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Constant crashing on TTT


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You must make the CFG file in Notepad like so:

-dxlevel 95
+clientport 27015


Then, when you Save this, don't save it as TXT. Save it as "All Files", and append your extension. The guide says to name it userconfig.cfg

Personally, I'd recommend add it to your autoexec.cfg and if that doesn't exist in your cfg folder, just call it autoexec.cfg

(autoexec.cfg automatically executes every time you open Garry's Mod)

I actually have written a guide with some images that explains with a tad more detail how to create/edit your autoexec.cfg:

Here's the most relevant image when it comes to saving .cfg files:



If you do use the userconfig.cfg I believe you may need to run that script every time you open Gmod, which may get old fast.

If you need further help with configuring this I will be available tomorrow to help troubleshoot further. Please let me know how it goes!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, if you're sure the CFG file works and is executed, we can move on to trying to port forward your router. Before that though, if you want to troubleshoot/ensure if your CFG file worked, add this line to your autoexec.cfg:

alias helloworld "echo Hello world! CFG is properly loaded"

Then if you type helloworld into your console and that message displays, you know your CFG is working. There's a couple ways you could go about this but I would say this is the simplest.


I know you said your buddy did some port forwarding on your router but this is one of those really finicky things. Before we go to my next wall of text, you can confirm if that worked by going to https://canyouseeme.org/ and typing in the port you forwarded to see if an external website is able to ping that port and identify it as open. If it says Yes, then you're good to go.

(do not do this in front of someone who can use your Public IP against you i.e. for a DDoS etc.)

If that says No, then lets move on to port forwarding:

If you don't know how to get into your Router control panel, you'll need to know what your router model is and either google "Port forwarding for *router name here*" to find out how to do the port forwarding. You'll need to know your Router/Gateway IP address, and the easiest way to do that is type the following into your Command Prompt (cmd.exe):


You should see something similar to this:


This IP is your Gateway IP Address (it's a local address meaning nobody who isn't on your network can use this information against you)
If you type your gateway IP into the URL bar of your browser (in my case, a Router login page will come up. If you haven't configured this it should be simple to find the default username/password from the specific model of your router.

Lastly you'll want to go to your router Port Forwarding page and set the Port you're trying to forward as a range (I believe it's 27023, so your range would be 27023-27023) and set it to TCP/UDP.

Afterwards you can use https://canyouseeme.org/ and type in the port you forwarded to see if an external website is able to ping that port and identify it as open. If it says Yes, then you're good to go.

Some of these steps will be a bit particular to your Router model, but this is a generic explanation for what you'll need to do to get to and use that menu to successfully forward that port's traffic.

If you'd like to DM me on the forums to protect your privacy etc. from the public eye or DM me on Discord (Discord ID in signature) I can help you there. My only warnings would be using  https://canyouseeme.org/ will display your Public IP address, so please do not open this website in front of anyone you think could use that information against you. Additionally, using ipconfig in your CMD can expose some hardware addresses, which is extremely unlikely someone could use against you but for the sake of safety I would also keep that information hidden (you can see I blacked it out in my screenshot)

Hope this helps. I would love to get this issue resolved, especially if it's as simple as doing some port forwarding.

My only question for you: When you played on the other computer that this issue wasn't occurring on, was that your network or your brother's? I assume it was a different one but if it was the same network then it is probably something hardware related.

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