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Wyatt's Staff Application


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This dude has been active every single fucking day contributing to Tali and making all of IDFA feel welcomed into the server and his own faction being a LTC. His application has practically said all I wanted to say.


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Wyatt is a great guy who I have had the pleasure to see grow while I was Marshal, and now able to have as a superior in Red Group. In my personal opinion he would be a great fit for this role and would definitely be a great addition to the staff team. 

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+1 - Every-time I’ve been on I have seen him on and not afk. He is a very competent with holding Lieutenant Colonel in red group, and at least from what I’ve seen, he is doing  extraordinarily great. I never had a bad with Wyatt, he is very chill and welcoming. For this, I believe he would make an amazing staff member and I hope to see him in there soon.

Edited by PappaEric
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Easiest +1 of my life

I dont think red group thrives at all without wyatt being there. Hes been a major positive influence on the faction and hes always helping with whatevers needed of him. I cant think of anyone right now who would be better suited for the position than wyatt, and with all the effort hes put into the server he deserves all the positive recognition he has.

I wish you luck with the app wyatt, not that youd need it.

Edited by SadKnickHours
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11 minutes ago, PrisonNightmare said:



Would be very good staff, never had a negative interaction with him and is very friendly overall.


except when he funny guns me fuck you

I have never funny gunned you. IDK what you talking about you schizo.  

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  • StarWarsRP Administration Team

Very rare for me to do this but i genuinely feel like you could do well on the staff team, you have clearly showed dedication with the amount of time you have been here in one go in a leadership position. +1.

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Great guy overall and like almost everybody before me has already stated: takes the server's efficiency very seriously and genuinely cares about helping out other players. Would definitely make a fine addition to the team. 

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