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Designated Medic


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Description - Have designated medic classes for each battalion, the playermodels are there, it wouldn't be hard to implement a class. The designated medic class would have slightly different roles in each battalion, for example, 212th and 501st designated medics would be healers on the battlefield and mainly focus on being a medic on the field, CG Medics would be a sort of base medic where they would man the medbay and be called in for on-base medical emergencies, and 327th/91st medics could use vehicles to quickly get to and from medical emergencies in the field. 

Reasoning - It could encourage more medrp, especially when out on the battlefront, and could be helpful so people who are medics and don't actively want to participate in medrp can pick another class making them not have priority when dealing with medical situations.


alternatively it could just be made easier to access the medic playermodels for each batt

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  • Community Director


Thank you for your suggestion, after careful consideration it has been decided that your suggestion will not be accepted/progressed further due to the following reasons:
The qualification in the future will issue you the model within the bodygroupr menu - there would be no point to add them and remove the class later
Your suggestion is already what every medic should be

Thank you for your suggestion. @Ziggy @Nutter - lock and move please.

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