, you may hide behind an object so long your client renders. In the event you are out of render, you may serve as artillery in a raid so long you have access to rocket launchers, grenade launchers, or other such explosive type weapons, however, you may not proceed to join the gunfight at the base that is being raided should you do this. The cooldown per country is 10 minutes. Raids must not exceed 5 minutes in length or go past the 5 minutes before war rule. Think we just remove this and let the precap rule dictate this one. I think it would be fun if nation's started calling debriefs earlier because they want to sneak in a last minute raid to disrupt the opposing nation. If they call a late DB, they're at risk of getting it nuked. Each country's respective Tier 1 Faction may do a "Disguised Raid" every 20 minutes. They do NOT have to distinguish if the raid is disguised or not in their advert. A "Disguised Raid" also starts the cooldown of a typical raid for that country. You can NOT raid with PTE. Raids may not take place within 5 minutes before or 5 minutes after war. [For reason above.] Raid Rescue You may advert a raid rescue if you know they are kidnapped through RP, and know their location through RP. There is a 5 minute raid rescue cooldown. You may Raid Rescue at any location, including the oppositions base. During a Raid Rescue the kidnapped player may not be intentionally killed by either side. Vehicle Rules Jumping in front of a driving vehicle or baiting a VDM is against the rules and will result in a FailRP warn to the person baiting the VDM. Moved this up top under the VDM rule in General Rules. Using a vehicle to kill players during peacetime, except in raids or authorized kidnap scenarios, is against the rules and will result in a warn and a jail for VDM. This rule is already mentioned in the General Rules. Stealing vehicles from other players is forbidden during peacetime. This also applies to enemy countries. US players cannot steal an RU player's car, vice versa. Punishment for breaking this rule is a FailRP warn. This rule does not apply to war. Instead, we add back carjacking. Carjacking was fun and another thing to do in peacetime. Cool idea I had was to make it possible to sell opposing nation's cars to the Vehicle Dealer NPC for money. Proposed rule might look like: "You may carjack another player's car during peacetime. You must advert carjack before doing so. The driver and any passengers are KOS during a carjack. If you are within line of sight of a hostile carjack you may KOS the attackers." Destroying another player's vehicle during Peacetime is punishable by a FailRP warn. (Unless they are an enemy in the base or following the ROE.) Moved this rule up top with the VDM rule under General Rules. If we add back carjacking, add an exception for carjacking scenarios. DIs/RACs may use vehicles in order to more effectively train recruits, However that is all they may use them for. If a DI/RAC is caught using their Vehicles for any other purpose, they may receive a FailRP Warn and removal of their DI/RAC Whitelists Car Usage To be allowed to spawn a car, you must fall into 1 or 3 categories: W-2+ A trainer showing the map to new recruits Transporting for tryouts I think we let anyone spawn cars. There are constant complaints of officers not getting cars out enough so we might as well just open them to everyone and make it something you grind for with in-game cash. Would also increase carjacking interactions if that is added. Wartime Rules Players may NOT swap for balance unless they are staff or get permission from staff. If no staff are on to rule, players may use their discretion to ensure a war is balanced. Dumb and hardly enforced. Players are smart enough to use their own discretion and if they don't, it really doesn't matter. Should you find yourself within the enemy base during war, You will be warned for FailRP and promptly respawned Pre-proxing is ONLY allowed on objectives. If there is a grey area or a pre-prox that ACCIDENTALLY falls just outside an objective, there will be a verbal warning first. You can not claim an objective with the intention of pre-proxing. When the player base is below 80 players, warleads from each side may communicate in order to exclude objectives from an upcoming war. Do not Precap. All players must be within their respective base walls before the 2-minute mark until the war starts. Being outside your base walls after the 2-minute mark will result in a warning for Precap and a respawn. Blocking entrances of objectives during wartime is Failrp; this includes with Cars/Ammo boxes. PTE Rules PTE can only be granted by an O-1+ or the highest on, and is void upon death and would have to leave base immediately if pulling out a weapon (accidental or not). And still couldn’t raid if haven’t left base. (This shit make no sense) You may NOT kidnap someone with PTE, or for the first 15 seconds after their PTE ends. If PTE is revoked, you must allow them 15 seconds to leave the base. Donator Faction Rules Donator Factions may choose any realistic rank structure. IE: Agent, SGT, Director, General, etc are allowed. Fleet Admiral of the Democratic Republic is not. Donator Factions may have ranks that have O-1+ permissions. Donator Faction members, regardless of paygrade, do NOT have any power over other factions. They are always subordinate to the true factions. Enlisted ranks of base factions do not overrule an officer of a donor faction. In order to have the Donator Faction MOS, you MUST be on a Donator Faction WL. Quest Rules You may only use quests during peacetime. If caught using a quest during war, you can be warned for Exploiting. This does not apply to quests that are to be used for recruit purposes. Afaik we don't need this anymore. Military Police Rules MP cannot leave the base during war. If caught using an MP whitelist out of base during war, it will be a warn for FailRP. MP can leave base for the following: Reported kidnaps Someone fleeing an arrest/warrant. Checkpoints Reported Malicious Activity of your own country. Issued Bail The amount of money for a bail can differ from different arrests. The money amounts must be in reasonable reach for people to pay it. If there are reports of a bail being too high, executives can adjust the bail amount. Arresting The things that people can be arrested for should be public knowledge. If caught for something that is not listed, they can be warned for FailRP. Remove all of this and move it to their individual tryout/training documents. Don't need all of this in here when its really niche and can be given directly to players who join MP.
  24. This is a small suggestion, specifically for @Nutter to look at regarding changing up the Afghan base in future map iterations. On the current map, we are in an RU base. On Omega, we're in a base that is more streamlined to look like a middle eastern FOB. For future maps, I'd like to take a step away from both of those designs and emphasize the rag-tag nature of the Taliban. Not here to nostalgia cope, but Afghan base from cscdesert is what I'd like to aim for in future map iterations. I think bunks, structure, secure walls all around, and towers are all elements that should be absent from Afghan's next FOB. This was recently suggested which inspired me to make this post. I'd love to have civilian interaction blend with our current ROE on the server and I think this would work really well with an Afghan base that was designed as simply as an old village. Here are some screenshots of what Afghan base looked like from cscdesert: Here are some pictures of various things IRL that I'd like to replicate as Afghan's new FOB: Basically give Afghan a mud village. It's cool aesthetically and can incorporate civilian life into it. Move their base design away from what US looks like on any map. Let me know what yall think.
  25. Suggestion: Add a 30 second cooldown to the defib and give it 5 uses. Reasoning: I want people to play medic
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