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Staff Application (Again)


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Reading through everyone opinions and how Chase has responded to those opinions I feel proves at least some change in him.
I haven't been on the best of terms with Chase since his mess up I wont deny, he did mess up big time but he was a good staff member before hand and he was really loved by most of the community.  I knew chase before his mess ups and I can say he did his job well.
He has made noticeable efforts in trying to patch up old problems with people and I think that shows he already has a better attitude then before, even if he does come of cocky n what not to other people. 
I don't think a second chance would be a bad idea, and hey if he starts pulling the same shit its not like we cant just get rid of him again.

Its a +1 from me don't make me regret it Chase or I will deck u.

  • Haha 1
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On 11/10/2019 at 3:34 PM, Stinkie said:

I am voting no on this app and here are some bullet points why:

  • You start app of mentioning how you have a troubled past, but never once apologize
  • Your basic premise of the app is "Hey, it's me, you can set me back now."  
  • I have been around you on TS and you seem very toxic and everyone I've talked about you with has said similar things
  • You mention "the past" several times and say you "don't dwell on it" just because you are ready to pretend whatever happened didn't happen doesn't mean others are (full disclosure I have no idea what it is because it's never mentioned, but I don't appreciate that type of attitude towards any situation)
  • Lastly, the app is just not that well put together

I have no problem at all; of course, welcoming you back to the community, but you have not proven yourself to be "staff worthy" in my eyes, maybe later down the road. Overall -1


  • We don't need toxic staff members
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11 hours ago, SugarMyNuggets said:

Its a +1 from me don't make me regret it Chase or I will deck u.

Is that a threat, on the forums?!?!!!!!! Oml 

I'm sorry had to do it please carry on.

Edited by Zach-DLC
  • Cringe 1
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1 hour ago, IronFetus33 said:

Final update: 

Chase has proved to me he can be mature where it counts. I think he's learned from his mistakes in his last staff experience. +1

Thank you, that really means a lot to me.

Edited by garnetgamer
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11 hours ago, SugarMyNuggets said:

Reading through everyone opinions and how Chase has responded to those opinions I feel proves at least some change in him.
I haven't been on the best of terms with Chase since his mess up I wont deny, he did mess up big time but he was a good staff member before hand and he was really loved by most of the community.  I knew chase before his mess ups and I can say he did his job well.
He has made noticeable efforts in trying to patch up old problems with people and I think that shows he already has a better attitude then before, even if he does come of cocky n what not to other people. 
I don't think a second chance would be a bad idea, and hey if he starts pulling the same shit its not like we cant just get rid of him again.

Its a +1 from me don't make me regret it Chase or I will deck u.

Much appreciated!

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On 11/10/2019 at 6:34 PM, Stinkie said:

I am voting no on this app and here are some bullet points why:

  • You start app of mentioning how you have a troubled past, but never once apologize
  • Your basic premise of the app is "Hey, it's me, you can set me back now."  
  • I have been around you on TS and you seem very toxic and everyone I've talked about you with has said similar things
  • You mention "the past" several times and say you "don't dwell on it" just because you are ready to pretend whatever happened didn't happen doesn't mean others are (full disclosure I have no idea what it is because it's never mentioned, but I don't appreciate that type of attitude towards any situation)
  • Lastly, the app is just not that well put together

I have no problem at all; of course, welcoming you back to the community, but you have not proven yourself to be "staff worthy" in my eyes, maybe later down the road. Overall -1


Edit: You've shown real maturity on the forums lately and I haven't had any issues with you in game, I am willing to give you a shot +1

I really appreciate this feedback. Peace man.

Edited by garnetgamer
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