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Remove the rule on Hobos not having rifles/bigger guns


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Description: As it stands, it makes zero sense in role-play to restrict homeless people from owning guns bigger then pistols. There are numerous real life examples of nefarious homeless people gaining access to illegal weaponry in the platform of rifles. To restrict homeless people from owning guns bigger then pistols, it assumes that homeless people cannot realistically in roleplay steal/buy or otherwise illicitly produce such weapons. If the rule isn't outright removed, it should atleast be clarified that certain overpowered weapons such as the Dragonlore, M95 or RPG (obviously cause why the fuck would they have an RPG) among other weapons that are sort of actually ridiculous for a homeless person to have.

Reasoning: The fact that homeless people can be killed by hitmen, or randomly killed by a minge and only have a pistol or a knife to defend themselves is ridiculous. Even if there isn't an in roleplay scenario outside of hits being placed its still worth looking into making this change as it really doesn't do anything good for the server considering hobo's can't raid or do illegal activity.

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I don't really care about "real life examples" of the homeless owning rifles, but when it comes to the server the little discrepancies between jobs are what make them fun.


Hobos have to be one of the oldest jobs on the server, and its always been fun to give yourself a challenge at defending yourself with knives and small arms, not like you have valuables to defend anyway so who cares if you die, you're a hobo. 


Jobs have their ups and downs, hobos are immune to multiple direct roleplay scenarios, build in the street, dumpster dive, and yell at people. They should be scrappy little goblins who jump your ass with shivs, bricks, or their fists.  

Edited by ADVDUPE
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1 hour ago, ADVDUPE said:

I don't really care about "real life examples"

You don't have to care about those examples. But can you make a valid explanation as to why it would make sense for them not to have rifles at all? Is the in roleplay aspect not meant to be immersive of a life of job roleplay? I missed the part where caring had anything to do with if the suggestion was of good substance or not. Facts precede opinion.

1 hour ago, ADVDUPE said:

but when it comes to the server the little discrepancies between jobs are what make them fun.

Tell me how fun it is to build as a hobo, be bothered by minges and rdm'd, and be unable to adequately defend yourself from those threats. Tell me how fun it is to not be able to conduct criminal activities yet still be constrained by nonsensical rules. I believe the constraint on criminal activities/attacking highly outweighs the effect of the rule barring hobo's from owning rifles. What harm could it do? They can't do anything with them except defend themselves. Tell me atleast one way it harms the server.


1 hour ago, ADVDUPE said:

and its always been fun to give yourself a challenge at defending yourself with knives and small arms

Its not fun for everybody. Especially people who play as hobo to build and chill, not play tweaker roleplay.

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1 hour ago, HtmlRoot said:

Hobo's can't even mug, raid, or kill unless its self defense. They can't base, they can't have printers or any of that schmancy shit. So tell me how this harms the server by letting hobo's have their rifles.

Thanks for reading off what you can’t do as a hobo? I don’t why the fuck you felt the need to do that. 


I’m gonna make it really simple when you play hobo do you care about what gun you have? Why would you? Your role-playing as a homeless dude trying to make it back into society, or you’re just having fun building some random shit on the street.

why are you making a big fuss over hobos having bigger weapons?  

It’s honestly immersion breaking if you’re mugging a hobo and they wip out a dlore/Db and shoot you. 

It’s immersion breaking seeing a homeless dude walk around with an RPG




And you complain about hobos being able to die because of hits? It makes perfectly sense to want to kill a hobo. They throw boots/look ugly/create a mess in the street/scream at you to give them money. Like jesus fuck those bastards im happy u can put a hit on them and mug them.


Hobos should have a VERY difficult time defending themselves, HELL i would +1 a suggestion to strip anyone who joins hobo (except phy / tool and grav gun if possible) and have them dumpster dive/find shit in alleyways to defend themselves with. 

Hobos are homeless people who lost everything in life/vulnerable to physical and emotional attacks

You wanna use real life facts for some odd stupid reason? Heres one 


“Research shows people experiencing homelessness are far more likely than housed people to be the targets of violent crime. A study conducted across five cities in the United States in 2014 found 98% of participants experiencing homelessness had been victims of a violent attack, with 73% experiencing an attack in the last year. ”


hobos should stay the way they are, makes perfect sense. there's not a concerning rate of people not playing hobo because u can't have a bigger weapon then a pistol. 


if its not broken dont fix it, its perfectly amazing how it is rn.


Edited by IAreGunner
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+1 so hard it hurts

4 hours ago, IAreGunner said:

Thanks for reading off what you can’t do as a hobo? I don’t why the fuck you felt the need to do that. 


I’m gonna make it really simple when you play hobo do you care about what gun you have? Why would you? Your role-playing as a homeless dude trying to make it back into society, or you’re just having fun building some random shit on the street.

why are you making a big fuss over hobos having bigger weapons?  

It’s honestly immersion breaking if you’re mugging a hobo and they wip out a dlore/Db and shoot you. 

It’s immersion breaking seeing a homeless dude walk around with an RPG




And you complain about hobos being able to die because of hits? It makes perfectly sense to want to kill a hobo. They throw boots/look ugly/create a mess in the street/scream at you to give them money. Like jesus fuck those bastards im happy u can put a hit on them and mug them.


Hobos should have a VERY difficult time defending themselves, HELL i would +1 a suggestion to strip anyone who joins hobo (except phy / tool and grav gun if possible) and have them dumpster dive/find shit in alleyways to defend themselves with. 

Hobos are homeless people who lost everything in life/vulnerable to physical and emotional attacks

You wanna use real life facts for some odd stupid reason? Heres one 


“Research shows people experiencing homelessness are far more likely than housed people to be the targets of violent crime. A study conducted across five cities in the United States in 2014 found 98% of participants experiencing homelessness had been victims of a violent attack, with 73% experiencing an attack in the last year. ”


hobos should stay the way they are, makes perfect sense. there's not a concerning rate of people not playing hobo because u can't have a bigger weapon then a pistol. 


if its not broken dont fix it, its perfectly amazing how it is rn.


A few points. Hobo isn't supposed to suck as a role. That makes no in game sense to keep as much fun out of a role as possible. The popular idea that the class should be destitute and literally just do trash runs is wild to me, there's no reason to do that. I especially disagree with your view that it should suck even harder, stripping the player. That would kill the class 100%.


If it breaks your immersion, does it not break it when people have a log of shit hovering off the side of their head. Or when they go flying across the map on a bhop, or when a skeleton unleashes rocket after rocket at a single room apartment and everyone just goes about their day? 


If you too want to bring up crime statistics from IRL, it's been shown homeless also committ violent crime in large numbers, often with stolen rifles or shotguns. It's very feasible a hobo could get his hands on a rifle. There was a train car in San Francisco or LA that a bunch of people, many homeless, robbed and stole dozens of guns back in 2020. If we are going on these same lines, no machine guns for reg citizens. The average man could never afford one so it breaks my immersion to see everyone have them.


My main reason for support is because I've been jailed/warned/etc for using rifle as hobo even in cases of defense of RDM where the other player is jailed for his rdm and I'm jailed for using rifle.  The rule is stupid, and if it's old it's been a stupid rule for a long, looong time.  


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Honestly I see no point in changing things that dont need fixing, Gmod isn't real life and there's no reason to try and justify a change because of it. Build some "Hobo Shacks" get your tip jar out and do some dumpster diving, pretty simple.

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1 hour ago, tdizz said:

Gmod isn't real life and there's no reason to try and justify a change because of it

So if the immersion of DarkRP (specifically Garnets Darkrp) isn't meant to be based on the realism of real life or a facet of reality portrayed through movies (superheroes and villain jobs) that have our real world, then what is DarkRP's world based on? The very core concept of DarkRP is centered around roleplaying as a job in a city/town/neighborhood as it were in a set period of history. Modified versions of DarkRP might be based on World War 2 times, and they have their own set of immersion policies.


I see no reason why it can't be changed just because you contrarians hate change and want to stay traditional.

10 hours ago, IAreGunner said:

Thanks for reading off what you can’t do as a hobo? I don’t why the fuck you felt the need to do that. 

Because ADVDUPE said that there's "discrepancies" between jobs, so settle down big man. I felt the need to do that because I am weighing the balances of different rules on jobs and what might offset that delicate balance. I'm defending my suggestion as I'm allowed to so it sounds like your not happy I'm refuting y'all in a proper manner.


10 hours ago, IAreGunner said:

Your role-playing as a homeless dude trying to make it back into society, or you’re just having fun building some random shit on the street.

Why does a roleplay scenario have to be so mundane and simple? Your the type of buzzkill mentality person that ruins the joy of DarkRP. Why can't I roleplay as a homeless person selling illegal arms such as rifles, handguns, knives, shivs and so on. That would also make sense for me to then carry one of those bigger weapons for protection.


10 hours ago, IAreGunner said:

It’s honestly immersion breaking if you’re mugging a hobo and they wip out a dlore/Db and shoot you. 

You clearly did not read the full original post.


Read below please.


15 hours ago, HtmlRoot said:

If the rule isn't outright removed, it should atleast be clarified that certain overpowered weapons such as the Dragonlore, M95 or RPG (obviously cause why the fuck would they have an RPG) among other weapons that are sort of actually ridiculous for a homeless person to have.


10 hours ago, IAreGunner said:

And you complain about hobos being able to die because of hits? It makes perfectly sense to want to kill a hobo. They throw boots/look ugly/create a mess in the street/scream at you to give them money. Like jesus fuck those bastards im happy u can put a hit on them and mug them.

I did not complain about the fact they could die to hits here, I simply said that it sucks that hobo's cannot adequately defend themselves from said hit men. Please check your eyes and or glasses.


10 hours ago, IAreGunner said:

Research shows people experiencing homelessness are far more likely than housed people to be the targets of violent crime.

This supports homeless people being able to own bigger weapons. If it doesn't seem unrealistic for them to have them, whats the fucking point in such a lame ass rule?


10 hours ago, IAreGunner said:

there's not a concerning rate of people not playing hobo because u can't have a bigger weapon then a pistol. 

Obviously because its easy for most people to just build and enjoy the job, but some people want to be able to defend themselves properly and if you keep getting killed while trying to build you can't really do that can you?

6 hours ago, Omnipotent said:

My main reason for support is because I've been jailed/warned/etc for using rifle as hobo even in cases of defense of RDM where the other player is jailed for his rdm and I'm jailed for using rifle.  The rule is stupid, and if it's old it's been a stupid rule for a long, looong time.  

Facts, it just makes zero sense to have this rule anymore. Its just the oldheads that don't want change cause "OH NO CHANGE".

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The core of this seems to be your frustration with being killed, whether it be from hits or RDM. For the latter, better weaponry wouldn't benefit your situation. Recording software and reporting the events to staff would be ideal.

As for hits, they are also very much an inherently unexpected event. I suspect your frustrations would continue regardless of the weaponry, as hitmen could target you from concealed areas without chance for defense.

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Hobo's are meant to be annoying, and the most annoying part is the fact the run around and poke people with knives, and can scream their asses off at people, I play hobo every once and a while and being restricted to only knives and pistols is one of the best parts about that job, it's been this way for a while and there hasn't been an issue with how the job works at all. And the only time they really need to defend them selves is against an hitman, which I can agree to be annoying with only a knife. The simple fix for that is to run or out play the hitman. It's not impossible, and it doesn't happen often. This is something that wouldn't really be taken into consideration as it's on a topic that is only been brough up recently, and is only an issue to a couple of people.

Yes A lot of people only use the job to build freely in the streets, and 90% of the time they can, maybe a hitman would come by once, then there is a cool down and by then the hobo is prolly done building and they don't have to let the hitman in or go out. Also if they are getting killed they can simply report as hobos, for the most part, have no reason to be killed on the streets. If they keep getting killed it mostly because they don't report anything.


And like multiple people have said this isn't real life, it's a game, the server is an rp server, but that doesn't mean we are going for realism,  but going down that path of realism, most homeless people really only have knives, and occasionally a pistol. Now im not saying it isn't possible but the chances of a homeless person being able to get their hands on a rifle, shotgun, or any of the sorts are slim. Now you say steal or buy a rifle, where the hell are they stealing these rifle from? Where the hell are they getting the money from, selling drugs are doing something similar maybe? Most of the time at that point they are affiliated with some kind of of gang, In reality a lot of drug sells and anything familiar are done by gangs. Sure homeless people sell it too, but it's not enough to buy a rifle in most cases, and if they're homeless it would be pretty hard to conceal it, unlike a pistol, that's why if you see a homeless guy with a gun it's most likely a pistol. even then most of the time they are only using improvised weapons.


And this isn't one of those server that have a set time period, truthfully this isn't a really serious rp server anyways.


Honestly, it is true that the homeless could use bigger weapons irl, but form what it looks like they went of what is most common when you think of a homeless person using a weapon, A knife or a pistol

The first thing I think when I hear about a homeless person attacking someone, it's not that they used a rifle, I think of a knife or a blunt object, honestly the pistol is the last thing I think of.

There is no reason to change the rule.

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8 minutes ago, OG_Bob_The_Builder said:

, but it's not enough to buy a rifle in most cases, and if they're homeless it would be pretty hard to conceal it, unlike a pistol, that's why if you see a homeless guy with a gun it's most likely a pistol. even then most of the time they are only using improvised weapons.


And this isn't one of those server that have a set time period, truthfully this isn't a really serious rp server anyways.


Honestly, it is true that the homeless could use bigger weapons irl, but form what it looks like they went of what is most common when you think of a homeless person using a weapon, A knife or a pistol

The first thing I think when I hear about a homeless person attacking someone, it's not that they used a rifle, I think of a knife or a blunt object, honestly the pistol is the last thing I think of.

There is no reason to change the rule.

Want to touch on the notion specifically that hobos couldn't afford rifles. It is extremely obvious to me the members of this community know little to 0 about firearms and firearms ownership. This is not a dig at yall but its glaring. The average beater AR-15 costs around $4-500 More midrange takes you to 6-8. Higher end $1,000+

But you can buy a semiauto AR-15 for about 400 bucks. You can buy pump shotguns for $249 used all the time. Pistols often times cost MORE than rifles or shotguns do, especially those that arent marketed as budget guns. I personally sold a gentlemen the other day a 6 shot colt anaconda for $1,300.


I understand if you have an rp reason for saying no to bigger guns, but everyone who claims its because a hobo couldn't afford one, doesn't know shit about guns

Again I'm not trying to make a dig at anybody I know a lot of our users are euros and not a lot of our users even care about guns irl, but I keep seeing the point brought up that hobos couldn't afford one and as a guy who sells them for a living it just grinds my gears to see that brought up time and time again.

Edited by Omnipotent
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I agree they may be able to afford, but buying one off market could be more expensive, that's if they can find someone to buy one from anyways, and who's to say the are gonna sell it for the price you'd buy it at a gun store. And who's to say the are gonna even want to buy one, they are either spending money that they get to buy a room to stay in for a day, food, drinks, or drugs, very little room to be able to buy a gun legally or illegally.


But that isn't my main reason to why they can't have one it's the fact that it is a pretty rare thing to see, now I can only assume they went off the fact it's more common to see homeless people with a pistol or knives, but either way they had their reason to make that rule. And if they are going to change it or not, who knows, but as of right now, i can't see a problem with the rule as it currently is.

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42 minutes ago, OG_Bob_The_Builder said:

i can't see a problem with the rule as it currently is.

While there might not be a problem with the rule, there is no reason change cannot happen. Change can be good even when it affects something that isn't controversial or a problem. I feel like some people just don't like the idea of seeing hobo's running around with rifles and thats the norm, but I feel like mayors could simply impose unlicensed weapon laws to fix that. I feel its an in-roleplay issue to solve a thing like that and changing this rule might spice up the roleplay factor of the server significantly, especially for law enforcement.




Also I don't quite see how in any of my statements that id been toxic. Never called anybody any bad names, slurred at anybody or otherwise yelled at anyone. Feel free to repfuck me more please. I'll continue to defend my suggestions and have intelligent debate.

Edited by HtmlRoot
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I'll keep an open mind to it but as you like to bring realistic in your previous statements, realistically there aren't hobo's running around with rifles, not really pistols for that matter. The mayor already does impose those kinda of laws so it wouldn't spice up any rp factor, as that factor is already there.




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