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A new era of combat!


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On 5/27/2023 at 5:20 PM, Jackal said:

Sure flanking is an inconvenience to your uptime on point but a net positive for the rest of your team/country regardless of time spent. (Not every role/position is favorable) Also, I can't honestly imagine flanks for people taking 3+minutes to pull off especially with vehicles now so even on a larger map than it is now I just don't see how movement speed helps other than trying to make something intentionally inconvenient convenient. 

I see your point the movement speed idea was def not thoroughly thought out


On 5/27/2023 at 5:20 PM, Jackal said:

The problem with the post initially in that regard wasn't so much base factions getting them just that a total of 23 classes, not including existing donors, would end up having frags one way or another. It's the amount not who is getting them.

I know traditionally all classes got 3 frags, The classes labeled above unless specified should only get access to one. This does two things, will reduce grenade spam on point by a single person and a small group, and there are just no reasons to play some classes. Breacher and Demolitions on gb for example. If you wanted to bring the most useful kit you would always pick Breacher over Demolitions for the frags but giving both classes access to grenades then allows players the choice the primary they rather use then just always picking breacher. 


On 5/27/2023 at 5:20 PM, Jackal said:

No matter which side you play you will be on the losing side at some point  and feel like you can't get to or clear point it happens. Now if you are saying that this is because of some gameplay issue like map design then go through the proper channels for that as well as tackling the issue directly as opposed to flatly saying "distribute nades" to indirectly solve the issue. (But possibly create problems in the future)

Having more access to all throwables is going to make war more complex. It gives players the opportunity to get creative. Smokes to block los on sniper positions for example might help you get more guys to a point. Flashes and Frags allow you to have a fighting chance against heavily fortified defenders instead of just throwing bodies at a point. I think the potential that adding all these nades will add to the gameplay loop should be experimented with as we really have been playing war the same way but with different guns and models. Its impossible to know all the downsides of adding so many nades but the few that are inevitable shouldn't stop us from trying something that will be a breath of fresh air for the server.


On 5/27/2023 at 5:20 PM, Jackal said:

As for the last sentiment I don't think anyone, or at the very least myself, mentioned frags as being uber powerful or "instant wins" just that it definitely wouldn't be in everyone's best interest for balance with so many in circulation given their kill potential. Don't get me wrong I myself personally wouldn't be opposed to changes that shake up combat and war though myself personally would want to see weapon changes given how bad it has gotten as opposed to what you are suggesting/initially suggested. (Or something completely new just has to be thought out)

Some people who are less skilled in pvp tend to treat frags as instant wins. They tend to believe that they have the potential to be a less skilled way to kill players. When you think of explosives like GLs and RPGs its not hard to understand there logic and concern. But frags require more thought then just Noob tubing/RPGing somebody shooting at you. I know im sounding like a broken record but nades will definitely shake up combat and war on a large scale which we never seen on garnet before. Weapon changes are something that is definitely need and is its own suggestion.


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On 5/30/2023 at 2:41 PM, jas0n said:





I can't really reply to anything specific given how you replied so bear with this post skipping a bit or addressing points not in order.


I reiterated this a few times but smokes and flashes are reasonable to see on a bunch more classes than there are now. However, I think frag grenades and the general amount on classes is pretty fair and not really in a position to get increased outside of maybe a class or two. Like I mentioned I don't think that frag grenades are cheatcodes to war but I definitely wouldn't go as far to say as there is much "thought" to using them especially since it has none of the downsides that other explosives have with the same upsides. I.E. you get to use them with a gun out which other explosives don't have the benefit of, you get 3 of them so a lot of kill potential plus you can fuck up a throw or two, and lastly always have a strong primary to pair with the ability to throw them.


I do get the struggle of X class being better than Y, or having the most useful kit, as you mentioned with GB but that is more an issue with class setup than anything and should be addressed properly. If the problem is Demolition, as you mentioned, not being used because breacher is just flat better because of what is on it (G36C and nades) then maybe just swap the guns around. I.E. you either roll with the class with a really good AR or the other class with a good shotgun and some nades. The choice then might not be nearly as 1-dimensional as it is now but would likely be dealt with case by case.



Edited by Jackal
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If you want MRP to be a Call of Duty TDM match this is a great suggestion. In my opinion, this just makes every SOC faction the same as the other, the only differential being skill level. What is the purpose of 055th/Green Beret if everyone else has explosives of equal comparison? Why do we want every SOC faction to be able to achieve the same things in combat? You join 055th or Green Beret to be a frontline fighter with some explosive utility. With this suggestion, that is now a null point because any faction you join is gonna have grenades. Not to mention TSFU already does not have much to distinguish them as a tier two SOC faction, and now you want to give them explosives and not a sniper? Why don't we just say Tali has two tier one factions now? 


I could see giving breacher classes flash grenades and medic classes smoke grenades so that they can better achieve their intended purpose. However, why would anyone play medic if this was added? Why would I use a subpar pistol and my negligible riot shield if I can just drop smokes and have a meta rifle? Furthermore, how is anyone supposed to capture an objective when every soldier is carry a hand grenade? Am I supposed to rely on my Tier 1 and donator snipers to deal with that? Now I cannot rely on snipers because there is a ten mile long smoke line from US front gate all the way into the objective. I understand what this post is trying to achieve but I think this approach is lazy and honestly just wrong.


All I can see for the future of MRP with this added in is the death of Faction Identity. I agree that more utility is need on the server, but just saying "Fuck It!" and giving everybody utility is absolutely not the answer to the problem. How about instead of this, we say "What changes can we make to give every Faction a niche that they succeed in." TSFU has asked for a sniper to better combat their Tier 2 opponents, medics were given smokes and base faction Support was given a riot shield, 055th has a shitty DMR that people barely use. ALL OF THESE ARE STEPS IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. TSFU wants to be able to combat the SR338. Medics actually become usable. 055th has to either suck it up and die twenty times until ISI and TSFU with donor snipers can clear a path for them, or pull of some huge elaborate flank every time they die. Just to add to the faction identity part, Green Beret needs some type of explosive. They are doing really well in the frontline combat area, but 055th stills over shines them solely because of having explosives at hand.


Lets get to a place where new players are actually able to weigh the pros and cons of joining a SOC faction. Not just, "These dudes were nice to me" or "These dudes are really skilled I want to play with them." I am not saying every SOC faction cannot have some things similar to another, but TSFU and 055th are literally the same faction, and Green Beret has been given the middle finger. Give the factions a niche.


I respect the time and effort put into this suggestion post, but in my opinion, this is not the way to go about it. I also hate the additions to tier 3 classes as if they aren't already amazing. With your additions to Brigadier and Combat Medic you are creating super soldiers that should just be full on dono classes with no SOC affiliation. I mean seriously? COMBAT MEDIC NEEDS THE SR338? BRIGADIER NEEDS A GRENADE LAUNCHER? This has got to be some scheme from Nutter to get people to pay for a insanely broken class. Seriously terrible addition to a somewhat salvageable post.

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On 5/24/2023 at 10:27 PM, jas0n said:

its arguable that the Explosive ISI gets is extremely better then a frag grenade

arguable by a schizophrenic maybe 

Edited by Ziggy
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