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Moskau's Staff Application

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In-game name: Moskau
Age: 17
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:101352811
Warns: 0
Timezone: EDT
Playtime?: 211:03:14
Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: Yes
Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes
Referral(s): N/A
Past experiences as staff: Former Head-Admin for Fallen Angels TTT/DarkRP (Shut Down)
How do you plan on benefiting our server?: 

I plan to benefit the server by being as active and fair as possible. Since I’m typically on the server anywhere from noon to late at night, I can also help out when there aren’t as many staff on to handle issues. As a dedicated and caring member of this community, I will always strive to do my part to ensure that everyone is enjoying their time on the server while adhering to the rules. I’d be willing to handle reports at any given time, since I give utmost importance to others’ experiences on the server. As an experienced staff member I trust in my ability to handle sits quickly and justly. Additionally, I do not find it difficult to remain objective when it comes to handing out appropriate punishments. 
My main goal as a staff member would be to sort out and punish those who attempt to ruin anyone else’s time playing on the server, while also protecting the other members of our community. Although I may be rather new to this community, Garnet Gaming has truly left an impression on me and I plan to be a part of it for a long time. Therefore, I can guarantee that I will always give my best effort to keep the server fun and free of minges. I am confident that I would be a dedicated and reasonable staff member. I hope that you will see me as a fit addition to your staff team, thank you for your consideration!

Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details: N/A
Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: N/A
How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: During the summer, I can easily contribute 3-8 hrs/day. During school, I can contribute around 2-5 hrs/day.

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I have nothing bad to say about this man. He's active and I believe he would be fair. He is a Great Officer, though being a officer is different than being a staff member. We have a few staff members in 2GA so if he were to get accepted I believe that he can learn and become a great staff member through the other 2GA staff members. As of now though I believe he would be a great staff member. He has my recommendation.

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I didn't even know you posted an application, lmao.


+1, from my personal experience this guy is great to play with and hang around with. He's pretty well known throughout 2GA at least, so he has that going from them. He's also one of the most mature people within 2GA to be honest, and would make a great addition to the staff team.

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Really cool person who spends a lot of time interacting with the members of 2GA on his off time instead of only getting on during wars. He's super active and friendly to approach whenever you have a question or need help. Personally I believe he will be an asset to the staff team if accepted.

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I’m hearing good things about you, but I’ve never seen you socialize with the rest of RU at all, never mind US. I had legit never heard of you until I noticed you hosted RFR tryouts once. Getting to know and networking with others is crucial to getting staff. I highly recommend you spend the next month making yourself known on the server and making connections.

-1, I have a feeling you’d make a decent staff but you don’t have enough relevance needed for people to support your application.

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As multiple people have already said ive rarely spoken with you but I do know who you are and ive seen you multiple times working with other 2GA officers and doing tryouts yourself. But this is not enough for me to +1 or -1. As Jesus said you need to be more involved with the community. Come on forums a but more reply to some things or make your own posts. Hop on US during peacetime and just have some nice conversations with people and do some on RU. As ive said I have seen you recently so im not going to -1 but I have not had enough interactions to know what your personality is. Just work on it a little bit more if this gets denied. Other than that good luck!

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Try to open up to more of the community, you don't seem to be a well established member just yet. Interact with as many people as you can, have fun, and be yourself.

Wait at least 1 week before re-applying.

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