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Don's Staff Application


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In-game name:  Don

Age: 24

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:48119736

Warns: Zero

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5:00)

Playtime:  2GA RFR POS MP5A5 Meta has played for 371:51:06.

Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: Yes

Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes

Referral(s): What administrator recommended you to apply?: N/A

Past experiences as staff: I have several thousand hours of community, twitch chat, and discord moderation experience. I have been moderating for a twitch streamer that averages several hundred viewers for the past four years, as well as her discord, which currently has around four thousand people in it. In addition, I moderate several smaller discords. Proof is available on request.

How do you plan on benefiting our server?:   

   First, let's talk about from a gameplay/player perspective. Despite having sub 400 hours on the server, I've made an effort to communicate with all the base factions and as many SOC factions as I could. After playing in Army for most of those 400 hours, I decided I need a change of pace, and joined 2GA, with the ultimate goal of joining a SOF faction on RU. 

   In my experience, players prefer a staff member they can interact with and get to know, versus one that only hops on an hour a night to get their sits in. I hope to be active to the point I can interact with the community both as a player and as staff, inspiring the player base to behave properly thereby reducing the amount of moderation needed, allowing other staff members to do the same, ultimately resulting in a healthier community. However, there will always be minges/trolls/RDMers and players that will need to handled appropriately.

   To that end,  I like to use the analogy of a iron hand in a soft glove. You treat the players that were reported with fairness, but if needed, the glove comes off.  I'm assuming there are staff guidelines for punishments such as a two week ban for MassRDM, which is great, but I've noticed that some members, both players and staff, use those guidelines a bit too literally without using common sense.

   For example, a new player who doesn't have a grasp of how the server works comes on, gets trained and is given his gun. Upon arriving to his first DB, the opposing faction raids. The player gets killed repeatedly. A few minutes later the raid ends, but several members of the opposing faction come up to his base. He kills them, remembering the raid. He's then reported and slapped with a two week ban for MassRDM, when a verbal warning probably would have done the trick. I'm using this example because I was the player who reported him, I mentioned that  a verbal warning would be enough, as the new player didn't know what was going on.  He was banned anyway. Since then, I've been wary of reporting people who are new at the game, which is not how it should be. 

   However, a player that's been playing the game for a while that throws a grenade in DB for example should not be given the same warning. He's played long enough to know the rules and should not be given an exception due to favoritism. That's not common sense and good judgment, that's bias, which should be avoided.

   In conclusion, I hope to contribute my common sense,, leadership skills,, and experience in order to make the community healthier, while having a closer connection between players and staff.

Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP?: I have not.

Have you made any previous applications: I have not.

How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Two to four hours on weekdays, generally in the afternoon/evening. Anywhere from four to eight hours on weekends.

Thanks for reading.

Edited by Praetor_Don
Updating IGN to conform with what I have it set to now.
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You have shown us what is looked for in staff members in the application.  You have given us examples of applied judgment. 
You given us a reasonable example as to how you would benefit the server on the staff team.  


I have seen you on frequently, so you are active.  I have had good interactions with you, even during war. 
It seems you really took the time to craft these sentences in your paragraphs, and that shows that you are taking this seriously.
I see no issue in you being a staff member.


Edited by Timid
typo #2
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  • StarWarsRP Administration Team

+1. Personally don't know you that well but your application is well detailed, and written well. I have only seen good from you in-game aswell, mature, leadership etc.

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You are really active and all the time I’ve known you I’ve never seen you cause problems, although I would have liked a time to talked to you or anything because I’ve never personally had a conversation with you I still think you’d be a great addition to the staff team +1

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