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Sheeno's Ban Appeal


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2 minutes ago, Yuki said:

Hey man I just would like to say that I’m sorry for asking the question I did not know that would happen to me and you so I deeply apologize I did not think we would get banned

you gucci pops. ain't nobody expect that level of wack

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48 minutes ago, AwesomeAidan said:


You saw the person before you get banned for advertisement yet still decided too mention the server name. Advertisement is advertisement.

@Gildarts Lock and Move

This honestly is the stupidest thing I've seen its like someone asking hey whats Fucking 2B2 and you respond then getting banned soooo ngl retarded more than ever before. It wasn't even advertising it was just saying it WAS a server not suggesting people should go join it instead



Edited by ScoutScouter
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2 minutes ago, ScoutScouter said:

This honestly is the stupidest thing I've seen its like someone asking hey whats Fucking 2B2 and you respond then getting banned soooo ngl retarded more than ever before


How does dissing change anything? You could've said something like "Can it at least be reduced?" Getting heated doesn't go anywhere

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I think it really says something when I can't find a single - 1 and it's still denied... I +1 this with all of me and highly wish people like adian listen to the community and notice not a single - 1 is around beside really the ones in my posts

Edited by Eggdog
So people don't go I saw one when I clicked - 1
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3 minutes ago, Eggdog said:

I think it really says something when I can't find a single -1 and it's still denied... I +1 this with all of me and highly wish people like adian listen to the community and notice not a single -1 is around beside really the ones in my posts

Here's an idea: how about a 2 week-1 month ban instead of perma. That's how we do it on DRP if it's their first time.

Edit: That's if they appeal and the appeal gets accepted 

Edited by Stinkie2
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1 minute ago, Eggdog said:

I think it really says something when I can't find a single -1 and it's still denied... I +1 this with all of me and highly wish people like adian listen to the community and notice not a single -1 is around beside really the ones in my posts

+1s and -1s provide nothing unless they come along with a valid response or reason. Most of the responses on this provide nothing to the appeal other than an opinion. 

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10 minutes ago, AwesomeAidan said:

+1s and -1s provide nothing unless they come along with a valid response or reason. Most of the responses on this provide nothing to the appeal other than an opinion. 

Which people did. Doing it without not knowing how many seconds that pass it could've been 6 or .359, people take 1/4 of a second to respond to something and that is increased with lag of server and chat. Just like our opinions don't matter, yours will but will be hated. Also, most people bring up valid points. You should really read them before choosing. It's like Viva getting accused of hacking everyone thought it was dumb as hell and Gotham baby raged he gets killed. Point is he didn't get banned because peoples outcries of it were stupid and you should know because you were one of the main people doing it

Edited by Eggdog
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6 minutes ago, AwesomeAidan said:

+1s and -1s provide nothing unless they come along with a valid response or reason. Most of the responses on this provide nothing to the appeal other than an opinion. 

So, the screenshots showing me answering his question. And i should mention, i didn't even notice he was banned until you mentioned it here. Aren't enough proof that i wasn't advertising? I just don't agree with that.

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