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Staff Application


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In-game name: Cream Chuz
Age: 14
SteamID (https://steamid.io/): 
Warns: 0 at the moment
Timezone: Eastern Time
Playtime?: 249:17:30 Hours On Garnet Gaming
Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes
Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes
    Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] None i just know alot of admins 
    Past experiences as staff: [Optional] ive been staff on 1 other server i was a good admin
    Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] In the past i was a rdm'er but then i started playing garnet gaming a lot and i started to like it. so then i started spending money on the server and ive been a very dedicated player for almost 2 years i think.
    Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: yes ive been banned multiple times when i was a rdm'er and stuff like that but i changed and im a good dedicated garnet player.
    Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: No i have not
    How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: over 1 month
    If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? I play a lot of sports and hang out with friends a lot and play other pc/xbox games
Did you read the staff rules?: Cream Chuz

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23 minutes ago, cream cheese said:

 Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: yes ive been banned multiple times when i was a rdm'er and stuff like that but i changed and im a good dedicated garnet player.

Date Player Admin Length Reason Unban
2019-12-28 - 21:56:23 KingOfCock3000(STEAM_0:0:62186360) spilq(STEAM_0:0:513931803) 08-00:00 accidental mass rdm  
2019-11-10 - 13:52:12 KingOfCock3000(STEAM_0:0:62186360) ATK | Proggy(STEAM_0:0:66620478) 07-00:00 NITRP LTAP




i just banned him minutes ago for mass rdm but gave him a lighter punishment for it and hes been banned before for nitrp?


Edited by Spilq2
nice name btw
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4 minutes ago, spilq said:
Date Player Admin Length Reason Unban
2019-12-28 - 21:56:23 KingOfCock3000(STEAM_0:0:62186360) spilq(STEAM_0:0:513931803) 08-00:00 accidental mass rdm  
2019-11-10 - 13:52:12 KingOfCock3000(STEAM_0:0:62186360) ATK | Proggy(STEAM_0:0:66620478) 07-00:00 NITRP LTAP




i just banned him minutes ago for mass rdm but gave him a lighter punishment for it and hes been banned before for nitrp?



Not even a paragraph long, very little effort, after the ban wipe he's already accumulated 2 bans.

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-1 Need 2 Paragraphs, not sentences. Provide your steam ID too. 

2 minutes ago, spilq said:
Date Player Admin Length Reason Unban
2019-12-28 - 21:56:23 KingOfCock3000(STEAM_0:0:62186360) spilq(STEAM_0:0:513931803) 08-00:00 accidental mass rdm  
2019-11-10 - 13:52:12 KingOfCock3000(STEAM_0:0:62186360) ATK | Proggy(STEAM_0:0:66620478) 07-00:00 NITRP LTAP



Yeah this is probably gonna get auto-denied if you're currently serving a ban.

I don't recall what I banned them for because that was well over a month ago, and I cant be bothered to go wading through my evidence archives to check.



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4 hours ago, Katkot said:


With your previous bans and the fact that you are lacking to even put in two paragraphs aswell as provide your steamid? Yea it's gonna be a no from me chief.

Explained what my answer would be quite well.

If you really can't follow simple directions as to provide a SteamID then how do we expect you to get other players' SteamIDs? Also if you're getting banned 2 times right after ban wipe then you can't follow simple rules. -1

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