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Unnecessary but EASY/QUICK bank fix

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Description: As the title suggests, this fix may be slightly unnecessary but it'd be a super quick and easy fix. In the bank there are perma props placed
to keep you from getting on top of the banker area's ceiling. (not sure if im explaining it well but if u go into the bank you can see what I'm talking about).
The props that are put there use the "models/effects/vol_light001" material, which is supposed to make it look invisible. The problem is that this material is
NOT invisible when not colored. The visibility of it isn't a HUGE issue but its one that always bugs me when I see the material being used to make props invis. 
If a high up staff member colors it black, using a tool gun, it'll be COMPLETELY invisible. I don't know if managers can color perma props, if not I
think Nutter will have to do it. I know to most its not a big deal but Nutter if u see this post pls fix it, it's setting off the autism in my brain. <3

	Reasoning: it will make me happy

	Additional Information: pls
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