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Crafting system pt.1: Resource/Material/Component Framework


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First off this is a comprehensive thread meant to garner Idea's from responses within the community to add more to the thread later. This is by no means a closed thread once posted, and will constantly evolve until the suggestion is accepted/denied. And this thread itself is only meant to encompass the Resource half of the crafting system with a thread about "what to craft" coming later down the line.

So currently the server has an inventory system that Garnet had mentioned in the last update thread, along with a swep for "inventory pickup". The ideas Garnet has for being able to craft bandages and remove Medic classes (found in this thread)


IS A GREAT PLACE TO START. As I've seen it players on the server are currently limited in ways to access better weapons/utilities. They're either locked behind specific SOC factions, Donation, or Tryouts for weapons that are subpar in comparison to the weapons more experienced players have through donating. I know Garnet has made it clear in the past that Donator weapons should not be the best weapons obtainable, and he's committed to that by making changes to weapons obtainable for free on the server.

I personally think a good place to even out the playing field would be through a crafting system where players could obtain the materials that Garnet showed off in that update thread. Those materials would of course be gathered from "resource nodes" in the world that would allow you to take from them (maybe on a cooldown) so you could get the materials to craft weapons/utilities/clothing or whatever.

I have a couple of ideas to pin for the suggestion here:

  • Create a harvesting timer that would show when a player goes to harvest a node making it dangerous to do it in war, moving while harvesting cancels the action.
  • Create either a global cooldown or a player specific cooldown for each node to avoid players standing at 1 resource for an hour gathering.
  • Create "components" that are required for any given item (I.E Barrel/Grip/Frame for weapons) and allowing the item to be crafted after all component requirements are met.
  • Create a "Recipe Tab" to show what can be crafted, and what the requirements are to craft it.
  • Give weapons crafted by players a special tag when hovered over in the weapon wheel. You know how the Inventory pickup swep says "To pick shit up". It'd be like that but it'd say "Crafted by X player"

Resource nodes:

  • Trees would obviously be a great place to gather wood. There's a ton of them around the map as well making them easily the most accessible material to gather.
  • Bushes would be a great place to get the materials required to make bandages and stuff like that. To add a difference in crafting each tier of medical Item I would suggest that a bush should be able to yield a couple of different things I.E Hemp/Fiber/Cotton each material being necessary for a different medical item. Each different resource would be given randomly from a given node to decrease chances of consistently being able to craft the highest tier medical supplies.
  • The random piles of debris on the map would be a good place to get things like ceramic/metal/Rubber. Much like the bushes, this node would have a chance to give out a random of those 3 materials making crafting the highest tier weapons a little harder given the material isn't consistently available.
  • The various broken down cars around the map would be good places to get straight up metal. There are less of them than any other resource node making metal a harder to obtain material unless through random chance at a pile of Debris.
  • Boxes around the map should be able to yield random crafting materials and RARELY items that can be used like Bandages or lower tier weapons.

The rarity of certain materials over others would also incentivize people to utilize the trading system. getting your payroll and then buying materials you need from another player that has them is a good system to start a working player economy of some kind. 

In the Additional Information section I compiled pictures of potential Resource Nodes that may be an Ideal fit for gathering from.


Reasoning: Overall the fact that we have the basis for a crafting system is pretty kickass and something we should be taking advantage of. Giving players something to do between wars that isn't /cinema or just waiting for tryouts/events is necessary. And I think this system could be a good part of that.

Additional Information: https://imgur.com/a/IfkLpE9

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Your suggestion has been Accepted,

Please note that accepted suggestions will not necessarily be implemented into the server, but rather forked over to the development team for a second opinion, at which point they are free to choose between implementation or not as there is already something in the works with the bandages concept for materials.

@Luxembourg please lock and move to accepted.

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