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SmallEthiopian Staff Application (3)

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Name: Matt (1MD DI 1stSgt SmallEthiopian)

Age: 20

Total time on the server: 240:26:39

Do you own a microphone: Yes

Referrals: Shrood

Staff History: No warns and/or bans

Country of Residence: Canada


Essay Portion

Past experiences staffing?

I have over 700 hours on various administration teams ranging from RP servers to sandbox servers. I was an administrator for Roshan's DarkRP (shutdown). 
Eventually promoted to Head Admin and then took over the server as developer when the owner took a leave of absence. 
I stayed with this server until it was shut down. I was also a Head Administrator on The Leprechauns Server(sandbox/RP mix) (Shutdown)
I was handpicked by the owner due to my skills in conflict resolution and administrative knowledge of Garry's Mod RP systems. 

How do you plan on benefiting our server? 

I've enjoyed quite a bit of time on the GarnetGaming DarkRP server and decided to make a switch to MilitaryRP for a change of pace. 
I've merged myself into the community and found a lot of great friends here. 
I think I'd be an excellent addition to the staff team, mainly due to my experience as administration and due to my conflict resolution certifications in real life as well. 
I'm always online when I can be (which is essentially every day) (Very flexible schedule, able to be on when requested/required).  I try to integrate myself within the community between both factions (RU and US). In addition, I'm always active on the forums, no matter what time of day.
I currently have a large amount of leadership experience, as I have reached leadership positions in all of my jobs. Currently I'm a Security Supervisor running 3 hospitals where I live. 
I've learned a lot at these places that will definitely benefit my administrative work (if I am selected).
I'm certified in Non-Violent Conflict Resolution in real life which specializes in conflict resolution and de-escalation. Another reason why I believe I'd make an excellent addition is because I like to take time to meet new people on the server, 
be it officers I've never met or new recruits just starting for the first time. I enjoy talking and interacting with them and helping them understand the server rules in a respectful and pleasant manner. 
Anytime I log on to Garry's Mod, GarnetGaming's MilitaryRP is the first and last server I'm on during every session. 
In addition, I believe the most important qualities a staff member should have, are; Responsibility, Patience, Professionalism, Leadership, and Excellent communication skills. Adhering to these qualities
is and would be my number 1 priority as a staff member, simply because; If you don't respect your peers? Why should they respect you? If you are not professional, you will not be taken seriously. Being a leader is being a role model. If you are unable to communicate effectively, why would anyone bother listening? 

In conclusion, I would be incredibly honored to join the GarnetGaming team and be able to help out the server in any, and every way I possibly can.

EDIT: To further understand how the staff team operates in regards to bans, warns, appeals, etcetera; I have went through the accepted/denied appeals. I felt that reading these would help me understand more how this staff team deals with those sorts of situations. I have added it to my application because I felt that it would be an important addition.

EDIT: I have been debating on adding this for quite a while now, but until now have decided to keep it out of my application, simply because I do not want my application to be a sob story. I want to be judged based on my application, experience, and the community’s experiences with me. However, I do feel that an explanation is warranted for why I am applying so early for staff.

 (NOTE: Please disregard in judgement of application, this is merely an explanation as to why I am applying for staff so early.)

My family an I had a devistating apartment fire on September 2nd. We lost  alot due to this. We have all been shaken up and to this day, our stomachs sink at the sound of any emergency sirens, smoke detectors, or even the smell of a campfire. We've recently moved back in after a very long month of hard work in repairs. Nothing felt normal. So, I decided that I would try to regain some normalcy by enjoying a game of MilitaryRP. Everyone was so welcoming and friendly, that this community, and everyone in it gave me a sense of normalcy. At this point, thats the greatest gift I could have gotten. So in turn, I felt that since this community gave so much, that I should give back. 

Thank you very much for your time and consideration,

Matt (SmallEthiopian)

Edited by SmallEthiopian
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6 hours ago, Wasdin said:

Must’ve been doing a lot of AFK’ing if you went from 23  - 240 hours in 9 days

I do a share of AFK'ng of course, however, Im usually on for 6+ hours every session. 

EDIT: Whilst I'm AFK'ing, I periodically check in on the server, depending on if Im in between running errands or my son is down for a nap. 

Basically; even if I am away from my keyboard, I will still periodically check in to see what is happening on MRP. 

Edited by SmallEthiopian
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Spending more time with you and getting to know you a little bit better within the Corps, has been a pleasure and I know that you are more than capable to handle the responsibility of staff. I have not once encountered a problem with you and I hope that it continues to stay that way.

Best of luck on your Staff Application and continue to keep doing your best! 

+1 from me

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10 hours ago, DannKeb said:

Neutral.  I pretty much never play as US but from the few encounters I've had with you, You seem like a good guy. And I've never seen you get in trouble.


Edit : Changed to neutral because of what Wasdin said. 

Can't do neutral buddy.

But Small this is a good app and i've seen you ingame. You seem like a really mature person. So big +1 keep up the good work.

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I have trained you into the 1MD and observed you rising up the ranks fairly quickly than most with dedication and hard work within both leadership qualities and responding to DI without hesitation whenever called upon. So far you have been a very mature and respectable individual within the marine faction and the server and I am looking forward to seeing you take upon positions that require more responsibility.         

+1 from me                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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+1 I knew him since he was a Pvt, ever since then I have seen so much respect coming from him.

I'm gonna have to agree with Maverick, if you get denied, try waiting a bit to get more involved in the community.

Best of luck to you!

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