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Sniping Overhaul


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Hey guys, old hermit here again with another banger track. I’ll start this with a little TL;DR for Garnet since he hates textwalls. 

TL;DR: Modify the aim spread of snipers while standing just enough to make them risky to use at best, unreliable at worst, in order to further push the meta away from whatever it is right now. Very, very slight change.

Now let’s get into why this is probably a good idea. I’d like to start by saying hats off to Garnet and most of the community considering how far we’ve come since the olden days of csdesert and the absolute sniper hell that was. I’m actually very happy to see how much actual combat is being employed thanks to efforts with the map and balancing, but when you get outside of these designated CQC areas, it’s the same old story. People still rely heavily on the snipers of the server. It’s something that I can understand. It’s a large, and sometimes very open, map, and rifles at those ranges just don’t cut it, I get that. The problem I have is with how combat goes from there. It usually just ends with two dudes throwing shots at each other while flopping about like a fish out of water trying not to get their brains splattered while they rack another bullet. It’s kinda silly, and promotes a who-can-have-the-better-reaction-time type approach to long range combat of all things, which is pretty silly.

The solution lies in changing the fundamental way in which snipers work, by adding a function that increases the aim spread based on the firing position. As it stands, based on experience, the aim spread no matter what you’re doing is almost negligible, and for a sniper, it makes sense. However adding a very, very miniscule element of uncertainty to snipers in general and making them slightly unreliable, thus forcing them to take a step out of the meta, is a good thing for the pacing of combat in general, and will accomplish a few things for the server

1. Changing the way snipers approach combat, forcing them to stay hidden and search for a good vantage point in order to have the environment needed to make an accurate shot.

2. Eliminating one more element of CoD style combat, and giving it a push towards Battlefield in terms of actual gameplay and pacing.

3. Open up a door for changes to the mid-range weapons of the server to compensate for this loss, making every unit more effective, instead of having people with snipers being the dominant force.

As far as accomplishing this goes, it’s been awhile since I’ve tampered with CW, so I won’t make any bold claims, however I don’t see any problems in implementing this from my perspective. Any small change in the aim spread of a sniper (assuming it’s done like a cone) should have a massive effect at range, so barrel stuffing someone is still an option, but not likely. 

I also understand that, from the nature of the server, a lot of you may prefer this style of gameplay because you yourself own an Orsis or similar and are very good at sniping in this manner. To that I say, please think before you post.

shimpus bimpus

Edited by shrimpus
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38 minutes ago, shrimp said:


As someone who definitely favors CQC and melee combat, I think on this map, sniping is in an OK spot.  The last map was sniper hell though.


There are different flank routes you can take to the various OBJ's that minimize your LOS with an enemy sniper. There's also plenty of cover to block/obstruct the view of a sniper. It's not particularly difficult to close the gap/get to cover if you're movement is adequate. Yes, I do own an Orsis, but generally only get kills with it when actively looking for other snipers, as it's definitely not my best ability.


As a final note, what are your thoughts on headglitching?


EDIT: As far as moving when using a sniper, I think it's fine where it is right now.


I'll add more info when I have time.

Edited by Praetor_Don
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12 minutes ago, Praetor_Don said:

As a final note, what are your thoughts on headglitching?

I really can't say for certain what I think about headglitching right now, mainly because I haven't been very active, but I do think that it's come pretty far since the gentle slopes of csdesert and finely tuned headglitching. The current has such a good terrain mapping, that even I have a hard time picking out spots to be completely concealed, let alone headglitch outside of a few things like Embassy trenches, which you really should be able to headglitch. As it stands, I don't see it as nearly as much of a problem as it used to be, if a problem at all.

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  • The Garnut
34 minutes ago, Praetor_Don said:

EDIT: As far as moving when using a sniper, I think it's fine where it is right now.

I'd have to agree with this one, Shrimp has alot of great ideas, but this thread just comes off like it was written by somebody who hasn't visited our MRP server in a year.

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1 minute ago, Garnet said:

nevermind, makes sense.

Yeah, was just about to say. AE and all that keeps me busy lately so my perspective is a bit limited, but from the sample data I do have, this is how I feel. If it's wrong, it's wrong, but it's still an idea I wanted to put out there. 


Also, fuck SpaceX

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This might not be the place for me to ask this but what if you could code it so that whenever you are in third person and scoped in, it would only move to first with snipers?

idk, just this post made me think about it, but I don’t really understand this suggestion, is it that you can’t really be dead accurate with a sniper at close range so people can’t use the Orisis iron sights instead of any weapon made for combat within 2 meters or is this to slow down the pace of combat sniper-wise?

Sounds interesting but I’ll need it in more of layman terms so I can understand it

EDIT: NVM I’m a retard and am just tired so +1 forget what I said earlier

Edited by Captainswag
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4 minutes ago, AuroraGG said:

sniper game play and feel like taking away the usefulness of such weapons would make combat less fun

So I'll try to get some videos of the type of sniper gameplay I'm trying to point out and eliminate versus the type of sniping I want to promote. Moral of the story, I want to take away the bad part and emphasize the good. More to come.

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  • The Garnut
21 minutes ago, shrimp said:

So I'll try to get some videos of the type of sniper gameplay I'm trying to point out and eliminate versus the type of sniping I want to promote. Moral of the story, I want to take away the bad part and emphasize the good. More to come.

would suggest you repost this, better yet, play on the server before making suggestions based on meta analysis cross studies from people on TS/Discord

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