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Angry Staff Application


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In-game name: 11B DS MSG Angry

Age [minimum 15 y/o]:18

SteamID (https://steamid.io/): 76561198123264253

Warns:  1x Self Damage (New to nail gunner role, was quickly settled and I very quickly apologised)

Timezone: GMT

Playtime? [minimum 75 hours, use /playtime in-game]:Currently | 11B DS SFC Angry has played for 82:05:09.

Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes

Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Not currently but I will happily download recording software

Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] I saw that staff application were open and decided to give it a shot.

Past experiences as staff: [Optional] I used to play on a number of Darkrp severs around a year or two ago. I was staff on a sever called Clingy RP which has since shut down. I made it to the senior admin role and was head of staff for a short time before the server closed due to financial issues.

How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs]

Since joining the server I have enjoyed every minute. This is mainly due to my past experience as a military cadet irl. Because of this I am familiar with the practises and methods used and know them well. I admit PVP is not my strong point, but because of this I really enjoy the social aspect to the server. I would love to help out the community in anyway I can as I much prefer the moderation aspect of the game. I am fully able to deal with and punish those that do not wish to RP and those that are unwilling to follow rules or benefit the server in any way. 

I consider myself a mature and responsible player, as well as knowing the rules and staff commands well. Helping new players and the community is very enjoyable to me and I would love the opportunity to assist a server. I really enjoy all the players as well as those working very hard to give those players an enjoyable game to professionally RP and enjoy themselves while doing it.  Although the server is RP based, good community support is imperative in maintaining the return of experienced and active players. I believe this is where I can help the server the most and I would be more than happy to do it.

Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details. I have not

Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: This is my first application 🙂

How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I currently work part time as well as attending collage. Currently I attend college for 3 days a week and mainly work on the weekends. I will always be home by at least 9pm GMT so usually play until late. This means I am active during peak hours and when lots of players from US time zones begin to join. Because of this I would say I can contribute at least 10-15 hours a week however some weeks it can be 25+.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. If you require any further info or details I suggest contacting me though discord as that is where I am most active. If not then I will continue to check this thread for any replies 🙂


Edited by Angry
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hey man nice seeing you applying for staff! i aint gonna +1/-1 im just gonna help you a bit.

i have seen you play a lot on the server which is very good to see but i do suggest first to get to know the ppl around here you have 82 hours and thats the very minimum. so what i would do if i were you ill get first to TS and start talking to whoever is there, i gave i would recommend talking to everyone you can and just get to know ppl.

i do think that in time you might be ready for staff but as of now i dont think it will be for the best.

Good luck! 

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Hey man! So let me just explain why I am giving you this minus one this time around. You have proven to me that you are a friendly face around other players and surely are mature when it comes down to handling in-game issues/concerns. I do think that you will be a good fit within the staff team once you have familiarized yourself a bit more within the server. Not just the rules and stuff, but also make a name for yourself within the community. Hang out with the players on TeamSpeak more often, as it's being used as the main communication platform currently. 

When you've worked your way around the pointers I recommended, I'm surely willing to put it up to a plus one for sure. Like I said, you're a chill guy to be around and you surely know what responsibilities can ask from you. Just needs more effort towards getting to know the community is all.

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@Whuuu @Party Thanks guys I appreciate the feedback and ill definitely do my best to be as active on TS and the server as possible :).

Edit 01/03: Hopped into TS and met lots of new people, trying to be active as much as possible over the next week and playtime is up to | 11B DS MSG Angry has played for 102:26:44.  🙂

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For now, I'm going to say Neutral. I only really see you in war, now that might be because I'm a RU main, but maybe you could come around RU and get to know one another. Other thing that keep me in a neutral state is the number of hours you have, I know others have touched on that topic already, so I'll just say this, you don't need a lot of hours to be well known or have a good reputation, its what you do during the hours that will help you in the long run. Lastly,  TS usage, assuming MSG is your current rank, you only have a few ranks to go until it's mandatory to be in TS, It's a good habit to start TS and join when you start Gmod, try to be active within channels, for example, if there's no one in your channel, you should move to an open more populated channel.

Overall, I see great potential in your app, boost hours and reputation with the community and I will change it to a +1. Good luck!


I've changed my -1 to a +1 because of the improvement with activity and hours, even hangs out with the RU bois. Good Luck!

Edited by REEPER
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I understand that people don't see you very often, or don't know you very well. However, from the interactions that I've had with you, I would definitely say that you have potential. You are very mature, and seem to have a competent grasp on the basics of leadership. You have my support. Good luck.

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@REEPER @Maddox Thanks for your feedback guys, it's much appreciated. Reeper I'll deffinetly be hopping over to RU when I'm next on so I can meet you all 🙂

Edit 03/03: Joined RU and got to SGT, met loads of new faces 🙂

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Got to say, As his faction BrigGen I have never had an issue with angry. Always helps out when needed to, so very reliable and I have never had behavioral issues with him. I would say you need to be seen in TS more and I would’ve waited a bit to get your hours up but other than that, Angry would be a good fit for staff in my opinion 



Edited by lmatheson04
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59 minutes ago, lmatheson04 said:

Got to say, As his faction BrigGen I have never had an issue with angry. Always helps out when needed to, so very reliable and I have never had behavioral issues with him. I would say you need to be seen in TS more and I would’ve waited a bit to get your hours up but other than that, Angry would be a good fit for staff in my opinion 



Yeah I was one of these guy's so don't listen to them.

When I was with US I saw you training recruits multiple

times and it seems like you're a nice person.

Edit: Nice app forget bout that


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I think you need to contribute more time to the server and involve yourself more with the community before taking a step like this. I've seen you around a few times and you're a friendly person but as said, it'd be better if you had more time under your name.

Other than this, I see no reason for you not to be an addition to the staff team.

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I am going to leave mine neutral, however I am going to provide some insight on what I'm seeing. So far, mostly everyone who has commented thinks you would be good, however there is 1 thing that is all in common. They want to see you in TS more. Personally, I haven't seen you much there either. It could be with the different timezones but I'm not really sure. 

On 3/4/2021 at 6:36 AM, Early6111 said:


I think you need to contribute more time to the server 

I don't see this as a way to give someone a -1. Who knows, by the time this is either accepted or denied, he could have well over 100 hours. When I applied, I only had 76 hours on. When my application was accepted, I had around 115-120. Since it has happened before, I don't believe hours is a good thing to judge a + or -1. Although this might contradict what I said, it would be good to see you a bit more involved in the community. 


15 hours ago, Samkuro said:

-1 A few days ago you got a warn for Self Damage and I think staff would know better to not self damage.

Also, this is a very bad reason to -1. Accidents happen. Its not like he ran over to suicide bomb a 2GA. Even staff make mistakes.

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