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Grenade suggestion, Ripped from Toxins

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Currently the grenades you buy from the black market dealers is a HL2 grenade and is not able to be equipped if a person is using a custom class with a medkit. And considering the price tag for just one of them and the fact that grenades are not available in the unbox anymore I think it would be better if they were edited or even replaced with the regular frag grenade you used to get in the unbox.  

There is also a small bug with the HL2 grenades where you can not equip them from your inventory. It reads as having it but with no ammo. When clicking as if throwing it and switching  weapons it will gets rid of it in the scroll wheel.

HL2 grenades can only be equipped by dropping them on the floor 1st. then picking it up. Understandably this might not be possible during a raid or if you are in a tight spot because you can get stuck on the grenade when it is dropped on the ground.

I'm not a programmer or anything but having the frag grenades, that take up a different slot, might be able to fix the issue with them.


BTW this was toxins suggestion that was accepted nearly a year ago yet was never fixed and still remains a steady problem, If any of you know why this was never implemented feel free to deny it

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9 hours ago, BINLADINHOE said:

BTW this was toxins suggestion that was accepted nearly a year ago yet was never fixed and still remains a steady problem, If any of you know why this was never implemented feel free to deny it

I think this has been mentioned before, unfortunately I think there are other things that take further focus but these things are always on the table. It is terrible that its been a year but I'm sure they haven't forgotten about it. but 100% +1

Edited by Ba11ParkFrank41
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  • 1 month later...

Aye uh @BINLADINHOE I was actually just working this out today. Its not the medkit that fucks with it, its the nerve gas 😛 just throw that away when you spawn and you can equp BMD grenades out of your inv. Ofc mine are in shipment form so idk how that effects it but.

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3 minutes ago, xFish said:

Aye uh @BINLADINHOE I was actually just working this out today. Its not the medkit that fucks with it, its the nerve gas 😛 just throw that away when you spawn and you can equp BMD grenades out of your inv. Ofc mine are in shipment form so idk how that effects it but.

I can confirm that this isn't the issue. I don't have a medkit on my cc, and they never work for me.

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Guest proggy


Your suggestion has been Accepted

In our next update we will swap the HL2 Grenades for m9k grenades in the Black Market Dealer shop.

In the meantime, if CC owners are experiencing this issue because their Medic swep, use your scroll wheel or press 5 until you hear a tick on an invisible item in your 5th slot. If you click you will select it.
Alternatively you could use a console command or bind to equip it.

Heres some examples of useful equip binds
When you need a nade
bind k "use weapon_frag"

When you're falling from a high altitude and quickly need your climb swep to not take damage.
bind k "use climb_swep2" 

When you need to smoke a fool ASAP
bind k "use grn_go_awpdl"

If you need to find a string for a weapon you'd like to equip, go into the Q menu, find the weapon in the weapons tab, right click, Copy to clipboard. Paste it in console.

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