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WhiteBolt MRP Staff Application (Revised)


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(My last one was seriously terrible and hoping this is in better detail and honesty this time)
In-game name: WhiteBolt
SteamID (https://steamid.io/): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198831451073
Warns: 2
Timezone: EST
Playtime? [minimum 75 hours, use /playtime in-game]: 149:54:48
Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: YES
Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:YES
Referral(s): N/A
Past experiences as staff: N/A
How do you plan on benefiting our server?: I will benefit it by using strong ethic skills to determine the best way possible to handle a situation. I like to be a leader and show people that I'm a leader figure, so by possibly handling difficult situations staff tends to receive I can and will show people how much of a leader figure I will be. I hope to be an auspicious figure in both the non - staff community and the staff community. Though I have not yet been of a staff community on another server I hope to make the best of what I can, using my available resources to make GarnetGaming a healthier community. I've seen many rule breakers daily on the server and I want to put an end to that, to be honest it really gets annoying and helping with that parasite of a situation is what I do best. 
I'm extremely active on TeamSpeak and Discord (more so discord), I like to help with the FAQ channel on discord I go on there as much as possible to answer any question for the server. I'm pretty active during war updating people on situations and helping with any disfunctions that anybody is having an issue (mostly the PVT'S or PFC'S).  Even as a RFR I enjoy recruiting the recruits and helping them with any questions they have and being able to do that for the server in a whole would be a great admiration. Lastly I want to point out that I will truly try my best to take care of the servers needs and wants, if I were to get that Leader figure role I will do my best of my power, and be responsible with every situation I get with being a staff member.
Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? I accidently shot a car and someone called staff on me and I was jailed for 
5 minutes
Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: 1 but I realized how sloppy it was and I deserved every criticism I got from it 
How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: At least 6 Hours a day the minimum is 2 hours excluding afk time.

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Applications should be serious and not a joke they shouldn’t be sent around as a joke or a meme, this lets us know wether you are worthy of the duty’s and responsibility of being a staff member but as of right now it doesn’t seem like you are ready so a -1 from me 

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You advertised your staff application in OOC. You also seem to have a false perception that you need to have connections with higher up staff to get accepted. This definitely does increase your chances of being accepted as I am more willing to trust you, thus accept you, but that is not the only way. The community's trust in you is another key factor, that you can focus as well. You can do this by interacting with community members, building a positive reputation for yourself, and taking positions that involve you needing to be responsible, like an Officer position in a base faction.

Wait at least two weeks before you reapply this time.

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