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[MRP] Additional Gamemodes


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What’s good y’all? I got a few game mode suggestions that could potentially replace S&D/TDM, or be an additional voting option alongside them. 

Fair warning, more for Garnet: I know close to nothing about about coding this type of shit, BUT, I would love to see this added and it could spice up the typical Objective wars all the time. So again, apologies if I suggest something that’s literally not possible. 

Gamemode 1 : HARDPOINT


This is exactly how it sounds if you’ve played a shooter FPS game with this gamemode. Anyways, there’s typically 30 minutes in a war.
This game mode’s premise would revolve around attacking and holding a single objective, that would switch after ten minutes. Everyone loves single objective wars for the most part, so this is that, but on a much larger scale and the objective switches. Team who held the objectives the longest across the board, wins. 

Ex. When war begins, the Hardpoint is EMB. Both sides fight for control and gain points when more of one nation is on it. After ten minutes, the Hardpoint switches to WH. The same thing follows for ten minutes, until it switches to TC/Vil. At the end of the war, the team with the most points wins, of course. 

Gamemode 2 : SABOTAGE


This Gamemode is similar to S&D, but it’s opened up for all objectives. Basically, there would be three objectives to destroy, one for each current area. (EMB, WH, TC). Randomly picked, one side is set to defend said objectives while the other attacks. X number of bomb carries are determined and have the objective of destroying a cache of some sort on each. If at least two are destroyed on any objectives, the attacking side wins. 

From what I remember, S&D ended very quickly due to the bomb detonating and ending the war in a matter of minutes. I’m unsure as to if this has been fixed or not, but if not, then I’m sure this could be a great replacement for S&D. 

I understand a lot of developments are coming to MRP soon, and this is likely very low priority. I understand there is an event server coming with gamemasters and such and these could be set up there, but that isn’t the point of this. While events aren’t happening, I could see a lot of players getting enjoyment out of trying these new gamemodes. 

Let me know what you guys think and if any of this you could see happening.   

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  • The Garnut
23 minutes ago, Bishopil said:


I understand a lot of developments are coming to MRP soon, and this is likely very low priority. I understand there is an event server coming with gamemasters and such and these could be set up there, but that isn’t the point of this. While events aren’t happening, I could see a lot of players getting enjoyment out of trying these new gamemodes. 

Not so much that this is a "low priority" as I would love this implemented quickly, unfortunately, since Bizzy (our old developer) revised my own war system into his own contraption, myself and other developers have not been able to build upon it. This would require I really spend some time seeking out a developer that might be able to re-write the entire thing, or work with the existing system (harder than you'd imagine).

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3 minutes ago, Garnet said:

Not so much that this is a "low priority" as I would love this implemented quickly, unfortunately, since Bizzy (our old developer) revised my own war system into his own contraption, myself and other developers have not been able to build upon it. This would require I really spend some time seeking out a developer that might be able to re-write the entire thing, or work with the existing system (harder than you'd imagine).

It skipped my mind that this was Bizzy’s system. Completely forgot he made the war system, but I see what you’re saying. Pretty much delays the chance of this happening for a while, but I hope when you either find a new Dev or attempt to expand on the current setup, that these game modes could come into effect. Thanks for the feedback

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