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Claiming Printers As Your Own


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In some servers you can prevent printers from disappearing by claiming the name on top of the printer so just in case they leave on disconnect, the printer is still yours. Even when the person reconnects it still registers as their printer but it's claimed and wont disappear.


Clicking that name would claim it as yours, so it won't disappear. This also prevents scammers leaving as soon as you buy their printers.

You can get your printers back even if someone claims them by raiding them or clicking the name to claim it back.

Police shouldn't be allowed to claim printers, same with hobos. Just any jobs that aren't made to own printers shouldn't be able to claim printers back, so people can't just warrant to claim their printers back and run.

If someone switches to a job that doesn't allow printers it would still be claimed.

ALSO: There could be a limit to how many you can hold, maybe VIPs can hold 1 more than normal users.

Edited by vapr
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+1. seen this in other servers and it's very useful. this would benefit the server greatly imo. been scammed multiple times over printers and its very frustrating. the printer should disappear when the person who CLAIMED it leaves, not the one who bought it.

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  • The Garnut

Seems like a silly way of opening your server to a broken economy, IE: 'claiming' someone's printers and having them reconnnect, thus, duplicating your number of printers.


Personally, I cannot think of a way to properly implement this via code, however, if you're able to outsource somebody to take care of the task, feel free to.

Accepted, but I will not be trying to code this.

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