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Car HP Buff


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Description: Currently vehicles have low HP, It takes about 17 shots from a 20 damage SMG. Currently, Cars are almost useless besides getting your first amount of people to an OBJ as a war starts. You have no time to return the car because it's so far away, and if it brokes it takes half an hour to respawn. Cars are so underpowered and get shot at by your own teammates sometimes. Removing the ability to basically one shot the driver from any spot on the car should be removed too, and quadrupling the health would work.

Reasoning: Balance cars, and make cars more reliable and useful. 


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Edited by Linus
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+1 I completely agree. Currently the cars are just a one time use during wars. I believe if this was passed then the cars could be used more often during wars and lead to very intense fights. 

Another great option would be to implement back the quad and keep the spawn rate to a 15 min cool down. Although the server may not be able to handle that. 

Edited by Ting
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27 minutes ago, Hashem said:

+1 This makes sense 100 percent, an armored car doesn't just break down and explode when a  couple bullets hit it.

Don't go the realism route m8. It's a video game, keep it to "it isn't fun" or "it is unbalanced". A lot of things in this game aren't realistic. If it were real close to real life, it would be a simulation, not a game.

I think this suggestion makes sense since in the past, when this HP fit, vehicles could be spawned in over and over. Now that it's only once a war, the vehicles should have more health to sustain more damage. Also, there is a feature or bug of the vehicle mod that applies all damage the vehicle takes to the driver as well, even if the driver is not shot (for example, if the rear of the vehicle was shot with the driver way out of the line of fire). This makes vehicles extremely easy to take out with one sniper shot killing the driver, and heavily damaging the vehicle.

I think we should be specific with what you want done, like how much HP should it have, or how many bullets should it be able to take so Garnet can do less guess work if this was accepted. I would think that quadrupling the HP of the vehicles and getting rid of the ability for any damage the vehicle takes to apply to the driver as well would suffice. I don't play MRP anymore though, so you guys would have to test this out, see if that's what you want.


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I don't think the health needs upped by 4x. I think doubling it would do the trick alongside removing the ability to damage the driver. The driver no longer has to worry about getting one-shot when leaving base by someone who is sniping and can focus on driving away from people who are firing at them. Gives people the chance to retreat, potentially to repair their car or go a different path to deliver their forces to an objective, rather than having the vehicle roll to a halt without a driver, which happens quickly, and being able to be destroyed by the sniper's second shot.

Whatever the decision, I +1 this suggestion and hope that vehicles get changed to have more usefulness in their lifespan because they really aren't that great at the moment.

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4 hours ago, Ethan said:

Don't go the realism route m8. It's a video game, keep it to "it isn't fun" or "it is unbalanced". A lot of things in this game aren't realistic. If it were real close to real life, it would be a simulation, not a game.

I think this suggestion makes sense since in the past, when this HP fit, vehicles could be spawned in over and over. Now that it's only once a war, the vehicles should have more health to sustain more damage. Also, there is a feature or bug of the vehicle mod that applies all damage the vehicle takes to the driver as well, even if the driver is not shot (for example, if the rear of the vehicle was shot with the driver way out of the line of fire). This makes vehicles extremely easy to take out with one sniper shot killing the driver, and heavily damaging the vehicle.

I think we should be specific with what you want done, like how much HP should it have, or how many bullets should it be able to take so Garnet can do less guess work if this was accepted. I would think that quadrupling the HP of the vehicles and getting rid of the ability for any damage the vehicle takes to apply to the driver as well would suffice. I don't play MRP anymore though, so you guys would have to test this out, see if that's what you want.


Perhaps adding a wrench or other repair tool to the class that can spawn them in would be good too. Along with HP buffs(4-6x).

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11 hours ago, Sledge said:

Perhaps adding a wrench or other repair tool to the class that can spawn them in would be good too. Along with HP buffs(4-6x).

Yeah I remember before on the server the support classes used to spawn in with a wrench to repair vehicles. So the item is in the game, it shouldn't be too difficult to implement.

Edited by Hashim
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