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Working Chairs


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Description: The vehicle "Wooden Chair" is an entity that you would be able to buy as any type of shop owner (bartender, export/import gun dealer, drug dealer, hotel manager, banker, etc).

Reasoning: Shops where the owner would sit behind the counter and sell you an item from a beer to a gun should have a seat where they can sit and talk to each customer. Bartenders could use this working chair to place around table props so that their customers can sit down and have a nice RP experience. The chair should cost anywhere between $10-$50.

Additional Information: This is basically a screenshot I made for what it looks like even though many of you could imagine it anyway. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2001415487  The chair should cost anywhere between $10-$50.


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2 minutes ago, StevieT said:

+1 Seems like a fun RP item. The only issue is that someone can sit in the chair then push them through bases to look inside.


That would probably fall under cops using 3rd person to see inside someone's base which is against the rules so they couldn't use that advantage anyway.

Edited by ShadowKing
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1 hour ago, StevieT said:

+1 Seems like a fun RP item. The only issue is that someone can sit in the chair then push them through bases to look inside.

This depends on how they're made. Assuming made properly, this would easily be prevented.

+1 From me though, solid idea. These chairs just bring a little more RP and realism into the mix.

One of the only exploitable ways to use the chair, would be spawning it next to a base/in their door and then sitting in it to see in. However for physgunning someone in just have it so when it is moved, the person sitting in the chair is kicked off.

Instead of the player spawning them in, could make it more of a map prop. Add it to certain areas wherever that be. Would prevent exploits, except the ones where you become invulnerable. 

Edited by Vaelex
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-1. Easily exploitable. If even 2 people decide to take a chair and push it through a wall in a base, that player's base could be destroyed. And honestly, there is no point in having chairs, sure they're good for RP, but they also destabilize the game. I would +1 if there was a way limit physgun control on chairs (I know there is, just don't know if it's possible on the server) but even then, someone could find a way to exploit it.

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Chairs can also be used to grant the user invincibility and lack of collision, thus creating a way for people to avoid RP situations easily and ruining certain circumstances. Another use of a chair could be to glitch through props and hide/gain access to an area that nobody else can (Even in opponent's bases) and losing every point of building defense. -1

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If it was developed correctly, which would be a hassle in it self; it would still face many issues highlighted about by some of the fellow users who have commented on this.  For example, sitting down on a prop is an function in the engine that would remove your collision, and bypassing that would probably be very difficult on garnet/developers. Also, people could find ways to access chairs in unfit RP places, therefore making them invincible. An example of that would be the black props between the tunnels in suburbs, if one was to get out there, it would be easy money with no chance of being interrupted.


All in all, I understand the point you are trying to make, that it is good for RP situations, but in the end it would backfire on itself.


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14 hours ago, TheDudeAbidesV2 said:

If it was say possible to restrict it to specific props, and said prop can't be moved while someones on it could be nice.

100% possible, though still I can send you a video of this being abused as well if you want.

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