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1MD DI GySgt Clunk's Staff Application


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In-game name:

1MD DI MSgt Clunk, 2GA RFR SNS Clunk

Age [minimum 15 y/o]:


SteamID (https://steamid.io/):



0 active, 1 for RDM (Was early on when I was playing)



Playtime? [minimum 75 hours, use /playtime in-game]:

216 hours

Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?:  


Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:




Past experiences as staff:

I have had multiple past experiences as staff, even once being an owner, although the server could not follow through due to lack of funding. I have coding experiences as well. Some servers I have staffed on are Hearthigen and Xeno, from which I had resigned.

How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs]

There are multiple ways I plan on benefiting the server. My top one is enforcing the rules. My second is reporting bugs. Lastly, my 3rd goal is ensuring those on the server are having a good time.


     Now, about how I am going to achieve these goals, specifically my main goal, is by claiming reports quickly. I can do this efficiently because Xeno had a 50 ticket requirement for a week. Furthermore, as you already know I have experience staffing so I know my way around the ulx menu and other staffing utilities. I also know how to calmly handle a mingy, toxic person. On to my second goal, I have a good eye for bugs and therefore I can report them to support my third goal, ensuring those on the server have a good time. Lastly, although it may not seem, I am a very mature person when it comes to staffing. You may disagree with this since I can tend to cut a little loose sometimes, but as a staff, I’ll ensure to keep that side of me locked away. I can ensure I’ll make the server proud.


    The qualities that I have that make me believe I'm fit to be a staff member is I'm curious, fast-thinking, and let's take a risk and say I'm wise. Let's cover these in more detail and why they are good. It's good I'm curious because then I'll be more interested in things fellow staff members may overlook that I could be interested in. It's good that I'm fast thinking because in a heated situation I can think of the best way with the short time I'll have. It's good that I'm wise so I can know the fit punishment if it is a big or small deal, and that will teach them appropriately and remind them not to do it again. I understand that we all make mistakes. We were BUILT to make mistakes, mistakes to learn what not to do. And if it was truly a mistake and I knew it was, that person would be excused. This isn't always a good place either, this place can be dark. That's something most applicants don't mention. I've been through dark things and I'm ready for darker and sometimes I understand I can and will be bullied.


    In conclusion, I believe I have a lot to bring to the table. Maybe more than existing staff from past staff experiences to coding to lastly ensuring others enjoy the game. I also see things multicolored, not just black white. Lastly, I make sure to not be biased.


Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP?


Have you made any previous applications, If so when?:


How much time do you have to contribute to the role?:

I am on all day, including in the morning when no staff is on, which if I was staff would secure another time from minges or other rule-breakers.


Thank you so, so very much for reading this application. I hope that you had a positive reaction to it. If not please let me know. Also, if you believe I should change something in the way act, please feel free to let me know.


Edited by Clunk
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This might be because I’ve been on LOA but I don’t believe I recognize you. Because of this I’m not going to -1 as I could be in the wrong but for now I’m not sure I’ve had an interaction with you. You seem capable with experience, but not knowing you is holding my +1 back.

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-1. This isn't anything personal against you but I just don't believe that staff on the RU side can evaluate you enough to give you a clear and definitive response. Now, it isn't entirely up to individual staff and I'm not saying I'm in disagreement with you applying - this response probably won't affect your chances very much because I'm not saying you like to break rules or anything like that. I don't know who you are. I've seen you in war a few times; we've had a few firefights. I've never talked to you, never seen you in US base when I play on Army. Don't think I've ever seen you speak in OOC to the best of my knowledge, but then again I don't normally do that myself. You provided an excellent answer to the questions you were asked in the application and I commend you on that, but I'll be sticking with a -1 personally as other than the application I don't think I could evaluate you, your behavior, or to how true your application is, no offense to you.


Now, a little bit of correction here as a "just so you know":

GG uses a modified version of D3A, a private admin mod originally developed for another community but sold to medium-to-large communities by its developer. This is nothing like ULX and is mostly chat based. This isn't much of a problem as you'd go through a short training session showcasing the commands you'd be able to do, how to look at commands you don't know, specific links on forums, etc.

Staff have a sit quota that they have to reach to ensure they don't get removed, and have a goal to reach if they'd like to get promoted. Sits aren't the deciding factor, you can be promoted or removed for any reason (more likely removed or demoted). In the event you get Trial Moderator, don't expect to get all of your sits done quickly. This isn't normal DarkRP, we don't get as many reports as you'd think (go look at the Staff Roster for DarkRP and you'll see what I mean).

Edited by Fier
Grammar is amazing.
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Apart from seeing you play war a few times, and the occasional message in OOC, i haven't really seen you that much. I would recommend talking to other people more outside of your own faction, and getting to know others. 

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+1  with my experience in marines hes good at what he does and he does it efficiently.

As for the -1s in the post because you dont know him i dont think thats a valid reason to minus one a staff app, you are not required to be known on both sides of the server to be staff and by -1ing you are saying there is something wrong with him and that he is not fit to be staff. In my personnel opinion withholding any rating whatsoever until said person is engaged with or conversed with is the proper course of action. This is because you dont know the person, his capabilities, problems, and weak points and you are -1 saying there is something wrong with him when there is a very likely possibility that there is nothing wrong with him. this is all personal opinion of course and should be taken as such.

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You sent me this application before you posted it, forgive me for not providing feedback. I remember when you asked me about applying for staff the first time, I remember telling you that you should wait a bit to do it. To really get a feel for the community. I'm pretty sure you've only played marines, don't take this as me saying that's a bad thing, it's simply a statement for my next point. You've only made it to GySgt, as far as I've seen, you're a good guy. However, as a faction leader, I've known people longer and of higher ranks that have pulled some really stupid stuff. Not to say I don't trust you, but I have to have maintain a certain level of doubt as to people's responsibility/trustworthiness. Even more so now considering 2 people in relatively high positions in my faction got banned for hacking. I recommend climbing a bit higher and just generally getting to know more people. It's a -1 from me for now, but take what I've said and I think you'll be able to become a decent staff member.

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Your a good player and make good calls in wars, I see you a lot talking with other US members and you seem mature but I have to agree with everyone else, I've never seen you chatting or playing on the RU side. I'm going to stay neutral but suggest that you, like most have said, interact within the community more. Me personally, I would suggest changing sides and joining the RU teamspeak and get to know everyone and chat, but other than that I could see you getting staff one day. Keep up the great work and dedication, and best luck on your application.

Edited by TheTexasBoys
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well my MSG will probably go unnoticed considering im a filthy casual but | you are fit for the position as homeless said | but when ive seen you you are very immature and is too toxic to new players so my response is -1

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Thank you all once again, and I have been trying my best to talk to all the RU, i'm in RU TS, and am already an RFR, Marksman, and SNS! Thank you all for the feedback again, and I will be sure to continuously switch from RU to US. 

Edited by Clunk
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On 7/27/2019 at 7:03 PM, Illexion said:

+1  with my experience in marines hes good at what he does and he does it efficiently.

As for the -1s in the post because you dont know him i dont think thats a valid reason to minus one a staff app, you are not required to be known on both sides of the server to be staff and by -1ing you are saying there is something wrong with him and that he is not fit to be staff. In my personnel opinion withholding any rating whatsoever until said person is engaged with or conversed with is the proper course of action. This is because you dont know the person, his capabilities, problems, and weak points and you are -1 saying there is something wrong with him when there is a very likely possibility that there is nothing wrong with him. this is all personal opinion of course and should be taken as such.

While it isn't a requirement to interact with everyone in the community, I don't want to base my decision off just an application. That's where the 75 hour requirement comes in, they need experience on the server, interacting with its members, and as staff, we interact with the entire server. So people who apply for staff should interact with a good amount of the people in the server so we have a good understanding of who we are letting in the staff team through those interactions. For people who don't have a large influence on the server, they need to try and interact with as many people as they can, like in his case. This is different from when I was accepted, playing almost only RU/Afghan, but I had a larger influence than most players due to me being a faction leader for a decent length of time before applying, already having 1000+ hours in the server. It is important to interact with the community before looking to staff on it. The thing "wrong with him" is that yes, the community doesn't know this person, RU is a large part of the community and so is US, so newer players need to have interactions in both in some way or another in order to be trusted by the majority of the community.


You already know what to do to improve for the next time you apply, if you do, based on what I have read. I like that you're taking the community's advice where you see fit, and improving. I look forward to interacting with you in-game or in-TS a bit more than we already have.

Wait at least one week before applying again.

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