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Jasmine needs to be looked into.


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IGN: Chiken

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:115154953

I am reporting a staff member.

Jasmine and another private.

It happened around 8:50 PM Mountain Standard Time

I had just gotten permission from Sasha to leave the Russian base and explore the map, while wandering I came across mentioned private and looked at him and said, "Hi" and he shot me in the head. I got PTL yet again from LTR Towel ran back there and asked why he shot me and he pulled his gun and aimed at me and that is when i proceeded to kill him. About 30 minutes later I was tp'd to a sit and this cancer admin asked why I killed him and I said he had killed me. Now the sit went on for a while and in the end I was jailed for 5 minutes and warned for RDM. Even after Sasha had said in chat that he had given me PTL the first time and that LTR Towel had his comms message in console. This admin continued to interrupt me while I was asking why I was jailed and eventually said that he/she was recording. Now i'm glad that this admin said they were recording because there is almost a 90% chance they will post it as a reply to this forum. That means you will see that their ability to handle sits is unfit to be an admin. You also get to hear me be super toxic to the other PVT about how I just want to play and this sit is a waste of time.

Here are pictures of both people admitting they did grant PTL.

https://imgur.com/a/izlPvhG - this is LTR Towel giving me PTL.

https://imgur.com/a/WDWB9JG - Sasha agreeing that he did give me PTL.

I don't have a video but you know who does? Jasmine does.

In conclusion either someone should look into Jasmine's ability to perform sits as a staff member or have Jasmine entirely demoted. 

Is Jasmine a guy or gerl?

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Ok so some backstory.

The guy who shot him originally was me. I did this because he was a PVT out of base without ptl and because I was 99% sure he was going to kill me and fuck up what I was trying to do like the last few privates out of base did. He returned to then revenge rdm me, thus i reported him. I believe @Jasmin has the recording.


Edited by Vince
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I did warn and jail you for the reason of revenge RDM. I was looking thought console and see that you do not have the go-ahead to leave the RU base. No one really typed in comms "Granted". You may get perms from Sasha but what I saw you did not change your job nor provided me with enough evidence that she did give you that. As you can see in the video below there is a recording of this very sit that occurred.

1 hour ago, chiken said:

https://imgur.com/a/izlPvhG - this is LTR Towel giving me PTL.

Also, this is a false PTL because I have a screenshot of me claiming the sit as he gave you PTL thus further proof that you didn't get PTL from the time of the event.


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5 minutes ago, Vibe said:

If anything oatlife deserved to be warned as well. He literally admits to the rdm and the reporter had perms from Sasha the first time

I had perms and he didnt,(at least not visible in his job name) not sure why this would be considered rdm on my part. And if he had PTL but just had not changed his job I would have been fine with him recieving a verbal, however from my knowledge he didnt have PTL.

I was also the reporter, not reportee

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3 minutes ago, Oatlife said:

I had perms and he didnt, not sure why this would be considered rdm on my part. And if he had PTL but just had not changed his job I would have been fine with him recieving a verbal, however from my knowledge he didnt have PTL.

If he's a private out of base on RU, it's meta game to assume he's a private without perms as a US. Some people do "/comms [Open] I have a private who i believe doesnt have perms, do i have permission to kill him?".  Keep in mind in roleplay, you can't see name and job.

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3 minutes ago, {GG}otham said:

If he's a private out of base on RU, it's meta game to assume he's a private without perms as a US. Some people do "/comms [Open] I have a private who i believe doesnt have perms, do i have permission to kill him?".  Keep in mind in roleplay, you can't see name and job.

I was on Russia during this encounter, which is evident in the video and kill logs.

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1 minute ago, Oatlife said:

I was on Russia during this encounter, which is evident in the video and kill logs.

Oh my mistake, however you're still not really in the clear. Most officers do the "type /job perms from _____", but it has never been deemed a mandatory thing. You killing him without asking if he had perms, especially since he did, makes that pretty black and white RDM. In RP, I don't think a Pvt would know whether or not someone would have PTL, and I guess out of RP you didn't either.

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In the begining you went out of base with PTL by sasha, but your job wasn't set to specific you have valid perms which make you KOS out of base.

https://imgur.com/a/WDWB9JG -"Sasha agreeing that he did give me PTL"- this evidence inst  valid enough. When you came into the sit you didn't have your job to specific you had PTL previously by Sasha.

When the job inst set he cant justify if you have perms, next time set your job. Also oatlife you should of asked him if he had PTL before killing him.

When you went back to kill oatlife out of base that was RDM because he had perms.

Jasmin isnt going to be demoted she did the sit correctly.

Edited by Chris Branch
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