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Naitsir's Staff Application

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In-game name: 5thSFGA MSG Naitsir/Nutsir
Age [minimum 15 y/o]: 16
SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:155901737
Warns: None Active
Timezone: EST
Playtime? [minimum 75 hours, use /playtime in-game]: | 5thSFGA MSG Nut has played for 1266:35:31.
Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes
Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes
Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Zachman
Past experiences as staff: [Optional] MRP Mod from 7/22/18 - 10/31/18 on GG
How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs] 

Leadership: Over the past two years that I've been in High School I've been involved with my schools ROTC program. Involvement with this program has improved my leadership skills such as good judgement, decisiveness, initiative, integrity, good work ethic, and knowledge. Relating these to the staff role on the MRP server I can quickly and efficiently make a the call on an issue that is server related, I take the time to make sure everyone has a good experience and try to do anything and everything to benefit the server and community without the supervision of others, and being former staff I still have a decent idea of how to conduct matters staff related (i.e Sits, accusations, etc.)

Attitude: A quote that I try to live by is "Attitude is Everything." Being friendly and mature while also having fun is something that I try to live by whenever I interact with friends and family and is something I can definitely translate to the community as I've tried previously being nice to people that are new and/or people I don't know. Maturity is everything when it comes to staffing and at all times you must keep your composure and not get mad easily which is something I believe I'm good at doing. Being apart of the staff team not only sets an example for the rest of staff but also for the server so helping newer people and immediately getting frustrated with them will drive them away from the server.

Commitment: Although i'm still fairly new coming back to the server I have made the decision to play often and be on as frequent as possible. With this I feel the want to be able to help people more than just tips and helpful facts about the server and how it operates but also help in a way where I can be valuable to the staff team and the server.

Closing Statements: All in all i'm not applying for a position in the staff team for "clout" or a "social status" but rather because I genuinely want to help the people of the server and community to help make the server a fun place for all players alike to play in. Thank you.

Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details: NITRP Ban: This ban occurred about 2-3 weeks after I joined the server in april of 2018 due to me being a minge and not taking the server all that seriously at the time. Accidental Mass RDM Ban: Random day in December 2018 and accidentally threw a grenade on Seal Tactical class while grabbing ammo killing three gb members.

Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: Yes - 7/22/18 -

How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Weekdays I can be on anywhere from 10 a.m. to 3 a.m. depending on sleep schedule and Weekends anywhere from 2 p.m. to 12 a.m. due to work.

Edited by Not Naitsir
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Just now, JimTrash said:


Welcome to the staff team!

Wait for me to set you in-game and contact @Homast to get trained. Please don't use any commands until you get trained.

I'll be able to do it hopefully later tonight after D&D, if not, then tmrw

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