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[MRP] Small Map Suggestion


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A Small Map Suggestion


What I mean by "A Small Map Suggestion" is simple. I feel that somehow, someway, there should be one or a mix of three things that should happen with either the new or the current map. The more drastic option that would be slightly more difficult to make look realistic would be to make the areas around the bases raised up, as in both bases are raised above the rest of the terrain around it, both bases on a decently inclined hill (explanation of reasoning in the reasoning section). The second option could be to make mountains outside of the bases that can be climbed by those in the base, but not by those outside of it (of course, there should be at least 2-3 valleys that can allow passage into the base area for outsiders for raids, and re-entering the base, etc.). The least drastic option would be to have one mountain at the corner (RU's SW corner, and US's NE corner) that can't be climbed that separate the two sides of the base, very similar to how US's current NE mountain looks, except remove the ledge area on the mountain that gets an overlook over the US base (the current trees in the way do a good job at making this spot less overbearing). Once again, I would prefer these changes to come in the new map, whenever it comes, or (if possible) edit the current map with these changes.


Currently, the Russian base is able to be base camped very easily due to a hill SW of RU base that allows oversight over both exits to the base, and any flanks you may wish to take due to the mountains to the West and South of the base funneling the RU towards that hill instead of allowing them to pass on the side of the map to avoid the position. Just a side note, when I refer to base camp, I am referring to sitting outside of the base and waiting for others to enter, not the current rule definition (just in case that confused anyone). This hill has been a large issue in my opinion to why the base camp that has occurred went from decent to strong from Siberia to TaigaForest. Don't get me wrong, you can counter the spot of course, just aim better than them, or sacrifice one or two Soldiers to pick him off with your sniper as he snipes your guys. But of course, this would be fine as a strategy to push an objective, not to get someone off your base. US's base also has a similar hill/ledge to the NE of their base attached to the base of the mountain, but that location has a blocked view for most of the US base through the use of trees and the elevation of the ledge. This isn't as easily abused, which is why the least extreme option in my suggestion would be to add more trees between the SW hill and RU base to obscure vision, making the spot less viable as you can't see all possible exits from the RU base anymore if it's covered with trees.

Additional Information:

Will add screenshots here as examples of the two hills that are talked about in this suggestion.

Edited by Ethan
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